"Secretary Ren, I also report Lin Fei. He is also a liar with a large amount of property of unknown origin." Su Xing thinks that Lin Fei, who has just graduated from University, can take out 10 million yuan. He absolutely doesn't believe it and naturally defines Lin Fei as a liar.

Of course, he also has the psychology of biting back.

Su Xing's words seem to be very lethal. As soon as the exit was made, the villagers of Heping Village on the scene were obviously worried. They subconsciously clenched the money in their pockets with their hands.

Ren Kening and other people who know Lin Fei also look at Lin Fei and seem to want to see how Lin Fei will explain.

For a time, there was more fun at the scene.

"Do you know who is the richest man in Jiangnan City?" Lin Fei looks at Su Xing and asks.

"Ye family Su Xing replied casually.

"No, I'm a young man named Lin Fei. It seems that You, what's your name? "

Su Guo stood up to correct his brother's mistake, but half of what he said, he immediately realized that it was wrong. He looked at Lin Fei and asked with round eyes.

"My name is Lin Fei!"

Lin Fei's voice is not big, but it can clearly spread to everyone's ears, and let everyone listen clearly.

"Lin Fei?" The Soviet Union verified again.

"Yes! The richest city in Jiangnan is your city


Su Guo and Su Xing brothers are just like the balls of vent. Originally they were sitting on the ground, but now they are lying on the ground.

I was stunned.

The people in Heping Village heard the five words "the richest man in Jiangnan City". Although they didn't know what it meant, they thought of Lin Fei's words. They didn't have enough money to find him, so he continued to give them.

What heroic words!

Zhang Quan was helping his father Zhang Xueyuan to get up. Hearing this, he suddenly lost his strength and fell to the ground at the same time.

"Lin Fei, we are wrong! Let us go Zhang Xueyuan worked hard, got up from the ground, knelt down in front of Lin Fei and began to beg.

"You are the village secretary. I don't have the power to appoint or remove you, let alone to forgive you. You'd better go and talk to them."

Lin Fei finished, and then click on the recording again.

"Will the land transfer in Heping Village be successful?" It's just the second half of the recording of the dialogue between the Soviet Union and women.

"The village secretary has been bribed by me and given him 100000 yuan. I'm happy to sell his wife to me!"

"I hate it! That's disgusting

"Ha ha..."

Zhang Xueyuan knew that he was finished. He was in a hurry. He pushed his legs and passed out.

"Dad! Dad Zhang Quan was lying on Zhang Xueyuan's body, shaking hard and shouting loudly. For a long time, Zhang Xueyuan slowly opened his eyes.

"Lin, Lin Fei, how did you find the evidence? Why me? " Zhang Xueyuan asked reluctantly.

"You are wrong! You don't deserve me. In fact, I just don't want the people in Heping Village to be cheated by the two cheaters Su Guo and Su Xing. I just want to check them and find you by the way. "

"Also, you shouldn't have gambled on my father's life at that time, which has touched my bottom line."

"You should not be shameless and refuse to accept the loss. At that time, if you were to go away immediately, I would not pursue it again, but now the outcome can't be changed."

Lin Fei looks at Zhang Xueyuan lying on the ground without any sympathy. Life is made by oneself.

Zhang Xueyuan's face was pale and his heart was like ashes.

"Zhang Xueyuan, get out of Heping Village."

"There is no such scum as you in our Zhang family."

"We don't need a village secretary like you."


Villagers who understand the truth are boiling.

Zhang Xueyuan and Zhang Quan are desperate. They know what they are waiting for, because someone has come.

Three minutes later, master Ba and his men, Su Guo and Su Xing, as well as Zhang Xueyuan's father and son, were taken away. What was waiting for them was the punishment of the law.

The scene is quiet, many people look at Lin Fei, he seems to have become the focus here.

Lin Fei moves. He comes to Ren Kening.

At the moment of seeing Ren Kening, Lin Fei has already guessed why Ren Kening came. When Ren sent Liu Feng to check the evidence provided by Du Hanquan, he was more sure.

"Secretary Ren, welcome to our peace village." Lin Fei took the initiative to extend his hand, showing neither humble nor overbearing.

Ren Kening took Lin Fei's hand and said, "you haven't made a lot of trouble recently."

"Ha ha! I'm giving you trouble. " Lin Fei said modestly.

"No, if you have purified the air for Jiangnan City, Mayor Chen and I should thank you."

Lin Fei felt the back of his head a little embarrassed.

This gives Ren Kening a better impression of him as a simple, real man."Lin Fei, a month, you let me witness the miracle, it seems that I did not mistake you." Chen Guoning came over and shook hands with Lin Fei.

"Thank you, Mayor Chen."

"Thank you so much that you don't have to say it. Do something practical, build your hometown for me, and help Secretary Yang and county magistrate Mao share their worries!"

Chen Guoning said jokingly with a smile.

When Lin Fei bought a house for the first time, Chen Guoning hoped that Lin Fei could invest in Jiangnan City and promote its development. Facts have proved that his attention and choice are correct, and Lin Fei did not disappoint him.

Meizishuang group, the earth media company, the earth real estate company, and the earth network company have invested nearly 200 billion in a flash, which has directly promoted the leaping economic development of Jiangnan City and has become the leader of Jianghai province.

For this reason, Ren Kening and Chen Guoning talked about Lin Fei in private, and even praised him.

When he comes back to Lin Fei's hometown, he must make the 100 billion yuan that Lin Fei said come true, so that he can really rest assured.

"Mr. Lin, we really hope you don't forget your hometown when you are rich." Yang ceshun and Mao tianzhe came over at the same time and said.

"Secretary Ren and Mayor Chen have given an order, and you have also said so. I have nothing to say. The initial plan is to invest 100 billion yuan to build a brand new Jiangbei County."

Lin Fei is very straightforward, this is a task, of course, is also a piece of his heart, so there is no need to hide, let alone handle, directly show attitude.


All the people in Heping Village are here. In their concept, ten thousand is already a large unit. As for hundred million, without this concept, many people can't count one hundred billion.

But Lin Zhong, looking at his son Lin Fei, was surprised and puzzled. How could he have so much money?

You know, when the Lin family was at its best, its assets were only tens of billions, and its working capital was less. Otherwise, it would not break the capital chain of the Lin family because of Lin Xue's 5 billion yuan repentance compensation.

Now, Lin Fei's hand is 100 billion, which is so shocking!

Ren Kening, Chen Guoning and others didn't expect Lin Fei to be so direct. You know, many people come to invest because they want to talk about conditions and policies. Lin Fei didn't say anything, but said to give money directly.

"Good Lin Fei!"

Ren Kening and Chen Guoning patted him on his left and right shoulders respectively, and their eyes were a little excited.

Lin Fei spoke again.

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