Jiangbei County, many people in the system are panic, many people are not willing to work, for fear that the next second waiting for their future is over.

In Chunfeng hotel in Jiangbei County, the huge crystal chandelier in the center of the hall suddenly went dark. Before the guests could respond to anything, a beam of light came to the door, and a slender jade foot stepped into the hall, shining white against the background of black string high-heeled shoes. Everyone took a deep breath.

The wedding dress is tightly attached to the body lines, and the cloud like brocade wrinkles are accumulated at the waist, and then the wide skirt is suddenly released.

The bride is blushed by happiness, with apple like face, eyes and beautiful face, which makes her the most dazzling star.

The man standing next to him, although his face is painted with makeup, but his face is red and swollen, as well as the scars, which makes him look out of place with the bride next to him.

However, the people at the scene ignored all this. They only saw the identity of a man, the status of a man, and the beauty of the bride.

Today is Songle's wedding day. The wedding place was originally set in the North Hotel. After Jiang Meng refused, he moved here.

Wedding is the happiest time in life, but Songle is very depressed.

He was injured and his hotel changed temporarily, which made him feel very ashamed.

He even wanted to take revenge on the North Hotel, but his father stopped him. In an extraordinary period, if it wasn't for his son's wedding, I'm afraid they would have run away.

"Congratulations to Songshao, congratulations to Shuya!"

"Congratulations to Songshao, congratulations to Shuya!"

"Congratulations to Songshao, congratulations to Shuya!"


The original quiet wedding scene, instant blessing sound everywhere, applause.

Songle's tense face relaxed a lot, but also a touch of pride.

Over the years, Songle had many women, but Shuya was an object he didn't conquer. The reason was very simple. He was not only beautiful, but also had a prominent family. He didn't dare.

At the moment, he gently embraces Shuya's waist, and his heart has already flown to the distance, even to the wonderful moment of pushing Shuya down on the bed.

"Dear guests, dear friends and relatives, now let's warmly welcome Mr. Songle and Ms. Shuya to the wedding hall, and let them accept our deepest and most sincere wishes."

Standing on the stage, the master of ceremonies, facing the microphone, looking at the door, an infectious voice instantly resounded in the hall.


The applause broke out in a flash.

"Congratulations to Songshao, congratulations to Shuya!"


The cry, which had just subsided, resounded again.

Songle's red and swollen face has become a beautiful chrysanthemum. His arms around Shuya's waist are stronger, and his heart is more happy.

Songle and Shuya stepped onto the wedding stage under the blessing and gaze of the people.

"Mr. song Le specially recorded VR video for today's wedding, expressing his love for Ms. Shuya in his video. Do you want to have a look together?"


Master of ceremonies with professional standards, the scene presided over, the mood of the people thoroughly mobilized.

Shuya's eyes flashed a touch of moisture, she did not expect Songle would have such a romantic, such a mind, really moved.

A burst of comfortable and proud, the woman was really moved by her own way.

"I didn't expect that Songle was quite romantic?" Standing at the door of the wedding hall, the Dragon girl looks at the two newlyweds in the room and says.

Lin Fei asked her to drive here. She doesn't know exactly what happened, but it's not a good thing to know 100%.

"It's very rough. I don't know if it's too rough." Lin Fei said with a deep smile on his face.

At the moment, in the office of Chunfeng Hotel, the manager is standing beside him. Song Xiang is sitting in his seat, watching everything in front of him through monitoring.

"Mr. Song, can it be played now?" The manager asked respectfully.

Song Xiang nodded. The manager immediately picked up the walkie talkie excitedly and called in a trembling voice: "start playing."

"Next, let's see Mr. Songle's confession VR to goddess Shuya."

The host of the hall just announced the beginning of the broadcast.

"Do you want to miss me?"

Men's obscene voice, coupled with the picture, the entire hotel hall is silent, the leaves can be heard.

People are stunned, petrified looking at the screen, heart galloping, now are so open? Even the confession has become this kind of direct?

At first, Shuya didn't know what was going on. When she looked at the big screen and recognized that the man on the big screen was Songle and the woman was another woman, her face immediately became pigsty and her body shook uncontrollably.

"Son of a bitch!"

Songle rushes to interrupt the play, only to find that it is the curtain, and the projector is hanging high on the top of the hall.Can't stop it!

"Shut down! Shut it down Songle roared around the hall, but the broadcast didn't stop. On the contrary, it was getting closer and closer to the climax, and the people at the scene were confused.


Shuya suddenly takes off her wedding dress, but she doesn't care how enchanting her underwear is, and she doesn't care what image she has, because she has no image. In front of so many people, she witnesses how her fiance is crazy with others, which makes her arrogant heart die completely, which is worse than killing her.

The whole wedding scene was in a complete mess.


"Lin Fei, you are really bad enough." The Dragon girl stares at Lin Fei and says.

"How about it, or not?"

"It's a relief!"

It's not the Dragon Girl, it's Wang Jianguang.

He receives Lin Fei's call and comes here to take song Le and his father song Tiancheng according to Liu Feng's arrangement.

"Just let it go! Who dares to make trouble at my brother's wedding, I will let who get the same retribution

Lin Fei looks back from the wedding hall and says to Wang Jianguang.

"Lin Fei! Thank you

At the moment, he didn't know how to express his gratitude to Lin Fei.

Today, Liu Feng becomes the third leader of Jiangbei County, and concurrently serves as the director of XXX Department of Jiangbei County, while Wang Jiangguang becomes his secretary.

Wang Jianguang is very clear that all the things he got are thanks to Lin Fei.

Without Lin Fei, there would be no happy wedding two days ago and no great official career today.

"Jianguang, keep the original intention and work hard. I believe your future will be very bright."

Lin Fei patted Wang Jianguang on the shoulder, nodded his head and turned to walk out.

He came here to vent his anger for Wang Jianguang. The goal has been achieved, and the rest is their business.

Wang Jianguang looked at Lin Fei's back, his eyes wet, this is the real friendship.

"Take it away!"

At the command of Wang Jianguang, four people rushed in immediately. A minute later, song Le and his father song Tiancheng were taken off like two dead dogs.

Lin Fei has already got on the bus, with boundless pride in his heart.

Jianghai City, I'm here.

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