"Dad, don't worry. I have plans in my heart. I won't make it difficult for you."

Lin Fei suddenly said with a smile:

"in your eyes, am I such a mean person? I don't even know how to help the villagers when I get rich? "

Lin's father, who had already made a decision in his heart, was always smiling after hearing his son's words.

"Good boy, I know you won't let me down!"

In fact, the reason why Lin Zhong said this is that helping the villagers is not the same concept as helping the development of Jiangbei County, and the value of life is different. Therefore, he does not know whether Lin Fei is willing to help these villagers.

At the same time, Lin Fei has already given 10 million yuan. In terms of value, he has paid back the help of the villagers in Heping Village. He is worried that Lin Fei will break the contact with Heping Village, so he put forward it.

"You son! When I grow up, I have no ability in my life, and I can't give you any advice. The future depends on you. "

"But remember, no matter what you do, don't break the law and don't lose your conscience. This is the tradition of our Lin family."

Lin Zhong patted Lin Fei on the shoulder again and sighed.

"Ha ha, don't worry, Dad. In the future, our money will only be more and more, and the better. And soon, I will be the richest man in Jianghai city!"

Lin Zhong

Lin has come out.

The villagers outside all stare at the house and don't know what their father and son are talking about.

See Lin Fei come out, stand straight in succession.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fei felt more deeply.

"Uncle Dong, Aunt Zhang and brother fan, the meal is ready. Let's have dinner together!"

Lin Fei saw that the meal was on the table and immediately called the people.

"Eat! Eat East uncle also feels the atmosphere some embarrassment, immediately greets a way.

Sitting at the dinner table, we talked about the story of Lin Fei when he was a child, but no one took the opportunity to ask for credit. They all spoke very naturally and sincerely.

The feeling of Lin Fei is -

all very good.

"Uncle Dong, uncles and aunts, I have an idea to ask for your opinions." At the dinner table, Lin Fei saw that he had almost eaten, and stood up and said.

They put down their chopsticks and looked at Lin Fei.

"I'm rich now, and I have enough money to support you all my life, but I don't want to eat nothing and turn you into a useless person"

"and our family is not a person who doesn't know how to be grateful. We usually help our family, so now I have money, and I want to help you, after all, you are very difficult."

"I'm going to invest 1 billion yuan to set up a construction company. With the development of Jiangbei County, you can go out of Heping Village and into the city, so that your descendants can live a better life. The company has made money. It pays dividends according to its shares. Do you think that's ok? "

Lin Fei finished, waiting to observe everyone's reaction.

The villagers sitting there were all shocked. They looked at Lin Dong and the village head one after another.

Lin Dong was silent for a long time. He looked up at Lin Fei and said:

"this is not good! The money is Lin Fei's. It's given us a lot today. And one billion is really enough for us to spend our whole life. It shows that Lin Fei is a conscientious child. "

"However, we rural people who have never seen the world, how to manage such a big construction company, so much money, in case of loss, we will be more worried."

"So, I think it's very inappropriate."

Village head Lin Dong took the lead in refusing.

"Lin Fei, brother Dong is right. When you have money, just help us and take care of our children." An uncle surnamed Lin said.

The villagers of Heping Village are very simple. If they really like money, when the Lin family developed well in Jiangnan City, they would leave Heping Village.

Now, Lin Fei is rich, they understand Lin Fei's mind, but they resolutely refuse.

The silent Lin Zhong spoke.

"Dongge, I think it's like this! You all stay here and let these young people like Lin Fan go out to the outside world. I will be in charge of the investment and development group of Jiangbei County next. At that time, there will be some projects that need to be constructed. How about letting them exercise slowly? "

Lin Zhong's words aroused the interest of a group of young people sitting below, and even there was a lot of enthusiasm in their eyes.

Lin Fei saw the reaction of the crowd and said directly and firmly: "I've decided on this matter. No one can refuse it! That's a deal! "

"If you lose money, I'll make it up for you!"

"If you earn it, I'll reward you."

"What you need to do is to do a good job in the project, get out of the peace village and go to the outside world."

Lin Fei's attitude is firm, and advised everyone for a long time, and finally the village head Lin Dong made the decision.With the head of the village taking the lead, other villagers agreed to come down.

Lin Fei thought about it on his way back. He set up a construction company and gave 49% of the shares to the villagers.

He left 51% of the shares in the village to be controlled by Lin Fei. In this way, no matter he becomes rich or his heart changes, the important shares will be controlled to avoid Zhang Xueyuan's affairs today.

The villagers have no opinion on this proposal.

As for all kinds of uneasiness and doubts in their hearts, Lin Fei answered them one after another.

Lin Fei's construction company is more direct, that is, Honghao real estate of Hongxu's family. Just last night, song Xiang had successfully acquired it, while Hongyi became the person in charge of the company.

Lin Fei believes that with his father in Jiangbei County, with the help of song Xiang and the management of Hong Yi, the company will surely develop rapidly.

For these villagers, it doesn't matter whether they make money or not. They believe in Lin Fei more.

After a meal, everyone drank a lot of wine. Lin Fei even opened all the remaining seven bottles of Lafite, which was given by Uncle Tao in '78.

Although people don't know the quality of wine, they drink it comfortably.

When Lin Zhong saw Lafite in 1978, he was filled with emotion, and finally he was drunk.

At the moment, compared with the comfort and tranquility here, Jiangbei County is already in a state of shock. Many entertainment places are swarming with a large number of police, and people are constantly taken away.

In front of the evidence provided by Du Hanquan, a number of people with good looks fell down one after another. Liu Feng and Wang Jianguang and others have become a sword hanging high in Jiangbei County. For a moment, people are in a panic, and some people choose to end their lives directly.

Yang ceshun and Mao tianzhe are sleeping all night, conducting thorough cleaning up while studying the plan proposed by Lin Fei, which makes them full of confidence in the development of Jiangbei County.

In Taoshu villa in Jiangnan City.

"Dad, mom, you all have a rest early. We'll go back to Heping Village early tomorrow morning."

Lin Ke'er's cry, not only did not let the two old people relax, but also made their expression more dignified, more inexplicable pressure.

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