
The silent system suddenly rang.

"Master! Soak in front of the woman, let her fall in love with you Little Lori's voice broke out.

"No way. I only have mu Xinxuan in my heart. I won't like other women."

"Master! This is a system task. You have to complete it. Besides, let her like you, not you like her. These are two concepts. Of course, if you really like it, our system will be very happy. "

Lin Fei

It's depressing because -

system tasks can't be rejected.

"Master! Come on

Little Lori said, her voice immediately disappeared.

"Lin Fei, do you have such a miserable day?" Siyu didn't know that Lin Fei was talking with the system. Seeing that he was silent, he stopped laughing and said.


She really hates it!

She is such a great beauty. She confesses to Lin Fei in full view of the public. Even for acting, she won't be rejected so directly, will she?

She will never forget that humiliation.

"Miss the rain! See you like the man was thrown on the highway, you don't care, even export run, kind-hearted

Lin Fei directly put on a high hat for Siyu.

Thinking of rain

I feel that my clothes become thinner in a moment. It seems that I may be blown up in the next second.

"Lin Fei, go to hell!"

Originally, I was thinking of rain because I saw someone walking on the high speed. I thought I was in trouble and stopped to help. As a result, Lin Fei was very surprised.

Just want to let Lin Fei get on the car and go together, the result this guy actually said such words, suddenly angry, a step on the accelerator will leave.

Lin Fei seldom meets an acquaintance, how can he give up?

There are system tasks, but also can not give up!

Just when Siyu started the car and wanted to leave, Lin Fei opened the door and sat directly on the co pilot.

"Lin Fei, you go down!" Siyu's face is gloomy and dripping.

"Son of a bitch!" Three words beat up and down in her heart, just like a beating note.

That day in jiupinzhai, I bet with Huo Dongfu that you, Lin Fei, are not compatible with Huo Dongfu. You can even cooperate with Huo Dongfu to play a play. Who knows that you should be so ruthless and ignore such a beautiful woman as yourself. This kind of thing, let alone think of rain, is that no woman will accept it.

"Take me to Jianghai city and I'll give you ten million!"

"Go down!"

"One hundred million!"

"Go down!"

"One billion!"

"Go down!"

"Ten billion!"

Siyu stopped talking and turned to look at Linfei.

Lin Fei's heart has already blossomed with laughter. When he said 10 million just now, he just joked. Siyu's refusal aroused his anger, so he yelled 10 billion.

Unexpectedly, Siyu was conquered by her 10 billion yuan?

"Lin, Lin Fei, are you sure you really want to give me 10 billion?" Siyu asked warmly in his eyes.

"Yes! Miss Siyu likes me so much. How about giving you 10 billion yuan? " Lin Fei laughs.

This time, for the first time, Siyu didn't get angry. A blush flashed on her face, and she quickly suppressed her excitement.


Lin Fei is a Leng, eyes look at Siyu, eyes more than a smile full of deep meaning.

Because Siyu's eyes flashed the color of pain, she needs money! "Do I transfer money to you now or off the highway?"

"Let's get off the highway!"

Siyu started the car and said coldly.

"Yes! We need to look at the quality of service. "

Lin Fei said, deliberately with deep meaning in his eyes to see the rain.

Siyu's eyes are fixed on the front, but his face is full of red halo. In his heart, countless alpacas gallop by. He is angry and resentful for Lin Fei!

She really needs money. When she thinks about what she will face when she comes back to Jianghai this time, she is very aggrieved.

If not, let alone 10 billion, even 100 billion will not really be moved.

Lin Fei sees that Siyu doesn't speak. Thinking of the system task, he has to continue to speak.

"Miss Siyu, what's your mobile number, please?"

Think rain didn't see Lin Fei, but still couldn't help but white one eye, this guy how so hooligan?

"I won't tell you!"

Tut tut

"It's not right for you to look at the" beauty service "posted on the street and on the wall. People are not as bad as you, and they all have contact numbers. You don't even have a phone. That's not right!"

Thinking of rain

At the moment, "sex wolf" has become the beating staff in Siyu's heart!"Lin Fei, if you want to take a bus, shut up!"

Siyu couldn't understand Lin Fei.

It seems that in Jiangnan City, Lin Fei is surrounded by a lot of beautiful women, but it seems that he has never touched that beautiful woman. When he meets him today, how can he be like a bull in love?

Lin Fei seemed to feel that he had gone too far. He laughed and said, "Siyu, I haven't seen you in jiupinzhai recently. You should not be hiding from me, because..."

Before he finished, Lin Fei frowned and looked back.

Because just after the attack, Lin Fei sat in the car again and was more cautious, so he was highly vigilant.

I saw seven or eight cars behind Siyu, including Ferrari, Maserati and other expensive sports cars.

"Ah ha ha!"

The driver of the Maserati at the front saw the Maserati who was thinking of rain. It was like a bull who saw a cow. He immediately heard a loud cry of excitement. Then there was a roar of engine, which had been driving side by side with the car that was thinking of rain.

"Beauty, our cars are all the same. What a fate! Would you like to have an in-depth exchange? "

The driver was a young man of about twenty-three or twenty-four years old. He was handsome, with excited arrogance on his face, a touch of aloofness between his eyebrows, and the smell of Coyote on his body.

There were men and women sitting in the cars behind. When they heard the young men chatting up, they immediately began to howl, whistle and even laugh.

Siyu saw the man driving, with a blush on his cold face, which had been teased by Lin Fei, but now he became completely gloomy.

Her face was unhappy, her brow was frowning, she was silent, she stepped on the gas and was ready to overtake.

"Beauty, why don't I say hello to you? I just want to communicate with you. Why hide? It's fate to meet each other, and the car is the same. Let's fly together. How nice it is to live together and fly together? "

The tone of youth is full of obscenity, obscenity and provocation.

Siyu's mouth is tightly closed. It seems that once he opens his mouth, it will burst out completely, and he will be angry with the youth.

"See those cars in the back? They're all my friends. How about a ride? If you lose, just treat me to a meal. "

The young man seemed to have a normal reaction to Siyu. He didn't care at all and continued to speak.

As for Lin Fei in the co pilot's position, he directly ignored him. In addition to glancing at him, he had no reason.

Siyu didn't pay any attention at all. He stepped on the accelerator and accelerated. The car galloped out to avoid entanglement.

Seeing that Siyu wanted to speed up, the young man showed a evil smile at the corner of his mouth, stepped on the accelerator, and the car ran forward, directly blocking the way.

Joke, the woman he likes, can he refuse?


Behind a Ferrari seems to verify his idea, has passed, to the front.

Satisfied, the young man slowed down again and returned to Siyu's car and continued to run parallel with it.

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