Lin Fan's height is 1.8 meters. He has been working in the countryside all the year round. His body is dark and strong, and his arms are full of muscles.

However, in front of Niu Er, who is nearly 1.9 meters tall, he is much weaker. Niu Er long has a big arm and a round waist. It's estimated that the strength to swing the stick can be several hundred jin.

The rod broke in the middle, and Niuer's rubber rod fell straight down. If it fell down, it was estimated that his head would fall into his stomach.


Some people at the scene have already started to shout out.

Lin fan has been scared silly, do not know to avoid.

Just at this critical moment, Lin Fan suddenly felt that someone was pulling at the back of his body. His whole body moved back quickly, and Niu Er's rubber rod brushed his nose.

Lin Fei felt as if he had been through hell, and his whole body was soaked.

The next second, he saw a valiant figure standing in front of him.

Very touching!

Very beautiful!

But also very domineering!

"Are you special..."


Niu Er's curse was not finished, and the sole of one foot was flat in front of him. He wanted to avoid it, but he still felt that the speed was not enough. He bumped his nose against the sole plane, and then flew back gently. Finally, he fell to the ground with a thump and breathed on the spot.

The people who came with him clearly saw this scene, but they were all shocked.

Because, they saw the person who shot -

Dragon Girl!

Some people have seen it, some have heard of it, and now they see it with their own eyes. They suddenly step back in a hurry for fear that they will become the second Niuer later and will lie in the hospital and become disabled.

Ba ye, who followed him, saw the Dragon Girl clearly at the moment, and his heart trembled. A fear from the bottom of his heart spread all over his body, and his scalp was numb with inexplicable coldness.

The enemy has a narrow road!

What a horror!

Absolute evil star!

"Master Ba, it is she and a man who have mixed things up." Su Xing doesn't know that there has been a conflict between master Ba and Lin Fei. Although Niu Er is knocked unconscious at the moment, he is still full of confidence and hope to see that there are dozens of people under master ba.

Ba Ye wants to blow Su Xing up. If he knew Lin Fei and long Nu were here, he would never come.

He's not a pig. He's not a pig.

He was beaten for the first time, and then the person who retaliated was beaten down by the security guard of the North Hotel. Moreover, more than 100 people were beaten down by eight people. It's frightening to think about the existence of such terror.

Now, the third time we meet, Niu Er is his biggest reliance now. As a result, he was stun by the Dragon Girl.


"Son of a bitch! We meet again Lin Fei came out of the crowd laughing.

Little bastard?

All the people at the scene were shocked, especially Su Xing and Su Guo. They saw Lin Fei yelling at Ba Ye.


That's a bully!

Jiangbei County dares to be number one, no one dares to be number two!

How dare you call me a bastard?

After a short period of panic, the two brothers got excited.

Lin Fei is looking for death!

"Master Ba, he called you a little bastard. Do you want to..."


Being scolded by Lin Fei, Ba Ye is angry enough. Now Su Xing repeats it. It's strange that he doesn't kill Su Xing.

With a slap, Su Xing's fat body rolled out like a ball.

"Master Ba, you..."

"Shut up

The words of the Soviet Union were interrupted again by the overlord.

"Lin Fei, don't be arrogant here. It's a criminal case for you to hit and hurt people one after another. I'll make you lose your breath."

Master Ba knows that if he plays hard with Lin Fei, he is going to abuse himself, so now he decides to change the routine and talk about the law with Lin Fei.


His words made Lin Fei and Longnu laugh.

"Do you still want to sue me?"

"You're right." Master Ba said with a cold smile.

"Good! I'll wait for you to call the police! " Lin Fei spread his hands and made a gesture of invitation.

"Well! Lin Fei, in Jiangbei County, offending my Lord is a dead end. I'll call the police now, and I'll let you spend the rest of your life in prison. "

Master Ba finished and began to pick up his cell phone.

Lin Fei and long Nu looked at each other and almost laughed.

Police, the protector of people's lives.

This is the first thing that everyone will think of when they encounter difficulties. Who could have thought that Lord BA would call the police?

You know, this kind of people want to hide from the police!

Two people's eyes are full of fun.

Mr. BA's way of calling is even more special. He doesn't call a special alarm number, but directly calls an individual.The phone was dialed quickly, but the other party didn't answer and hung up.

"The malagobi! How dare you hang up on me Lord Ba scolded angrily and continued to dial.

As a result, the phone was turned off this time.

"Son of a bitch! If you don't answer my phone, you turn it off directly. It seems that you don't want to mix up. " Ba Ye's sweat can be seen on the top of his head. He is really angry.

You know, he has roots and leaves in Jiangbei County for many years. There are almost no departments in Jiangbei County where he can't speak well. We can see how much power he has.

Now, at the time of employment, there are people who don't answer the phone.

Just when PA Ye picked up the phone again to dial, suddenly a row of cars stopped in front of Lin Fei's house.

At the front is a police car. The first one to jump down is Wang Jianguang, followed by a burly man in police uniform with a tight brow.

"Lin Fei, I wish you were at home." Wang Jianguang jumped out of the car and ran straight to Lin.

Ba ye and Wang Jianguang, two people after a moment, each other's eyes immediately collision sparks, last night's things, remember.

"Du Hanquan, you didn't answer my phone. Don't you want to be confused?" Master Ba strides forward and angrily goes to Duhan in police uniform. He slaps his mouth.

Fight simply, fight loud.

Du Hanquan was unprepared, and his body was reeled.

Duhan's head was buzzing, and then his whole body was shaking, and his heart was broken.

Now he really wants to take out his pistol and kill him.

In the car behind the police car, Ren Kening and others just got off and saw this scene.

"Son of a bitch, playing Ying, I raise you on weekdays. I use you today. I hang up on the phone and turn it off. Do I want to die?"

"You, arrest this Lin Fei and that woman immediately, let them never come out."

"If you can't do this little thing well, I'll make your daughter an Internet celebrity right away."

Lord Ba didn't pay any attention to the people coming down from the car behind him. He pointed to Du Hanquan and scolded him like his grandson.


This scene stunned all the people on the scene.

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