Su Xing and Su Guo quietly retreat to the back of the crowd. They cooperate with PA ye, for fear that PA ye will affect them, so they want to slip away.

"Chairman of Xingguo group, general manager Su Xing, where are you going?"

Lin Fei began to shout for two people.

Two people is a Leng, then can only stand still, look at Lin Fei, pretend a very tough attitude, said: "we do what you don't care."


Lin Fei let out a doubt.

Before he looked at Lin Fei and all the people in front of him, he said, "we are from Suzhou group. Xingguo group in Jiangnan City is a very famous enterprise in Jiangnan City."

Su said, Su Xing immediately followed. "In Jiangnan City, even the mayor and the Secretary of the municipal Party committee should greet us politely, and we are their guests."

The two brothers, one singing and one harmonizing, are very arrogant.

"Oh! Is the Soviet group so powerful? " Lin Fei was surprised.

"Of course, young man, if it's hard to find a job after graduating from University, come to our group. I'll take care of you."

Su Xing seems to forget that Lin Fei has a lot of money, but he doesn't know how to say such an invitation.


Lin Fei laughed.

He had a richer expression and a brighter smile.

"Lin Fei, what are you laughing at?" Su Xing is very angry with Lin Fei's smile.

"Ha ha, what are you laughing at? The Secretary and mayor of Jiangnan municipal Party committee should say hello to both of them, right? "


"Do you know the Secretary and mayor of Jiangnan City?"

"Of course!"

"Then look who this is?"

Lin Fei deliberately pointed to Yang ceshun and Mao tianzhe.

Yang ceshun and Mao tianzhe already understand Lin Fei's intention, but also know that Su Guo and Su Xing are deliberately boasting. They deliberately show their momentum and take a step forward.

Su Guo and Su Xing first looked at each other, and finally turned their eyes. They said at the same time: "of course, I know. Isn't this the Secretary and mayor of Jiangnan municipal Party committee?"

Su Guo and Su Xing's words suddenly stunned the people present.

The people of Heping Village thought that they were really the Secretary of the municipal Party committee and the mayor, and their eyes were shocked.

Zhang Xueyuan was a little confused. Isn't this the Secretary of the county Party committee and the county magistrate? How can it be upgraded in a flash?

Ren Kening and Chen Guoning's faces are even more gloomy. Xingguo group has not heard of them yet, but there are still people bragging in front of them to get to know themselves.

It's a little too far away to treat others as yourself!

Su Guo and Su Xing feel that the surrounding atmosphere is not right. They look at Zhang Xueyuan.

"That's the Secretary of the Party committee and the head of Jiangbei County."


Su Guo and Su Xing felt dizzy, and there was a little star in front of them.

It's sunken.

Ha ha

Lin Fei took the lead in laughing.

"Lin Fei, you play with us!"

Su Guo and Su Xing roared, turned and left.

"Stop!" Lin Fei see two people want to escape, again shout.

"Well! Lin Fei, what right do you have for us to stop? " Su Xing asked angrily.

Lin Fei did not answer, looking at a policeman: "police comrades, these two people are suspected of fraud, I now report them."


As soon as Lin Fei said this, people at the scene were stunned, including Ren Kening.

Although they were suspected of boasting just now, they didn't reach the level of fraud. Lin Fei's words were a little too big.

"Lin Fei, you are slandering us."

"Xingguo group is a large enterprise in Jiangnan City. How can it be suspected of fraud?"

"This boy is a college student who has just graduated. He thinks he is right. Don't believe him."

"Comrades of the police, I am now reporting him as a liar."

Su Guo and Su Xing came forward one after another to blame Lin Fei.

"Su Guo and Su Xing, I'll give you one last chance. Now I admit that I'm still surrendering myself. Otherwise, what's waiting for you will be severely punished by law."

Lin Fei has a disdainful smile around his eyes.

Lin Fei hated this kind of people who lied and cheated everywhere.

"You, why do you say that? I tell you, when we talk here, the Secretary and the mayor will believe it, but they will never believe it. "

Su Guo and Su Xing almost roared.

"Good! In this case, ask Secretary Ren and Mayor Chen whose words they believe? "

Lin Fei said, deliberately pick eyebrows, a look of complacency."Secretary Ren? Mayor Chen

Su Guo and Su Xing asked at the same time.

Ren Kening and Chen Guoning took a step forward, looked at them and said, "if it's fake, it's guaranteed!"

Su Guo and Su Xing felt dizzy and dark.

"Lin Fei, even if we lie, you can't just say we have fraud." The Soviet Union responded quickly.


Lin Fei was once again laughed by his impudence.

"The evidence? Of course I have. " Lin Fei said, take out the phone, gently open, immediately voice play out.

"Su Dong, you are a big group. How can you be so stingy?"

A woman's voice came from inside.

"Honey! It's not that I'm stingy. In fact, my Xingguo group only has hundreds of thousands of funds, all of which come from bank loans. However, after I successfully transfer the next land of Heping Village in Jiangbei County, I'll make a fortune. By that time, Xingguo group will not have millions of assets, maybe hundreds of millions! "

"What treasures are there?"


As soon as the sound of the recording came out, Su Guo and Su Xing were dumbfounded.

This woman, they are very familiar with, isn't it one of the sister flowers they keep? Why?

Lin Fei had a good view of the changes in their faces.

This recording was sent to him by Yun ting.

Since he heard the name of Xingguo group, he immediately sent a message to Yunting, and within five minutes, he provided the information.

This makes him admire Yunting's ability more.

"Secretary Ren, a company with hundreds of thousands of companies has been registered into tens of millions of companies. This is not a fraud. What is it?"

Lin Fei's words are like the last straw to defeat the camel.

Su Guo and Su Xing's two brothers suddenly softened their legs and sat down on the ground.

On the other side, Zhang Xueyuan was also soft and sat on the ground.

Ren Kening was very angry at Su Guo and Su Xing's lies just now. Now there is a mountain of hard evidence and he is even more angry.

"Check! Give me a hard check! I want to find out their company and find out all the problems. "

Ren Kening gave a death order.

When Su Guo and Su Xing heard this, they were in despair.

Su Xing, in despair, suddenly raises his head and talks to Ren Kening.

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