"Gu lanyue, stand up! We can't


Lin Fei refused mercilessly!

Even if Gu lanyue looks like one in a thousand miles, even if he is willing to give his heart to Lin Fei, Lin Fei still refuses mercilessly.

The smile on Gu lanyue's face froze there, as if he was shocked.

Also shocked by the people in the box, Zhang Qi kneels in front of Gu lanyue and is directly ignored by her, even without a word.

Gu lanyue kneels down in front of Lin Fei and sincerely asks for love, but Lin Fei refuses.

By contrast, stand tall and stand tall!

The man in the room looked at Lin Fei and was shocked for the first time.

If they were Lin Fei, how could they give up such a rare opportunity?

Looking at Lin Fei, the woman beside her felt strange for the first time.

Wang Mengyao, in particular, suddenly feels that Lin Fei has become very mysterious.

However, what shocked all of them was Gu lanyue's reaction -

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry that I acted too impulsively today. I sincerely apologize to you and hope you can forgive me!"

Gu lanyue was rejected and didn't get angry -

but apologized to Lin Fei!

Lin Fei can't help but frown. Last night, Gu lanyue finally turned over Cao Ming, but he didn't have the slightest demeanor, but he gave the most ruthless interpretation to the bitches. Today -


Because of the money!

Think of money, think of Wang Mengyao also because of money left himself, Lin Fei heart secretly sigh.

In contrast, Mu Xinxuan is much simpler!

Lin Fei likes Mu Xinxuan more.

Gu lanyue was very decisive. She still kept a sweet smile on her face and stood up. "Mr. Lin, excuse me. I'll go first. This is my business card."

Gu lanyue finished, put a business card on the table in front of Lin Fei, looked at Lin Fei affectionately again, and slowly turned around.

When she turned around and looked at Zhang Qi and others behind her, there was no smile on her face, but more arrogance!


Gu lanyue threw the flowers and diamond rings in his hand directly on Zhang Qi's face and said with disdain: "toads want to eat swan meat, but they don't want to see what they are!"

"The son of the vice chairman of meizishuang group, even the son of the chairman, will not be in my eyes."

"Propose to me with flowers and diamond rings from other women. I'm shameless. I'm a flower heart!"

Then he turned and looked at Wang Mengyao.

"Follow the prince to pursue the scum man, stupid woman! You deserve to be fooled by men

With that, Gu lanyue didn't give them a chance to refute and turned to walk out.

At the moment, she is back to her previous bitterness, and no longer has the kind of weakness and affection that knelt in front of Lin Fei just now.

When the door slammed, Zhang Qicai woke up from the shock.

He turned to look at the direction of Gu lanyue's disappearance, threw the flowers back on the ground and scolded angrily: "bitch! Bitch

The roar of anger reverberated in the room, and no one came forward to persuade him. Lin Fei took the bottle and drank it slowly. Now the only regret is that there is no popcorn -

otherwise, the movie will be more sour.

Zhu Yan and Xu Hao finally summoned up their courage and went to Zhang Qi. "Zhang Shao, calm down!"

Zhang Qi's anger is almost the same, and he is just looking for a step down. Hearing Zhu Yan and Xu Hao's words, he suppresses his anger and sets his eyes on Lin Fei, who has a relaxed face.

It's just a glance. It's burning with anger again.

Zhang Qi's every move falls in Zhu Yan's eyes. He looks at Lin Fei and sneers: "Yo, Lin Fei, are you rich? Otherwise, how could a star propose to you? Isn't it like having a rich father, mother or grandfather? "

"I think it may be that she was taken care of by a rich woman or sold her ass. didn't Gu lanyue just say the back door was for Lin Fei? It must be that they are all experienced. " Xu Hao said with a laugh.

Lin Fei immediately frowned: "Zhu Yan, Xu Hao, you put your mouth clean for me!"

"Shit! You dare to talk back! Do you want to die? "

Zhu Yan pats the table, a pair of very uncomfortable, want to start to hit Lin Fei all appearance.

In Zhu Yan's eyes, Lin Fei, a soft persimmon, has to be obedient and let him handle it. If he dares to resist, that is to seek death!

"Zhu Yan, if you dare to touch me today, I can guarantee that I will make you die ugly! Lin Fei's eyes are slightly squinting at Zhu Yan.

Before Zhu Yan's behavior, already let Lin Fei in the heart some exasperation, he comes to touch moldy head again now.

Lin Fei did not dare to offend Zhu Yan.

But now, Lin Fei, not to mention his own military value, is the current value. It's a matter of every minute to clean up Zhu Yan.

Really irritated Lin Fei, the consequence is absolutely that he wishes inflammation to bear!"It's hard for me to die? Just you? Ha ha, I want to see. After I beat you, you are a poor boy with no money and no power. How can you make me die so ugly! " Zhu Yan rolled his sleeve directly.

Ma Xiaotian quickly stood in front of Lin Fei and said to Zhu Yan with a sneer:

"Zhu Yan, if you really dare to move Lin Fei, don't blame me for being rude today."

"What? Want to fight? get the hell out of here! Or we'll fight with you! " Angry Xu Hao saw Ma Xiaotian stand up, also stand up, a palm push away Ma Xiaotian.

"Stop it

Just at this time, a sound of Jiao's cheering rang out.

Lin Fei saw that it was monitor Han Bing.

Han Bing looks beautiful, her skin is full of luster, full of elasticity, long black hair shawl, with a height of about 1.65 meters, and a long yellow skirt. She looks very quiet and gentle. She is far better than Wang Mengyao.

"Zhu Yan, today is the last dinner for the students. Can you make it go on?

Han Bing's appearance surprised Lin Fei.

Although Han Bing is the monitor, they don't have any intersection, let alone communication. However, they didn't expect that she would help them, and they were immediately impressed.

"Han Da Mei, how can you help this boy? You have to find out, even if Gu lanyue proposed to him just now, what can he do? He's not worth your help. " Zhu Yan said with great disdain.

Han Bing bit his lip and glanced at Lin Fei.

"As a monitor, all my classmates are the same in my eyes. They will not be full of interests and disputes like you. For the last time, I don't want to see who bullies who? "

"Yes? Then I really bullied him. What can you do? " Zhu Yan did not have demeanor because Han Bing was a woman, on the contrary, he was more arrogant.

Words fall, Zhu Yan a punch to Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, be careful!" Ma Xiaotian cried out in a panic.

Han Bing's face changed greatly and her eyes were full of worry, but she couldn't stop it.

However, Lin Fei, facing Zhu Yan's fist and his classmates' eyes, was not nervous at all, and even showed a trace of disdain on his face.

Yes, it's the disdain for Zhu Yan.

The fist is getting closer and closer. At the moment when the fist is about to touch Lin Fei's face, Lin Fei's body moves to the side. His right hand picks up the chopsticks on the table and stabs Zhu Yan's shoulder.



There was a scream like killing a pig in the house.

Looking at the cry, Zhu Yan's facial features were deformed, his hands tightly covered his shoulders, and blood gushed out. Half of the chopsticks were exposed outside, which was bloody and terrifying.

The faces of the students present changed greatly.

Zhang Qi and Xu Hao were even more shocked!

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