In the car, the Dragon Girl's expression is still serious.

Suddenly, his hands tightly hold the engine, and there is still a roar.

Ferrari on the roof of the car suddenly accelerated again and shot out like an arrow.

Bang Dang!

The huge landing sound sounded, and Lin Fei felt his whole body shaking.

However, Longnu didn't give him any chance to stop. She stepped on the gas and the car sped away.


The huge collision sound came from behind Lin Fei and Longnu.

Just tracking Ferrari's big truck and assisting BMW SUV, because the speed was too fast and out of control, they directly collided with the two Mercedes Benz cars in front of them, which made a huge noise!

The two drivers who came out ahead of time were so scared that they couldn't imagine that Longnu's car could fly.

In the five-star hotel in Jianghai City, ye Qiang is holding a LCD screen in his hand. His eyes are almost trapped in it. He stares at the picture and can't believe it.

This is a doomed situation, unexpectedly -

eyes fell on the still fast Ferrari, anger can no longer be controlled, mercilessly put a cup of coffee in hand fell to the ground, angrily scolded: "damn! Damn Lin Fei

Angrily scolded Wan, he immediately manipulated the button on the LCD screen to play back the video frame by frame just now!

However, I was disappointed that I didn't find the problem at all.

Even though he uses the military satellite of country m, which is the most powerful satellite in the world, he can't see the result, which shows how fiery it is.

At the moment, Lin Fei was sitting in the car, feeling like a dream.

Looking at the Dragon girl who is skillfully manipulating the steering wheel, her face is puzzled, her eyes are puzzled, and she asks curiously, "Dragon Girl, what's the matter? Why can your car fly? "

"Want to know?" The Dragon girl didn't know whether it was to ease the atmosphere or to make fun of Lin Fei. She asked with a smile.

"Yes Lin Fei nodded and responded truthfully.

"Give me two hundred million red envelopes!" The Dragon Girl stretched out her slender hand and put it in front of Lin Fei.


Lin Fei pats the off painted ICBC bank card on Longnu's hand and says with a smile, "here you are! Spend whatever money you want! "


The Dragon girl smiles. "I've saved your life. I'm not going to commit myself to it, am I?"

Lin Fei

Is the Dragon girl teasing herself?

It left him a little speechless.

Seeing that Lin Fei didn't speak, long Nu seemed to realize that she had said something too much. She said with a smile: "I refitted the car after being attacked by Ye's snipers at Jiangnanchun hotel last time. As a result, you and the fat man temporarily changed the car, so I had to refit it again. In fact, it is very simple, that is, it is equipped with a strong spring. Fortunately, the Ferrari was not heavy and played quite high, so I jumped on the Land Rover and escaped my life. "

Lin Fei looks at the Dragon girl beside her. In addition to gratitude, she is more complicated. She does her best for her own safety.

It is enough to have such a confidant in life.

Then, in order to save those women, the Dragon Girl disguised herself as such a woman and entered the bar of the king of the East District of the city. Her heart was even more shocked. What kind of woman is this?

However, Lin Fei feels lucky. At least Longnu really wants to protect herself.

The Dragon girl now Lin Fei has been staring at herself. The wheat colored face suddenly becomes a little ruddy. She slaps the steering wheel with her hand and makes a sound. Then she pretends to be angry and says, "dead Lin Fei, don't look at me all the time and don't think too much. I just don't want you to die right away. Besides, I protect you just to investigate you. "


Lin Fei burst out laughing!

Lin Fei didn't expect that the Dragon girl was still cold and warm-hearted until now. She talked to herself in this way, which was very similar to her character.


"Dragon Girl, if you don't know my identity all your life, won't you give up all your life?"

"Of course."

"Good! Very good

"What do you mean, Lin Fei?"

"Then my future child will have a free nanny."

Lin Fei leaned his head on the chair and said with a smile.

Dragon Girl

Just as she was about to get angry, her cell phone rang.

Longnu pressed to connect, and the people inside immediately reported some information to her.

"Good! I know! "

Long said a word, immediately hang up the phone.

"Lin Fei, I'll pull over and you get off first."

"Dragon Girl, are you going to throw me on the highway?" Lin Fei called out directly.

"What? Didn't your classmates throw it too? Aren't you very experienced? " With that, the Dragon girl had stopped her car by the side of the road. "Get out of the car!""Hello! What do you mean, Dragon Girl? "

"Get out of the car! I'll find you in Jianghai city. "

"Longnv, I just mean that you are a nanny. How can you..."

"Get out of the car!" The eyebrows of the Dragon girl stood up, and she was about to lose her temper.

"All right!" Lin Fei helplessly agreed, opened the door and got off the car.

As soon as the Dragon girl stepped on the gas, the car drove away like an arrow from the string.

Lin Fei looks at the back of the Dragon Girl's car. Instead of anger, he is more grateful.

He is not a fool. Dragon girl puts him down here. There must be danger ahead. She wants to use her car to lead away danger.

At this moment, the Dragon girl stares at the front and drives the car into a shadow. If you want to kill Lin Fei, you have to pass her Dragon Girl First

Lin Fei walked on the edge of the highway.

Looking at the end of the highway, Lin Fei's mood is extremely depressed. It's true that when he goes back to Jiangbei County, he is driven out of the car and thrown on the highway. It's estimated that there is no one but himself.

Just when Lin Fei is in a bad mood, a car horn rings behind him, and then a red Maserati stops beside Lin Fei.

Lin Fei turned his head and looked at a woman with long hair and wide sunglasses, who covered half of her face. Looking at her body, she had a white bat shirt, a blue ultra short skirt, long and white legs, which were exposed to the air. It was very cool. Although

can not see the specific appearance, but round lips, pink lipstick sparkle in the sunlight, so that people can not help but want to hold a kiss.


Very attractive!

"Lin Fei? If it is you

The woman in the car also saw Lin Fei clearly at the moment and directly blurted out.

Lin Fei is a Leng, this voice is a little familiar.

The next second, the woman had taken off her glasses.

Lin Fei's eyes immediately show incredible, unexpectedly -

think of rain!

Zhou Ruoshui's manager of jiupinzhai, the cold woman, lost the bet with Huo Dongfu that day. She needed to confess to a man, and finally chose to confess to herself. As a result, she was rejected by herself!

Ha ha

Siyu gives out a delicate laugh like a silver bell.

Just, Siyu's laughter makes Lin Fei listen very complicated, the only thing he lacks is sympathy, which makes him very depressed and curious. What does this girl want to do?

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