Drill crotch?

This is what Su Xing himself said.

Can you drill?

Of course not.

He Su Xing is also a person with a certain identity. If he really gets into it, how can he be a man and mix up?

Su Xing's face suddenly changed, and he quickly looked to Zhang Xueyuan for help.

Zhang Xueyuan is also muddled at the moment. Just now he lost the bet, Lin Fei told him to go away. Now Su Xing is beaten in the face again.

"I don't need to drill my crotch. I disdain people like you. Now, get out of peace village for me right now. "

"Lin Fei, you..."

"Zhang Xueyuan, Zhang Quan, you two go away together!"

Zhang Xueyuan wants to stop him, but he is interrupted by Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, I'm the village secretary of Heping Village. Why do you want me to leave?" Zhang Xueyuan is now brazen.

Lin Fei said with a smile, "everyone, I have 10 million here. I wanted to give it to all the villagers. I guarantee everyone's share. But Zhang Xueyuan and Zhang Quan are here. Do you see? "


As soon as Lin Fei's words came out, everyone at the scene was stunned.

Zhang Xueyuan and Zhang Quan are stupid.

One second, just one second of thinking, the villagers on the scene will know their choice.

"Zhang Xueyuan, Zhang Quan, get out of Heping Village."

"From now on, our people in Zhangjia will have no relationship with Zhang Xueyuan and Zhang Quan."

"Zhang Xueyuan and Zhang Quan have been expelled from Zhang's genealogy."


There is no need for the people of the Lin family to speak, but the people of the Zhang family are already boiling.

In the face of money, they have no ability to resist, and of course they are not willing to.

If it is said that the land circulation can get money and make them happy, Lin Fei's direct offer is to give you 10 million yuan, which is not comparable. Naturally, he should choose to support Lin Fei without hesitation.

Zhang Xueyuan and Zhang Quan are completely stupid. They were just like the saviors of Heping Village. In a twinkling of an eye, they became street mice.

Su Xing, when he just arrived, seemed to be in a commanding position. Now, he is beaten like a dog.

As for Lin Fei, he asked song Xiang to prepare the ten million yuan, just to come back and give it to everyone, just to be grateful.

Twenty years later, I grew up eating a hundred meals. My father would not have lived without these villagers.

At first, if Zhang Xueyuan had not jumped out, he would not have been embarrassed.

But Zhang Xueyuan's no bottom line, angered Lin Fei, he mercilessly chose to fight.

"You, if you dare to be beaten just now, I will abolish you!" Su Xing points at Lin Fei with his hand and roars angrily.

"Is it?"

"Come on, then!"

"Good! You wait, I'll call now Facing Lin Fei's fearlessness, Su Xing is completely angry. He immediately takes out his cell phone and starts to make a call

At the moment, in Shenghe teahouse in Jiangbei County, master Ba is drinking tea with a chubby man. If you carefully observe the man, he looks very much like Su Xing. He is Su Xing's brother, Su Guo.

They just visited him last night, gave him a million yuan, and invited him to come. They have established a close cooperative relationship.

Today, Su Xing is responsible for completing the land transfer in Heping Village, and the state of Su stays in Jiangbei County to consolidate the relationship with PA Ye.

"Pa ye, the gold content of Heping Village is very high and pure. After the land is transferred, we need PA Ye's full support in all aspects of examination and approval." Su Guo looked at the overlord in front of him and said respectfully.

Ba Ye's face is still red and swollen at the moment. He didn't explain why the state of Soviet Union just asked. The state of Soviet Union was very clever and didn't ask again.

"There's no problem with it, but I'd like to ask you to divide it into five parts." Master Ba stretched out his right hand, opened five fingers and said.

"Lord, you don't want much, but we have to support workers and manage various forces. The remaining five achievements are really not enough."

The state of the Soviet Union said deliberately.

"Who do you want?" Ba ye heard these two words and immediately raised his voice.

"Relevant management departments and individuals, all need management, all..."

Ha ha

With a wave of his hand, master Ba interrupted the Soviet Union.

"Jiangbei County, as long as you take care of my lord alone, the others will be done. Now that I'm a shareholder, who dares to compete with me in Jiangnan City? " Master BA's voice is fixed.

"Master Ba deserves his reputation. That's settled!" That's what the Soviet Union wanted, he said.

Ha ha

Master Ba laughed wildly again.

Ding Lingling, just as the two people were talking, the phone suddenly rang. When they saw that Su Xing's phone number was displayed above, Su Guo immediately pressed to connect.

"Brother, is the land transfer completed?" The Soviet Union thought there would be good news and asked directly."Big brother, there's something wrong with the land transfer in Heping Village. Some people are competing with us, and we need to transfer it at twice the price."


On hearing this, the Soviet Union roared out.

Since the discovery of a gold mine in Heping Village, the two brothers first bribed Zhang Xueyuan to find the right time to transfer the land to them, and then they managed to control the overlord. It seems that they have all done so. Someone has even stepped forward to intervene. Isn't that a pitfall?

Su Xing is at the other end of the story. He has already explained the situation briefly, but Lin Fei doesn't mention his name. He is talking about a college student who has just graduated.

After hearing this, the Soviet Union became even more angry and let Su Xing wait for the news there.

The master who had been listening to him all the time dropped the cup on the ground.

Gold mine!

That's a gold mine!

Thinking of this, his heart beat violently, and he even dreamed of sitting in a room made of gold and enjoying himself.

I didn't expect that someone would dare to grab his job. I was angry, but I was angry.

I was beaten last night, and my younger brother was beaten. It's depressing enough. Today, I wanted to make a fortune, but someone stood in my way. Isn't that a death wish?

"Go! Let's go to Heping Village now. I want to see who dares to rob my gold mine. " With that, master Ba stood up first and walked out while dialing the phone.

When Su Guo saw that master Ba wanted to go in person, he decided to call Su Xing immediately.

Su Xing heard that PA Ye was coming, and his waist became stiff.

After hanging up the phone, he pointed to Lin Fei with his hand, "boy, wait for someone to come for a while, so that you can know what regret is."

"Good! I want to know who made me regret it Lin Fei believes that in such a poor place as Heping Village, it is impossible for people to transfer land without any reason.

You know, in the past, the income of the villagers in Heping Village was less than 1000 yuan a year. Now, it is extremely abnormal to give 1000 yuan per mu of land.

"You wait." Su Xing rubbed his face and stood on one side, biting his teeth, waiting for the arrival of Ba ye

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