
Maserati darted forward like a red lightning bolt in the air.


In a flash.

Siyu is like falling from a high altitude, her body seems to be completely out of control, and her voice is out of control.

The scream seemed to pierce Lin Fei's eardrum.

After a brief panic, she sat down and looked at the dashboard.

The speed pointer is like an electric current flowing rapidly. It points to the speed of 200 km / h almost instantly.

I haven't waited for Siyu to see clearly. Keep going up!

Two hundred and fifty kilometers!

Three hundred kilometers!

It's still accelerating.

Until the pointer has reached the maximum position.

Siyu felt her heart beating to her throat.

Lin Fei didn't even know the function keys of the car just now. She grabbed the seat base with her hands and didn't dare to move. It seemed that the car might be destroyed at any time.

Of course, if it's just too fast, it's not enough to make her panic.

Lin Fei doesn't know about the car, and in front of him, the car has been running into Maserati, the young man in front of him. This is the most terrible thing.

In the scream, Siyu subconsciously closes his eyes, and two words appear in his mind -

waiting for death.

In this moment, she thought a lot.

The pictures of the past came to her mind. However, among all the pictures, the clearest one was her confession to Lin Fei in jiupinzhai.

You know, Lin Fei was the most handsome person in the hotel at that time. He was the kind of man who made women feel excited when they saw him, and who made women dream of him.

Because of this, Siyu chose Linfei.

However, Lin Fei refused that simply, now think of, think of rain all feel incredible.

You know, in Jianghai City, I was a rich lady, a famous beauty in Jianghai city. Before Lin Fei, there were not hundreds of men pursuing her, at least dozens. It was because I couldn't bear the trouble that I fled to Jiangnan City to be the manager of jiupinzhai.

Who knows, Lin Fei completely broke her proud heart.

Today, I met here because I felt that Lin Fei was familiar with his back. Like him, I stopped and saw Lin Fei. At that moment, only she knew how excited she was.

As for the indifference at that time, it was all pretended.

Think of oneself such a beautiful woman excited for Lin Fei, she also feel a little embarrassed.

When all these pictures disappear, the picture left in Siyu's mind will finally freeze, that is -

violent collision, completely smashed.

There were fires and huge explosions.

Flesh and blood fly, ashes fly.

At the moment, several sports cars in front of each other didn't accelerate. They took advantage of Lin Fei and Siyu to change their position and drove to the front, blocking the way forward.

Because of this, young men will be so calm and Lin Fei bet, calm watching Lin Fei familiar with the vehicle, calm waiting for Lin Fei to start.

Lin Fei's car sped up, and he immediately dialed the steering wheel to get ready to suppress it.


Just when he thought he was in complete control, the smile on his face became stiff.

Maserati, driven by Lin Fei, did not slow down or change direction.

On the contrary, it's like it's out of control and accelerating wildly.

Faster and faster.

The feeling is that the accelerator is used as a brake, straight to him, seems to want to directly hit it fly.

Thirty meters.

There's no deceleration.

Twenty meters.

It's faster.

Ten meters.

Five meters.

Maserati is like a roaring red beast, with the momentum of trying to devour everything.

Go ahead!

No more enemies!

Die together!


The young man's face turned pale, cold sweat rolled down, no longer hesitated, quickly turned the steering wheel, and watched Maserati go beyond.

"What's the matter! Ah, Pooh

Overtaking at the same time, Lin Fei angrily scolded, turned his head is a mouthful of phlegm!


Lin Fei's phlegm just fell on the young man's eyebrows. The young man felt his eyes were dazzled and his brain was nervous. He stepped on the accelerator and hit the Ferrari in front of him.

The friend in front of him was shocked by Lin Fei's aggressive overtaking. When he wanted to continue to block the road, he saw the young man's car crashing into him like crazy. Suddenly, he was confused and quickly dialed the steering wheel to get out of the way.

The young man's car passed, and so did Lin Fei's.

At the moment, the young man had already reacted and raised his hand to wipe down the phlegm on his forehead, while Lin Fei had driven over him."Yo ho! You lost Lin Fei made a provocative cry.

"You, you, you, I'm going to kill you."

While throwing the tissue out of the car, the young man stepped on the accelerator and chased after him.

For a moment, seven or eight super cars on the highway, like crazy beasts, began to run wantonly.

Inside Maserati's car.

Siyu's eyes are still closed. He was so scared that he felt everywhere just now. Now he is touching


"Siyu, you are too hooligan. That's not the driving stick." Lin Fei's voice rings in Siyu's ear.

Siyu startled, quickly opened his eyes, and then issued a sharp scream.

Lin Fei's hand trembled and almost fell into the ditch.


Obviously it's your hooligan who touched herself. How could it be that she was insulted?

I'm so ashamed that I'm about to drip water.

Even if she has no personnel, even if she has no experience, she is not a fool. Of course, she knows what she touches!

However, the next second, she was occupied by another idea.

Not dead?

I'm not dead!

It's not dead!

At the moment, she has only one impulse -

to cry!

"Stop! Stop the car! Ah Oh... "

Siyu suddenly yells at Linfei.

"What's your name?"

Lin Fei is confused!

Lin Fei said, instead of stopping, he stepped on the accelerator. The car was faster and seemed to fly.

"Stop! Stop the car! Ah Oh... "

Yes, there's another call from the car.

However, this call is not from Siyu, but from Lin Fei. It's very lifelike.

Siyu wants to go to the toilet.

The temptation of taitemo!

Taite's obscenity!

"You You... "

Siyu is cold all over, and his face is freezing.

This is angry and frightening.


The engine of the engine roared again, Lin Fei stepped on the accelerator to the end again, and began to accelerate madly again.

At the moment, there is no car in front of him. Now Lin Fei is competing with himself and surpassing himself.


It's called in the car again. It's called out by Siyu. She's almost scared out of her mind.

Lin Fei is so crazy.

When the angry Siyu wants to open his mouth to scold, Lin Fei suddenly doesn't look ahead and turns to Siyu with a smile.

The heart that thinks of rain jumped to the throat.

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