
Familiar system sounds.

"Master! Congratulations on the 100 billion yuan investment. " Little Lori's voice came laughing.

"Little Lori, my father's illness can be cured. Thank you."

Think of at that time small Laurie scold oneself wake up, Lin Fei or from the heart grateful.

"You have a conscience!"

Little Lori seems to be in a good mood.

"What's the reward this time?" Lin Fei can't wait to ask.

"A trillion dollars."

"A thousand year old ginseng will be awarded."

"The reward of merit is worth 100 million.

"I'll do it! Little Lori, did you make a mistake and reward another one trillion? "

"Why, are you too many?"

"No! no It's just a shock. "

"Cut! I'm worried about whether you will be scared to death if you become the richest man in the future. "

Little Lori is merciless to Linfei despised.

Lin Fei

"Your first phase system task has been completed." Little Lori continued.

"What does this mean?"

"Up to now, the system mainly focuses on your feelings and character. Therefore, we only assign tasks from the macro perspective, without specific guidance or small task traction. From now on, we will change the way of task distribution, adopt the method of small task series, and speed up your dream realization."

"This is good!" Hearing this, Lin Fei immediately called out. During this time, he was very busy in order to complete the task, especially the task with a profit of 100 times, which was just completed by mistake.

"Little Lori, where can I start my task of becoming the richest man in Jianghai province?" Thinking of this trip to Jianghai City, Lin Fei can't wait.

"Wait! When the task can be started, you will be informed naturally. " Little Lori said, and her voice disappeared.

Ha ha

Lin Fei regained his divine sense and couldn't help laughing excitedly.

"What are you grinning at?" Longnu looks at Lin Fei like an idiot and asks.

Lin Fei

He is such a handsome guy, how can he become an idiot in her eyes?

"Nothing! This trip to Jianghai City, I am full of fighting spirit. " Lin Fei finished, and shook his shoulder.

"Cut! I'm afraid I'm thinking of a woman, and I'm about to suffocate, right Dragon girl very disdainful said.


"Dragon Girl, you seem to have changed. You have said such a thing!"

"You, didn't you learn from me?"

The Dragon girl said, her cheeks flashed red.

Lin Fei's heart trembled. Thinking of his father's misunderstanding, he quickly shut up. He didn't dare to continue to tease.

Seeing that Lin Fei didn't speak any more, Longnu took a long breath. Just now, she also felt a bit impolite.

At this time, in a five-star hotel in Jianghai City, a 30-year-old man was wearing a black suit with a handsome hairstyle.

This young man is Ye Qiang.

He came back late, the demise of the Ye family could not be stopped, but the flame of his revenge was even higher.

Lin Fei's trip to Jiangbei County has been under his supervision, but he didn't start. Today's expressway is the time for him to start.

At this time, he is looking at the hands of a liquid crystal display, the LCD screen is transmitted by satellite.

If you look carefully, it shows the expressway where Longnu and Linfei's vehicles are driving, and in the picture, the real-time image of their vehicles is extremely clear.

In the image, you can even clearly see the change of Lin Fei's expression. Around Lin Fei's car, there are four cars with red circles. The front two cars are Land Rover, the back two cars, one is truck and the other is BMW.

The four cars are driving very fast, tightly surrounding Lin Fei's Ferrari.

At this time, ye Qiang called out the electronic map of the whole highway from the LCD and checked the location of Lin Fei's car.

At the moment, Lin Fei's Ferrari is approaching a corner.

Ye Qiang immediately pulled the earphone beside his ear and said to the microphone, "destroy the forest, prepare for action, kill Lin Fei at all costs!"

"OK, Mie lin-1 got it!"

"OK, mielin-2 got it!"


In the four cars in front of and behind Ferrari, four drivers responded to the command at the same time.

At this time, the car just drove to a bend in front of it. The two BMW off-road vehicles in front suddenly came to a sharp brake. The tires made a sharp friction sound with the ground, and the smell of rubber filled the air.

All agreed! Just as the Ferrari entered a curve in front of them, the two BMW off-road vehicles in front of them suddenly stepped on the emergency brake. The two vehicles made two long squeaks and stopped.At the same time, the driver of the BMW SUV and the truck in the back has stepped on the accelerator to the end and madly bumped into the Ferrari in front.

If you hit it, you will be killed.

They have the idea of success.

At the moment, Lin Fei in the car didn't realize the crisis. He was still immersed in this trip to Jianghai city.

"No! Someone's going to hit us again. "

The driver's reaction was very quick. Seeing the driver in front of her stop, she realized it. She looked behind in the rearview mirror and cried out.

Lin Fei now has seen before and after, suddenly scared out of the sky.

The most terrifying thing is that Longnv didn't slow down, but accelerated to the front two BMW SUVs. It was about to hit, and the big truck behind was rushing madly.

The BMW off-road vehicle driving next to the big truck just blocked the rest of the road, leaving Longnu's car nowhere to escape.

The cold sweat rolled down Lin Fei's cheek.

Longnu's driving skills are very excellent. Now with such speed, it's impossible for her to help Longnu drive.

Is it, is it, the enemy of his own? Can't you be buried on this winding road today?

I watched the approaching trucks behind me and the two SUVs that had stopped in front of me.

Lin Fei's eyes flashed a touch of unwillingness, and even thought of "death before victory, long make hero tears full of Jin!"

At this moment, Longnu holds the steering wheel tightly with her hands and stares at a BMW off-road vehicle in front of her. The more she step on the accelerator, the greater the distance between her feet. The distance less than 100 meters disappears in an instant, and she is about to stage a passionate collision.

The drivers of the two off-road vehicles in front opened the doors and quickly fled to both sides. Obviously, they had already made preparations for escape.

Lin Fei has closed his eyes -


"Like a man, sit tight and watch me!" Dragon girl suddenly said harshly.

The next second, Longnu presses a button on the console. Ferrari is less than 10 meters away from the front Mercedes Benz off-road vehicle. Suddenly, the front of the vehicle lifts up. Then, with the help of inertia, she jumps forward and lands on the top of the Land Rover off-road vehicle.

When Lin Fei saw this scene, he couldn't believe it. He flew up.

The next moment, he was even more shocked.

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