The next morning, in the courtyard of the Lin family.

Lin Fei and his father and Longnu just sat down after breakfast. Lin chongkan spoke to Lin Fei and Longnu.

"Lin Fei, is this your girlfriend?"

Lin Fei was confused when asked.

"You are no longer young. When will you get married? I'm anxious for my grandson. "

Lin Zhong saw Lin Fei and asked.

Since waking up, she has been observing the Dragon Girl, and found that she is extremely concerned about Lin Fei and always protects her. This makes him very satisfied.



Lin Fei and dragon girl cried out at the same time.

"Lin Fei, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's normal for a man to get married and a woman to get married."

"Longnu, Lin Fei has no mother since childhood, and I didn't take care of him when I was sick. You'll have to worry and work hard when you get married."

Lin Zhong thought they were shy and didn't want to admit it, so he said with a smile.

Lin Fei is a little speechless. In the past, his father was not like this.

As for the Dragon Girl, her face turned red for the first time, but she couldn't get angry.


Suddenly there were two car horns at the door.

"I'll see who's here."

If Lin Fei doesn't explain, Longnv won't.

It was the only reason she could get out of embarrassment.

"Lin Fei, this dragon girl is very good. She likes you. You don't want to be naughty. Don't..."

"Lin Fei!"

When Lin Zhong was educating Lin Fei, Lin Ke'er's sweet and clear cry came from the door.

Lin Zhong's face is a little displeased and stares at Lin Fei.

"My parents are here." Linkel's voice came again.

Lin Fei quickly stood up, but did not care to explain to his father, so he ran out.

"Son of a bitch! Is it time to see the parents? "

"If you dare to eat what's in the bowl and look at what's in the pot, I'll break your leg."

Lin Zhong stood up and walked out.

However, he just took a step and saw the Dragon Girl supporting Lin Xue and Lin Ke'er supporting uncle Tao and coming in from the gate.

Lin Zhong seemed to be punctured and stood on the spot.

At the same time, Lin Xue and uncle Tao stood still and looked at Lin Zhong, surprised -

there has been no change in 20 years.

Yesterday until now, Lin Fei has been busy, has not talked about Lin Xue this matter.

Now seeing this scene, Lin Fei's eyes are full of tears.

"Lin Xue!"

"Big brother!"

Lin Zhong and Lin Xue cry out at the same time, Lin Xue is a plop, straight kneel in place.

"Lin Xue!"

Lin Zhong three steps into two steps ran in the past, kneeling in front of Lin Xue, a will her arms.

Two people did not say the second sentence, they cried.

Twenty years ago.

Twenty years of ups and downs.

20 years of Acacia into tears.

Lin Zhong never thought that he could see his younger sister. Lin Xue never thought that he could see his elder brother, who has not changed his appearance for 20 years.

The night the Lin family was killed, it fell apart, except for the bad news.


After more than ten minutes of crying, when their voices dropped, uncle Tao knelt down in front of Lin Zhong.

"Brother Lin, I'm sorry for you, Li Zitao. I'm sorry for your Lin family!"

Uncle Tao said, facing Lin Zhong, Bang Bang is three ring head.

When I raised my head, my forehead was covered with dust and blood.

The man who stamped his feet in Jiangnan City and the whole city would tremble, kneeling in front of Lin Zhong, is like a child who admits his mistake and is pitifully waiting for forgiveness.

"Well, have you been together all these years?" Lin Chong once hated uncle Tao in his heart, which was a kind of heartbreaking hate. But after 20 years, he saw through everything and put it down. Now when he saw him with his sister, it was impossible to talk about hate.

"Uncle! My parents are sorry for you! " Lin Ke'er also plops and kneels down for Lin Zhong.

See Lin Ke Er kneel down, the ear reverberates that uncle, where still have the figure of hatred?

Lin Zhong's heart was melted again.

"All right! Get up! Get up! Let's go into the room and say

Lin Zhong helped Lin Xue stand up.

Lin Fei holds uncle Tao and the Dragon girl holds Lin Ke'er to stand up one after another.

At this moment, the Lin family, who has been quiet for many years, has a feeling of full popularity for the first time.

Lin Zhong holds Lin Xue and enters the room. After sitting down, the brother and sister begin to tell the story of their escape that day. They cry and laugh for a while. Lin Fei and Longnu are also listening to mixed stories."Brother, can I go to see my father?" Lin Xue looks at Lin Zhong, his eyes full of apology.

Lin nodded, stood up first, helped Lin Xue to the door, and then walked to the room that had been locked for 20 years and Lin Fei had never been in.

Lin Fei has lived in this yard for 20 years. The house has been locked for 20 years. He doesn't know when his father will go in, but he never goes in.

Seeing Lin Zhong helping Lin Xue to this room, Lin Fei knows that all the secrets he wants to know must be hidden here.

At the moment, his heart is extremely excited, but also extremely nervous. Since he learned some family news, he has always wanted to know his mother's whereabouts. This may be an opportunity.

However, the best time for Lin Fei to face this opportunity is that he can't calm down.


There's a lock.


The heavy wooden door was pushed open by Lin Zhong. It was dark inside.

Dazzling sunlight into the dark room, so that the house is just a touch of light.

Perhaps this time Lin Zhong's condition is too serious, has not come in for some time, can smell a light musty smell.

"Lin Fei, come in, too! Now you should know something. " Lin Zhong holds Lin Xue and stands at the door. After getting used to the darkness inside, he turns around and looks at Lin Fei behind him.

Lin Fei's expression was more serious. He didn't speak, just nodded heavily.

Finally, Lin Zhong takes Lin Xue, uncle Tao and Lin Fei into the room, while long Nu and Lin Ke'er stay outside.

The door closed and it was dark again.


Lin Zhong gently pulled the light rope against the door, and the dark room was illuminated instantly.

This is a room with an area of about 30 square meters. It is surrounded by mud and there is no decoration inside.

There are two windows in the north and the south, but they are all blocked by the wood, so there is no sunlight.

On the east side of the room, there is a table with a square of three meters. The table is full of spirit cards, which are full of people's names, including Lin's, his's, men's and women's names.

These names are strange to Lin Fei, but they are not strange to Lin Zhong, Lin Xue and even uncle Tao.

However, these people have become two people separated by Yin and Yang.

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