"Are you Lin Fei?" Asked one of the yellow hairs.

"I'm Lin Fei..."

"Come on! Come with us Huang Mao said, go up to hold Ma Xiaotian and leave.

"Stop!" Lin Fei suddenly stood up and gave a cold drink.

"Boy, where cool where to stay, should not act as a hero, when the bear no one laugh at you." Huang Mao warned.

"His name is Ma Xiaotian. I'm Lin Fei you're looking for." Lin Fei said while walking to Huang Mao.

Yellow hair is just a daze.

Although Ma Xiaotian has drunk a lot of wine, he is still sober. He sees that the other party has bad intentions, and even guesses that the other party may be Zhu Yan and others who invited Lin Fei to retaliate, so he wants to take Lin Fei's place. But he didn't expect Lin Fei to stand up, which makes him very worried. "I'm Lin Fei! He drank too much

Huang Mao was even more stupid. He turned his head and looked at the bald man who had been silent behind him. His eyes showed the color of asking for instructions.

"Take them all away!" Bareheaded impatiently waved his hand said.

"He drinks too much and talks nonsense. I'm the real Lin Fei." Words fall, stride forward, directly to Ma Xiaotian back to the students.

"Lin Fei!"

Han Bing suddenly stands up and shouts to Lin Fei.

Han Bing's cry awakens the other stunned students from the shock. They stand up one after another and crash, directly surrounding six people in the middle.

"Let go of Linfei!"

"Call the police now!"

"Call for hotel security!"


Since the appearance of six people, they know that these people are not ordinary people, and they are very nervous.

It's just that I've had a drink.

Wine makes people brave. It's very suitable for them.

The bald man's face turned gloomy and cold, and his eyes flashed with anger.

Huang Mao's men were ready to start at once.

"Keep drinking until I come back." Lin Fei opens his mouth and stops six people from doing it.

"Lin Fei, you can't go. They are not good people." Ma Xiaotian is a little anxious. Lin Fei treats him as a brother. Naturally, he will do everything for Lin Fei.

"You can rest assured, just drink well, and I'll be back soon." Lin Fei's calm and smile shocked everyone.

The bald man glanced at Lin Fei and two words flashed in his heart -

silly X!

However, I'm still happy that Lin Fei is willing to go. Otherwise, if there is a real conflict, it is likely that he will not be able to take people away, and he may not be able to take advantage of it. In case the police are really attracted, he will be in trouble.

"Let's go!" Lin Fei took the initiative to speak and walked out.

At dinner tonight, Lin Fei only wants to help Ma Xiaotian, a good brother, and at the same time wants to complete the investment of 100 times the profit. The former has realized, while the latter has not. He has some regrets in his heart.

He wanted to leave originally, but he didn't leave until he saw everyone's interest.

Since these people want to take themselves away, isn't that a good opportunity?

Also, he would like to know, revenge so fast, in the end is Zhu Yan or Zhang Qi?

Out of the gate of Xinyuan Hotel, a white business car came immediately.

"Boy, you go in for me!" As soon as the door opened, the bald man pushed Lin Fei into the car.

Lin Fei didn't resist, so he got on the bus directly. He was very obedient.

The car left the scene.

"Who are you?" Lin Fei's eyes swept around the people in the car and asked calmly.

"Oh! Good psychological quality! It's very calm! "

"You don't have to ask who we are. It's no use knowing."

"You have to be prepared. It's likely that you will be rejected, and of course, you may be beaten as a fool."

When the bald man finished, he burst out laughing, which made other people laugh as well.

Lin Fei's face changed -

the other side seems to be demanding hard enough!

Lin Fei gave a faint smile. "Zhang Qi or Zhu Yan?"

The other party appeared so timely, and then appeared in the hotel, in addition to two people, there will be no other people.

"So much nonsense! Don't guess! " The bald man is very alert. He pats the back of the chair and warns loudly.

"Say it and I'll pay double."

"Don't talk nonsense. We have professional ethics. We won't sell our owners."

"Five times!"

"How much? Five times? "

Huang Mao was the first to call out.

Not only him, but also Lin Fei.

It's obvious.

Lin Fei is very happy.

"Ten times! I want all the news. "

"Chao, Chao, ten, ten times!" Huang Mao almost called out."Shut up

The bald man scolded again. But this time it was Huang Mao.

The next moment, "you Do you really give ten times the price? That's ten million. "

Lin Fei nodded with a smile. "No problem!"

"Deal!" The bald man touched his head with his hand and said.

It turns out that it's not that you refuse to betray, it's because you didn't pay enough for it.

At the moment, they are faced with ten times the price. The professional ethics they have been saying just now are worthless.

Transfer, check in, three minutes.

"It's Zhu Yan." This time without waiting for Lin Fei to ask, the bald man explained himself.

"Zhu Yan?" Lin Fei's eyes narrowed, and there was a chill in his eyes.

"Is there any evidence?"


With that, the bald man took out his cell phone and opened a recording.

"Hello! Are you Mr. Ma Chaoma of Qingfeng society Zhu Yan is very polite voice from the recording.

"Who are you?" Ma Chao asked in a cold voice.

"My name is Zhu Yan. It's the contact information given by Zhang Qi and Zhang Shao."

"Oh! What can I do for you

"I want to ask brother Ma to help me clean up a man named Lin Fei. He is now in Box 9 of Xinyuan Hotel..."

Lin Fei finished listening to the recording with a sneer on his face.

"Send me the recording!"


Ma Chao has always been aloof to Zhu Yan on the phone. Now in the face of Lin Fei, the golden master, he immediately changes his face and acts like a grandson.

Money charm!

Lin Fei received the recording, bald man they also keep their promise, will Lin Fei put down the car.

After the black business car left.

"Zhang Qi and Zhu Yan, it seems that you are really looking for death!" Lin Fei's eyes were full of murders.

Lin Fei actually wants to deal with these people. It's very easy, but now he doesn't want to expose his strength. As long as money can solve things, he doesn't need violence. After all, using his head is more civilized than using his hands, don't you think?

Originally, Lin Fei didn't want to trouble Zhang Qi and Zhu Yan. In his opinion, these people are not in the class, but their behavior has violated his bottom line, so -

absolutely can't bear it!

Two people cleaning up at the same time?

Lin Fei's eyes suddenly brightened.

"System, how to use the stand in card?"

Lin Fei enters the divine consciousness and shouts.

"Master, as long as you click the avatar card to use it, another identical you will appear in front of you. After you inject your consciousness into his mind, he will do things according to your consciousness and have all your abilities. After completion, as long as your consciousness decides to merge into one, you will merge into the real you!"

"Good! That's it! "

Lin Fei yelled, and his face was full of joy.

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