Lin Fei enters the system and sees a golden card lying in the storage space.

He leaned his hand gently, and immediately a picture of the God of wealth throwing money all over the place appeared. Then a white light appeared in front of him, and a red light entered his mind.

The white light disappeared and a Lin Fei stood in front of him.

Rao is Lin Fei psychologically prepared to see the stand in Lin Fei, still can not help but some surprise.

There is a mirror between two people. Lin Fei is like looking in the mirror. Lin Fei is like Lin Fei in the mirror.

"My name is Lin Fei!" Lin Fei said to the stand in Lin Fei.

"My name is Lin Fei!" Double Lin Fei and Lin Fei have the same expression, the same voice and the same tone.

Lin Fei couldn't help wiping his face. This double is so similar!

Lin Fei himself did not speak any more, but put his consciousness into his brain to look for the red light, and then began to inject his consciousness into the red light.

A moment later, Lin Fei looked at the double and asked, "do you know what to do?"

"Take the recording to the police station to report the case, and tell the police that Zhu Yan and others bought the murderer to kidnap..."


"Start at once!"

Lin Fei patted the double and said.

"Let's go!" With that, the stand in turned to the side of the road and began to wave.

Lin Fei hides in the dark and looks at his stand in. He has the same independent thinking as himself. He can think and do things by himself, which makes him completely relax.

After the stand in left, Lin Fei went to the roadside, stopped the car and ran to the Aegean bay villa.

Aegean Bay Villa No. 7 is the villa of Zhang Qi's family. At the moment, Zhang Qi's family and bodyguards are at home.

However, at the moment, people are embarrassed.

Just an hour ago, Zhang Qi came back with Wang Mengyao.

After two people come in, say hello with parents, hurried upstairs.

Zhang Qi's father, Zhang Tianze, and Zhang Qi's stepmother, he Na, look at the two young people. They feel strange in their hearts. Wang Mengyao, in particular, is blushing.

However, as the past, two people seem to have guessed something, did not speak.

Zhang Qi's stepmother, he Na, just stares at Zhang Tianze, with a touch of deep meaning in the infinite amorous feelings.

All this is normal. The problem is that half an hour ago, Wang Mengyao made a pig like cry in the house, and the whole villa heard it.

Zhang Tianze and he Na are like buttocks with springs, standing up directly from the sofa and running to Zhang Qi and Wang Mengyao's room.

However, when they were about to knock on the door to inquire, they heard the ugly conversation and voice inside.

Zhang Tianze and Zhang Qi's stepmother stare round their eyes. They can't believe it. Finally, he Na pinches Zhang Tianze and runs downstairs.

However, her walking posture is very abnormal, and her legs are tightly clamped. It seems that there is a little surprise in Zhang Tianze's eyes, staring at Zhang Qi's stepmother, radiating a strange light

Lin Fei didn't know that Gu lanyue's back door would cause such an effect when he took the initiative to pursue him. When he came to the villa, he rang the doorbell.

The bodyguard inside saw Lin Fei, did not open the door, but asked who it was through voice.

"I'm a gift to Zhang Qi." Lin Fei replied calmly.

The bodyguard saw that Lin Fei was dressed in ordinary clothes and thin. He was an ordinary young man, so he didn't pay attention to it. He directly reported to Zhang Tianze.

After listening, Zhang Tianze raised his eyes and looked upstairs. The sound did not stop. It was just the sound of electric shock.

At the moment, his mind is full of all kinds of fantasies, with red face and congested brain, so he doesn't care. He thinks that Zhang Qi buys things temporarily and delivers them to his home, and even secretly blames the young people for being too crazy. "Let him in!"

"Yes The bodyguard said, turned to open the door.

Lin Fei walked in slowly with four steps.

Lin Fei entered the villa and looked around naturally.

The living room is very big. Of course, it's just a piece of rubbish, but Lin Fei is deeply shocked by the palace like hall.

Facing the sofa in this hall is a shelf, which is full of all kinds of bottles and cans. Although Lin Fei doesn't know it, he can see that most of them are treasures.

The wall behind the sofa is a pair of ink landscape painting, which means there is a backer.

Looking back at the interior of the hall, all the items are placed just right. It's obvious that they are specially customized. A set of black leather sofa is even bigger.

And above the crystal chandelier, a dazzling light, the entire hall as daylight.

Just being in the living room gives people a very comfortable and comfortable feeling.

Originally, when Lin Fei was practicing, the reputation of Zhang's father and son was not very good. At this moment, he was really surprised and despised the luxury of his father and son.

"Who are you?" Zhang Tianze looks at Lin Fei as if he is familiar, but he can't remember where he met him.Lin Fei's eyes swept over the familiar big round face and glanced at his daughter-in-law, who was once Zhang Tianze's secretary. Lin Fei laughed.

"Zhang Dong is really a superior leader. He is dismissive of US workers."

With that, Lin Fei sat down by himself.

Zhang Tianze's face suddenly darkened.

"If you have something to say, leave immediately." Zhang Tianze cheered coldly.

Lin Fei picked up an apple on the tea table and took a bite. He enjoyed it very much.

Zhang Tianze pats the coffee table and stands up.

The bodyguard who just opened the door for Lin Fei Shua, has already stood beside Zhang Tianze, ready to attack at any time.

Zhang Qi's stepmother twisted her waist and came over from the door of a bedroom. Lin Fei's eyes swept the floor and saw that it was a vacuum.

Zhang Tianze followed Lin Fei's eyes, and suddenly his helmet was three Zhang.

"Ah Kun, clean him out for me." Zhang Tianze said to his bodyguards.

"Boy, go out immediately, you can go out by yourself, otherwise..."


Ah Kun's words haven't finished, in front of a flower, then the body directly flew out.

Zhang Tianze turned to see, Lin Fei bit an apple in ah Kun's mouth, and his mouth was bleeding. His body, weighing 150-60 Jin, overturned the table and chair and fainted on the ground.


Zhang Qi's stepmother didn't expect this sudden change. The scream sounded in the villa

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