"My God! Is Lin Fei crazy to be so cruel? "

"How dare he hurt Zhu Yan! Zhu Yan is a rich second generation. He has money and power in his family. Lin Fei is dead. "

"Lin Fei has become a stranger now, and even I think there is something wrong with his head."


In everyone's eyes, Lin Fei is a poor bully, an object anyone can bully.

Because of this, his girlfriend was robbed by Zhang Qi. She didn't dare to speak and fart.

Now, threatening the teacher and fighting Zhuyan completely overturned their impression of Lin Fei.

Zhu Yan himself did not expect that Lin Fei would dare to fight him.

"Zhu Yan, aren't you arrogant and arrogant? Come on! I'll let you know your grandfather Lin's domineering spirit today. " Lin Fei's blood was aroused.

"Lin Fei, fuck your mother! Xu Hao, all of you, go up and kill him. I'll be responsible for anything. "

Zhu yanbaoyan failed, failed in his defense, and was finally expelled. Now he is seriously injured by chopsticks. Lin Fei gave him everything, which makes him completely crazy.

"Kill him!" Xu Hao took the lead in shouting, and was about to rush up.

"Come on! Come on! Let me see who is not afraid of death? " Lin Fei picked up the chopsticks beside him, waved them and yelled.



Xu Hao and others swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked at each other and stopped.

Just now, Lin Fei's ruthlessness completely shocked them.

Soft is afraid of horizontal, horizontal is afraid of not fatal.

Although they are usually arrogant, they all claim to be social people, but they are students after all. And the relationship with Zhu Yan is not so good as not to die. Naturally, they all shrink back.

"Zhu Yan, I've lost a lot of blood. I'd better go to the hospital as soon as possible! Lin Fei can't run anyway. His body is very important. " Someone said.

"Yes! It's important to treat the disease. "

Xu Hao and others immediately open their mouth and go forward, help Zhu Yan to leave.

Although Zhu Yan is unwilling in the heart, but the pain of the shoulder, the bleeding wound, still let him have a fear. Nodding, "Lin Fei! Wait for me! I'll make you double that. "

Finish saying, Zhu Yan in Xu Hao and others help, leave in a mess.

Zhu Yan is full of anger, his head is full of the idea of revenge, he vowed, after dealing with the wound, must revenge Linfei, crazy, hard revenge Linfei.

"Slow down! No! I'll be waiting any time! " Lin Fei looks at the back of Zhu Yan and others and says with a arrogant sneer.

At the moment, the students in the box looked at Lin Fei with admiration and pity.

I admire Lin feizhen for daring to do it, and even feel very relieved. After all, Zhu Yan has bullied everyone and depressed everyone in his class by virtue of his academic performance and family power, but he has always dared to be angry.

Poor Lin Fei, because he offended Zhu Yan, is bound to be retaliated, which is not what a poor student can bear.

"Lin Fei, you were so cool just now that you completely shocked him." Ma Xiaotian is very excited.

But soon his face was worried.

"I'm afraid Zhu Yan won't finish it easily. He may retaliate at any time. You should be prepared."

"You want to get back at me? Any time. " Lin Fei's expression is light.

If it had been before, Lin Fei might have been afraid, but now he won't.

Men should be bloody, but also mature, and understand what they are carrying.

But now, Lin Fei is rich, just show your blood, don't worry about everything else, even kill him, Zhu Yan is no problem!

"Lin Fei, if he dares to retaliate, I will be in the same boat with you."

Although Ma Xiaotian is worried in his heart, he is also a man in the face of things. He is ready to advance and retreat with Lin Fei.

In the chaos and quarrel just now, Zhang Qi has left with Wang Mengyao and Zhu Yan.

Without their box, it was quiet, and everyone didn't compare with each other any more. On the contrary, they couldn't praise Lin Fei. After all, he gave Ma Xiaotian a million yuan house and tens of millions of venture capital.

The dinner party is going on in a harmonious atmosphere

In the hospital.

"Zhang Shao, we can't just let it go. I must take revenge on Lin Fei and let him disappear in Jiangnan City." Zhu Yan covered the wound and said angrily.

"Zhang Shao, you know a lot of people. You can help us with this. We can contribute." Xu Hao also echoed.

Zhang Qigang and Zhu Yan come out together, together with the hospital, his purpose is to wait for this sentence.

Today, Lin Fei first led to Jiang Yezhong's dismissal, but Wang Mengyao didn't pass the defense. Just now, he was in the box with Gu lanyue, which made him lose face. For such a person, Zhang Qi had long wanted to clean up.

To challenge one's dignity and dignity is unacceptable.Just, everything needs cost, need to bear risk, he is not willing to bear, is waiting for Zhu Yan and Xu Hao to come forward.

"This is Ma Ge's phone number of Qingfeng meeting. You can contact each other directly. The chairman of the company will meet with the interns tomorrow. I'll make arrangements. If you need me, please contact me at any time." Zhang Qi will Qingfeng meeting Ma Chao phone to Zhu Yan said.

Zhu Yan wanted to pull Zhang Qi together, but he didn't expect that Zhang Qi was an old fish. He cleverly pushed it off. Although he was not willing, he still managed to squeeze out a smile when he thought of Zhang Qi's identity and said: "Zhang Shao is busy with business, understand!"

"Take good care of yourself! I'll wait for your good news! " Zhang Qi finished, patted Zhu Yan on the other side of the shoulder without injury, and pulled Wang Mengyao away.

The moment the door closes, Zhu Yan raises his middle finger to the door.

"What a cunning Xu Hao laughed and scolded.

"It doesn't matter! Even without him, we will revenge Lin Fei. " Zhu Yan finished, picked up his cell phone and began to make a call

"Back to the company?" Wang Mengyao looks at Zhang Qi and asks.

Although Zhang Qi's behavior today has betrayed her, Wang Mengyao doesn't have the courage to leave because she wants to stay in meizishuang group and Zhang Qi's family is rich, so she always follows her, even tighter, for fear of losing Zhang Qi.

"Back to the villa!"

"Didn't you say that the chairman will see us interns tomorrow?"

"I don't have to arrange it. Someone has already arranged it."

Looking at Zhang Qi's proud expression, Wang Mengyao already knows the reason.

The backhand hugs Zhang Qi's arm tightly and says in a sweet voice: "husband, you are the smartest!"

Zhang Qi laughed and put his arm around Wang Mengyao with his backhand. "Go back and let me go through the back door. I'm all excited today!"

"I hate it

Two people are tired of leaving

In the box of Xinyuan Hotel.

Ma Xiaotian raised a glass of wine and said to the students in front of him, "Lin Fei is my best friend for Ma Xiaotian in the past four years. I'm very lucky to meet him and I'm grateful for his help today. In the future, Ma Xiaotian's life will be Lin Fei's

With that, Ma Xiaotian raised his glass and was about to go on.


The box door was suddenly kicked open, "who's Lin Fei? Stand up and come with us. "

Six people appeared at the door.

Ma Xiaotian put down his glass and went to meet six people

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