Lin Fei went to Lin Zhong, took his arm, looked at Ren Kening and Chen Guoning, and said, "I plan to set up a Jiangbei County Development Investment Group, with my father Lin Zhong as the chairman, injecting 100 billion yuan at one time. The group will negotiate with the government to jointly develop Jiangbei County, and the specific plan will be formulated by a third party, and the funds will be used..."

In the eyes of these people, Lin Fei is just a newly graduated college student and a child. However, when Lin Fei talked about his plan, everyone was shocked and shocked.

The planning is huge.


Measures are in place.

If we really put this into practice, Jiangbei County in the future will be a brand new Jiangbei County, a wealthy Jiangbei County, and a vibrant Jiangbei County.

Even the ordinary people in Heping Village, even many ordinary people who have never been out of Jiangbei County, are full of confidence and expectation after hearing this!

"It's a very good idea, I agree."

Ren Kening was the first to make a statement.

"Lin Fei, you surprised me so much. I raised my hands to agree!" Chen Guoning patted Lin Fei on the shoulder again and affirmed.

"Mr. Lin, on behalf of the people of Jiangbei County, I thank you!"

Yang ceshun finished and bowed deeply to Lin Fei.

At this moment, in their eyes, Lin Fei is an extraordinary person.

He does not have the fame and wealth pursued by the so-called philanthropists, nor the harsh conditions put forward by those people. He is just a free payment and a return to his hometown.

This feeling, no one can compare.

This complex, heaven and earth can learn.

Pa Pa!

The crowd didn't know who was the first to clap, and the instant applause turned into a tidal wave of applause.

The applause subsided. Under Lin Fei's greeting, everyone sat down and began to study deeply.

Longnu arranged for Lin Dong and others to unload the goods from the car and make a big meal.

Ren Kening, Chen Guoning and others did not leave. They stayed with Lin Fei and his son after the development plan of Jiangbei County was finalized.

At this time, everyone present has confirmed that Jiangbei County, which is rich, strong, beautiful and prosperous, is coming.

In the courtyard of the Lin family, only the people of Heping Village were left.

Now, without Zhang Xueyuan's kind of troublemaker, the atmosphere has become much more harmonious.

Without all kinds of leaders, they become a lot easier.

"Lin Fei is handsome again this time!"

"Look at this young man, how energetic he is? Does Lin Fei have a girlfriend now? "

"That is, Lin Fei is so handsome. If you want to have a figure and a good look, you can't find someone else?"

The villagers around began to boast about Lin Fei.

Lin Fei is very calm. Although he knows that a lot of what they say is true, he knows better that it is because he has money that he will choose to say good things.

However, looking back on the past, when he was poor, these people did not help him less, and Lin Fei's heart was much more comfortable.

However, Lin Fei's attitude towards these people was somewhat unnatural. However, after seeing his father's smile, the uncomfortable feeling disappeared immediately.

In the past 20 years, my father has suffered more than him.

After today's all, my father is also a heavy life, naturally more emotion.

Now that he is rich, he has reason to make the villagers who have helped him become richer.

Most importantly, these people are still very simple. Knowing that they are the richest man in Jiangnan City, they do not show greed and ask for money again, which makes them want to help these villagers.

At this moment, Lin Zhong spoke.

"Lin Fei, come in with me."

Lin Zhong finished, nodded to everyone and took the lead in walking towards the inner room.

Lin Fei follows his father into the room.

"Lin Fei, are you really the richest man in Jiangnan now?"

Although Lin Zhong can suppress his emotions, he is still very excited.

"Yes, Dad! "My family was overthrown." Lin Fei originally wanted to tell about his aunt Lin Xue, saying that he already knew the hatred of the Lin family and the Ye family, but he thought that there were too many people outside, so he held back.

Lin Chong's eyes were wet. He patted Lin Fei's shoulder with his hands and said, "well done! Ha ha Their Ye family will end one day. "

The words are very simple, but they are full of endless vicissitudes and desolation.

Lin Fei's eyes were also moist, but he kept silent.

After a full minute, Lin Zhong adjusted his mood and looked at Lin Fei, "forget it, now let's get down to business!"

Lin Fei nodded and made a posture of listening.

"These villagers outside, our family's situation is not very good these years, all rely on their help. Just now you gave them 10 million yuan, and I saw it, but you also understand that it's better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish. What's your plan about this? ""Of course, you should not be embarrassed about this. After all, you have already given 10 million yuan. If you stop here, there is nothing wrong. I can even refuse their request for you."

"If it's allowed, I really hope to do something for them and repay their selfless help for us for 20 years."

Lin Zhong's words stunned Lin Fei directly.

He thought of it on his way home.

Just now, in the face of people's praise, he also thought of this thing.

It's human nature and there's nothing wrong with it.

If in the past, they did not have the ability, then even if, but now for themselves, casually open fingers, it is enough for them.

Lin Fei is a person who knows how to be grateful and remember his old love. If he is good to his family and has the ability, he must repay.

I just didn't expect that my father and he had the same idea.

What's different is that his father is willing to be a bad man for himself and doesn't want to embarrass himself, which really surprised Lin Fei.

In his impression, although his father is seriously ill, he has always been a man who loves face.

He won't ask others for help unless he has to or in very difficult circumstances.

In the past, they received more help from villagers.

Today his family will send a basket of vegetables, tomorrow his family will send a bag of rice, and the day after tomorrow his family will send a basket of fruit

Bits and pieces of the past began to emerge in Lin Fei's mind. It was like a movie screen, constantly changing the lens, but what remained unchanged was the villagers' help to them.

It can be seen from my father's conversation with others outside that my father is very grateful.

Between face and gratitude, he chose to respect his son, which made Lin Fei's eyes moist.

My father is such a strong man that he is willing to offend the villagers for his own sake.

Lin Fei knows very well that if his father refuses for him, he will be stabbed in the spine by the villagers.

Words are terrible!

Every neighbor in the neighborhood can chew his tongue.

Lin Fu, who is a bad man, will naturally become the object of devaluation.

Such a father is really great.

Lin Fei's nose suddenly feels sou

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