Lin Xue covers her mouth, trying to control her emotions, but she still can't control it. She kneels on the ground and cries.

Uncle Tao is also full of tears, kneeling beside Lin Xue, looking at the spirit card, mixed feelings.

Although Lin Zhong came in most times, he was still in tears.

Every time I see these tablets, Lin Zhong will think of the Lin family.

How many flowers, how many bright future, only in one night break.

What has passed away is life, leaving behind remorse and shame.

However, today's tears are different from the past, a little more sweet, a little more pride.

Sister Lin Xue found, and a daughter.

The most important thing is that Lin Fei grew up and became the richest man in Jiangnan City. He overthrew the Ye family and reported the hatred of the Lin family that day.

"Dad! I am sorry! Sorry, Lin family! It's all my fault Lin Xue suddenly stood up, holding up the top one with the name of Lin Zhifeng, sobbing.

Lin Zhong doesn't persuade Lin Xue. He knows that only by letting Lin Xue cry can she completely release her inner pain and remorse, and make her feel at ease.

Although Lin Fei still has many questions at the moment, he knows that this is the person whose Lin family was killed by the Ye family.

Thinking of seeing so many descendants of Lin's partners at the gate of Ye's group, Lin Fei's heart seems to be deeply stabbed by a knife. It's very painful.

He, too, knelt down.

Lin Fei silently looked at the names above, one by one in mind, he wanted to let the people who killed these people pay a painful price.

The Ye family is gone, but the Zhao family is still there. Ye Guangyi has admitted that the Zhao family participated in the Lin family's extermination on that day, so the blood debt of the Zhao family will be paid.

In today's society, although it is no longer killing people with a knife and sword, Lin Fei wants to bring down the Zhao family, the richest man in Jianghai Province, ban him, let them lose everything, and let them feel the deepest pain.

Lin Xue cried twice during the past breath, when she woke up for the third time, Lin Zhong opened his mouth. "Don't cry, Lin Xue. It's been 20 years. It's time to put everything down. Moreover, Lin Fei has overthrown the Ye family and avenged our Lin family. "

"Brother, I'm a sinner of the Lin family! If it wasn't for the love between Zitao and me, or if it wasn't for the repentance of marriage with Ye Kun, the Ye family wouldn't have been so crazy in retaliating against the Lin family, and so many people wouldn't have died. "

Lin Xue heart of the ridge, still can't cross, remorse said.

"Lin Xue, in fact, your repentance and the Ye family are just superficial problems. The real reason is not here." Lin sighed again and said.

"What's the reason for that?" Lin Xue stopped crying and asked anxiously.

This period of time with Uncle Tao, uncle Tao also put forward the same view, but suffering from no evidence.

"I don't know, but when my father died, he repeatedly said: don't blame Lin Xue. The destruction of the Lin family has nothing to do with it."


When Lin Xue heard this, she burst into tears again.

Poor world parents heart, until the end, still remember women, still want to forgive women.

"Dad, haven't you found it all these years?" Lin Fei looked at his father and asked.

Lin Zhong shook his head helplessly. "I've been seriously ill these years, and I'm just living."

"Then who can know about it?"

"Lin Fei, this is also the reason why I let you in. It is estimated that your rise has attracted other people's attention. They will soon find out your identity. At that time, these former enemies will act one after another. You will be very dangerous, but it is also an opportunity for our Lin family to revenge."

"I'm not afraid of that! But I'd like to know, how can I find my mother? "

Lin Chong shook his head.

When the Lin family suddenly changed, he was seriously injured. It's a miracle that he can live to now. I really don't know.

What's more, when Lin Fei's mother came home to ask her family for help, Lin Chonggang was seriously injured in a car accident and didn't know.

"Your mother is from the Meng family in Jianghai City, and your grandfather's name is Meng Langyan. I have been isolated from the outside world these years, and I don't know if they are still there." Lin Zhong looks at Lin Fei and says with apology.

Lin Fei nodded, for his father's helplessness, he can understand.

However, since he already knew his grandfather's name, he believed that he would be able to inquire about his mother.

In addition to Zhao's family, there are also Meng's family and Mu Xinxuan's, so this trip to Jianghai city is expected to be very substantial. It may also set off a huge wave in Jianghai city.

Of course, he did not forget the key thing for the development of his company, that is, the underwear fair that meizishuang group will attend soon.

"Brother, didn't father leave anything?" Lin Xue always feels sorry for her father and asks Lin Zhong again.

"At that time, my father was on the verge of death, and my whole body was injured. It was only with a strong force that I fled back here with my father on my back and Lin Fei in my arms. In the middle of several pursuits, I nearly died, and I didn't bring anything."Lin Xue nodded. Although she didn't see it with her own eyes, from Lin Zhong's description, we can imagine how dangerous it was at that time.

Even Lin Fei was full of praise for his father. In that case, it was more difficult for him to escape from Jiangnan City to Heping Village in Jiangbei County.

Just when everyone was in despair, Lin Zhong suddenly called out. "I think of one thing."


Lin Fei and others look at Lin Zhong.

"When my father died, he kept saying the five words' lion beast at night ', which I still don't understand."

"What is this?"

"Is it the name of the horse?"

"It's not supposed to be a person's name."

Lin Fei, Lin Xue and uncle Tao all talked about it one after another.

Lin Chong also shook his head to show that he didn't know.

For a long time, I didn't guess what it was.

The house fell into silence.

After a long time, Lin Fei suddenly kowtowed three heads to Lingwei, stood up and looked at Lin Zhong and his three.

"Dad, aunt, uncle Tao, I'm going to Jianghai city now. I must find my mother. I must take revenge for our Lin family. Just wait for my news."

Lin Fei didn't say until now that Zhao family was also one of the enemies. He didn't want the three old people to worry.

Lin Zhong, Lin Xue and uncle Tao did not speak, but nodded.

They are old, the future is Lin Fei, Lin's hatred needs Lin Fei to report.

Even though uncle Tao knew that there was an enemy in Jianghai City, he didn't say it and didn't want to mislead Lin Fei.

Lin Fei nodded to the three men and turned to walk out

"Where are we going?" Long Nu drives to see to Lin Fei to ask a way.

"Go back to the North Hotel, do something, and then go to Jianghai city."

Lin Fei thought of what he wanted to do, and his mouth showed a smile of evil spirit.

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