Lin Zhong looks at Lin Fei in front of him. He suddenly feels strange and has changed a lot.

But he didn't say anything, because in Lin Fei's body, he seems to see the past of himself, he hopes Lin Fei can exercise and grow up.

As for the people in Heping Village, although they are also curious about Lin Fei, they are more looking forward to the issue of sharing money. They never leave money.

In fact, it's not just them, there are more people who can't understand Lin Fei.

In a conference room in Jiangbei County, Ren Kening, Chen Guoning and a group of people are listening to Liu Feng's report.

Liu Feng is not qualified to report his work to them, but yesterday Lin Fei said that he wanted to invest 100 billion yuan in Jiangbei County, and he volunteered to come here to help Jiangbei County out of poverty. Therefore, Ren Kening and Chen Guoning would like to know the specific situation.

When they arrived in Jiangbei County in the morning, they did not take a break and went straight to the meeting.

The development of Jiangbei County has been a serious disease of Jiangnan City, and it has always been the heart disease of two people. Unfortunately, with limited funds, Jiangbei County has been unable to get rid of poverty completely.

Now, Lin Fei has become the richest man in Jiangnan City and has to invest 100 billion to develop his hometown. For them, this is great news.

At the same time, both of them appreciate Lin Fei. Chen Guoning began to pay attention to Lin Fei since he became the best homeowner in Jiangnan City. Ren Kening saw Lin Fei's excellence through the theft of his daughter Ren Feifei's paper.

Both of them know Lin Fei well and trust him very much.

After Liu Feng's report, all the people on the scene except Ren Kening and Chen Guoning were stunned. It was still a personal act to invest 100 billion yuan in the development of Jiangbei County, which is absolutely untrustworthy.

However, Ren Kening and Chen Guoning believe that it is not the first time that they have contacted Lin Fei and know Lin Fei's feelings.

"Yang ceshun and Mao tianzhe, what's your opinion on this matter?" Ren Kening looked at the No.1 and No.2 parents of Jiangbei County and wanted to ask for their opinions.

"Secretary Ren, if this matter is really like what director Liu said, it will be an opportunity for Jiangbei County to become rich. We need policies to give policies, people to give people, and what we want." Yang ceshun stood up and said excitedly.

"I agree with Secretary Yang. We will cooperate well." Mao tianzhe also expressed his emotion.

Although officialdom is a vanity fair, there is no one who does not want to serve as an official, benefit one side and remain famous in history.

In recent years, Yang ceshun and Mao tianzhe have been working hard for the development of Jiangbei County. However, due to limited resources, lack of funds, and a lot of intertwined forces, they have never been able to solve the problem. How can we let go of such an opportunity today?

"Good! In that case, let's go to Heping Village now. I'll talk to Lin Fei in person. " Ren Kening made a decision on the spot, and everyone got up to accompany him.

The poor mountain village, which used to be a place where birds don't poop, is now coming in two groups: PA ye, Su Guo and Ren Kening.

In Heping Village, Lin Dong has arranged for people to distribute the money Lin Fei brought.

These villagers feel the money in their hands, and the joy of being safe lingers in their hearts, making them happy.

"Lin Zhong, you really have a good son."

"Lin Fei, if you are rich, don't forget the villagers. What a good boy."

"It's really lucky for us to be able to come out of our village as Lin Fei."


Praise and praise came and went one after another in the yard.

It seems that the unpleasantness just now has been forgotten, and back to the past, Lin Fei shuttled around like a child, sitting on their Kang to eat.

Lin Zhong looks at Lin Fei in front of him, and his heart is full of joy and pride.

A lot of money!

He once worked hard in the Lin family, but since the Lin family fell behind, he had no chance, and he lived to this day with the help of others.

Now, his son has such ability. For him, it's not only pride and pride, but also a kind of reward for those villagers who have helped him silently for many years.

Lin Fei felt his father's eyes, and his nose was sore. He knew that it was his father who was under the most pressure these years.

But it's all right.

"Spend your money, and I'll give you if it's not enough." Lin Fei looked at everyone's surprise eyes and said firmly.


The crowd didn't know how to express their thanks and surprise, so they clapped.

Zhang Xueyuan and Zhang Quan, seeing that all the villagers got the money, only the two of them didn't. They stood in the corner, full of envy and hatred, which strengthened their determination to take advantage of the Su Xing brothers to revenge.

At the moment, I heard people's praise and applause, not to mention how depressed I was.

As for Su Xing, he seems to have seen a ghost. In any case, he doesn't believe that a poor student will come up with so much money, and he hates Lin Fei very much. If it wasn't for him, he would have been able to complete the transfer smoothly today.

Half an hour later, there was a sound of car flute in the distance, and then a group of people came down from the car and came towards the village.At this time, Su Xing's phone rings. Seeing that it's Su Guo's phone, he presses the button to answer and runs out.

It happened that he met Su Guo and Ba ye who were walking on the roadside. "Big brother, PA ye, that man is in this yard."

"Come on! Kill that guy. "

PA Ye's eyesight was obviously reduced after being beaten. He didn't see the people inside at all. He waved his hand and immediately ordered.

"Brothers, give it to me." The sound of the two urn oxen rushed in with the sound of tall people.

Yesterday, he took people to catch Mi Jian. He didn't go to the North Hotel and escaped.

Chen's three brothers and Mahu have been disabled. Today, as the main force of Baye, he has brought such a performance opportunity. How can he give up?

Niu Er is almost the first to rush in. He wants to make a good impression on Ba Ye.

When did the common people in the yard see this posture? When they saw the people coming in opposite, they either tattooed or dyed their hair, and the men with earrings and sticks in their hands, they suddenly became nervous. Several brave people took sticks from the yard and made a defensive posture.

"You all put down your things and kneel in front of me." Niu Er saw that these people were going to resist, and he became angry.

"Why do you make us kneel? Who are you Among the young people, Lin fan is more courageous. Not only is he not afraid, he has taken two steps forward.

"Oh, Hello! You want to die, don't you? " Niu Er said, holding the rubber stick in his hand and rushing towards Lin fan.

Although Lin Fan was afraid, he still raised his stick to fight.


A crisp sound.

Lin Fan's stick with a thick wrist broke into two pieces on the spot, and Niu Er's rubber stick hit him in the face

Lin fan has been scared.

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