Want to die?

No one wants to die.

But now Lin Fei is killing himself!

We've reached Maserati's limit speed, that's all.

However, this guy didn't look at the road ahead, but looked at himself. His heart of thinking about rain was completely disordered.

Do you want to be a pair of desperate mandarin ducks?

"Siyu, the last confession in jiupinzhai, do it again." Lin Fei said with a smile.


Think rain feel hit by the meteor in the sky, how can you meet such a shameless man?

"Go to hell! You don't want to Ah Ahead, look ahead Siyu's scolding didn't come out, so he screamed out.

"What a thrilling cry Lin Fei laughs.

Then he turned his head, turned the steering wheel, and instantly passed by a moving truck, which immediately caused Siyu to scream in horror.

"Come on! I'm listening Lin Fei seems to be very interested in this, and he looks like he is determined to miss the rain.

Siyu is going mad.

"If you don't shout, I'll continue to accelerate like this. No matter what road or how many cars there are, I'll keep accelerating."

"You are crazy!"

Siyu is very angry, but she is really afraid.

"I'm speeding up!"


Siyu was speechless. She screamed and simply opened her voice.

"Lin Fei, I love you!"

"Lin Fei, I want to marry you!"

"Lin Fei, I want to be your woman!"

Under the extreme pressure, Siyu seems to want to be crazy once. He shouts three times, and the more he shouts, the more direct he is. Finally, he shouts out even if he wants to be Lin Fei's woman.

However, after shouting, instead of feeling depressed, Siyu felt comfortable, which was a kind of inexplicable comfort.

If the first confession is due to losing the bet, stick to it. At that time, it was more revenge for Lin Fei, who agreed to give the private room to Huo Dongfu, and wanted to make the women around Lin Fei angry and make Lin Fei make a fool of himself.

So although this confession was threatened by Lin Fei, she felt much more comfortable in her heart, and even felt that there were many voices from her heart.

Everyone has their own arrogance. Women are born with their own arrogance, especially beautiful women. That kind of arrogance is more obvious and more prominent.

Because of this, Siyu hated Lin Fei's heartless refusal and couldn't forget it.

Today, in the face of Lin Fei's coercion, although she is reluctant, she still wants to do it again. She wants to make Lin Fei like herself, and then refuse Lin Fei, so as to wash away her shame.

Under the influence of such thoughts, she was very excited, very happy, and even liked it very much.


"Congratulations, master, mission accomplished!"

Little Lori's voice came.

Ha ha

Lin Fei laughed excitedly.

The task is simply too simple.

Lin Fei's laughter, spread to Siyu ears, let her happy mood more uncomfortable.

"Siyu, in fact, you can just shout, but you shout too much, I like it very much, especially the last sentence."

Thinking of rain

The brows are all twisted into a line.

It's a shame.

"You call the last sentence three more times."

Lin Fei said shamelessly.

Siyu is going crazy and vomits faster.

When Lin Fei saw that Siyu didn't shout, he raised his mouth slightly and threw a wink at Siyu. Then, in a sweet voice, he cried, "Linfei, I want to be your woman!"


Siyu was so ashamed that he almost got under the seat.

"Shout! There's a curve ahead. I'm going to speed up. " Lin Fei said, the soles of his feet, the car obviously speed up.

Siyu just in the heart of that little cool, instead of first depressed, but the next is to agree. Lower your voice, "Lin, Lin Fei, I want to be your woman!"

"How about getting off the freeway and going to open a house?" Lin Fei ridiculed and responded.

Siyu raised her hand to cover her face and stopped talking.

"Why? How can I be embarrassed if I have said so directly? "

Siyu was so ashamed and angry that he covered his face more tightly.

However, the heart is more depressed.

Lin Fei's handsome face, which makes men moved, has completely flooded her. Now she really wants to rush into Lin Fei's arms.

And just now those confessions, it seems to have become her real idea, be careful of dirty Bang Bang violent beat.

Before the last confession to Lin Fei, Siyu was also the proud woman of heaven, and countless men bowed to her.

But she despised them, but Lin Fei's refusal made her hate and unforgettable.This period of time, hard work and busy, seems to have forgotten.

But today, I suddenly saw Lin Fei on the highway. I was shocked, attracted and stopped.

When she saw Lin Fei clearly, only she knew how happy she was.

However, she wanted to control this kind of emotion, but also showed indifference.

I didn't expect that Lin Fei used the opportunity of drag racing to completely let himself break the Bank of his feelings for Lin Fei.

At the moment, Maserati, who is sitting on her own, is still driving fast on the road. Her speed is even increasing instead of decreasing. When she needs to overtake, she doesn't even sound a whistle, just whistling past.

Siyu feels that he is a madman now and is experiencing a kind of crazy speed.

Of course, in a way, sitting beside Lin Fei and experiencing this kind of feeling makes her have a wonderful pleasure, which she can't describe with words.

"Lin Fei, I called, and have they been left behind by you? Slow down! You said it yourself

Siyu put down his hand and turned to look at Linfei. His face was crimson and his tone was as gentle as possible.


"I'm in a hurry to get a room."

Thinking of rain

"You just yelled so loud and so urgent, I have to be satisfied!"

Siyu covers her face again. She is completely speechless and is about to cry.

This asshole!

Can't you save some face for other girls?

Even if it's true to open a house, can't it be enough to put it bluntly and give people a little romance?

The heart of thinking about rain is completely disordered.

Lin Fei's heart is full of laughter.

Although he didn't know why the system would arrange this task for him, he knew that the system was definitely to complete the task of the richest man in Jianghai Province, so he didn't hesitate to believe it and ridicule Siyu.

Lin Feifei thought that the happier he was, the faster his speed was.

Siyu has only four words in his heart at the moment: "Cao Ni Mabi!"

Although it's very uncivilized, and it's not something that should be said by a woman, she really wants to shout it out. She thinks that will make it easy.

She didn't know if she was angry by Lin Fei, but this desire was really strong.

Soon, she found that this sentence was going to be spit out.


She screamed again.

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