There is a curve ahead. A truck is riding in the middle of the two lanes, so the left and right sides can meet the needs of vehicles. Lin Feifei doesn't slow down, on the contrary, he is accelerating.

It's close!

It's getting closer!

Siyu seems to have been able to imagine the moment when red Maserati got under the truck.

"Lin Fei, damn it

Siyu is really afraid, really angry, really desperate, really scolded.


The curse of Siyu seems to wake Lin Fei up.

He stepped on the brake,

the red sports car made a huge brake sound at the place where the curve was the largest, then drifted horizontally, just passing through the gap between the truck and the protective fence in the middle of the highway, and then stepped on the accelerator and went straight out again to overtake the truck.

"Siyu, your scolding makes me uneasy, and I'm looking forward to your performance in bed!" Lin Fei turns his head and looks at Siyu. His eyes are almost embedded in the meat.

"My adrenal gland secretion has begun to accelerate, want to go to the toilet, what do you say?"

Thinking of rain

It's a mess.

Countless long hair floating in front of her eyes, her face as red as red paper.

Siyu covers her mouth with her hands and looks round. It seems that there is a pool of water coming out, just like a child who has made a mistake. She looks at Lin Fei. "You drive well. I don't yell or scold. I'm wrong!"

The tone is very low, the attitude is very good, pathetic!

"Oh All right, then Lin Fei is very reluctant.

Siyu takes a long breath. As soon as he wants to relax, Lin Fei speaks again. "It turns out that you have a tendency to be abused, and you like to be disciplined?"

Thinking of rain

Just scolded out of the four words, Siyu almost blurted out again.

"Is it good to be taught?" Lin Fei added a sentence that he would not die.

"Damn it

Siyu felt that his anger was like the flood of breaking the dyke. He couldn't control it any more and blurted out.

She is a highly educated person, and she never scolds others. Today, because of Lin Fei's extreme stimulation, she scolds out of control.

Now, he is said to be disciplined.

Siyu is about to cry.

I'm so ashamed of Siyu.

Siyu scolded angrily.

This time, for the first time, Lin Fei didn't tease.

However, Siyu is sober.

At the moment when I was about to hit the car, it drifted away.

This, this is like a person who didn't know the joystick just now?

If you think about it carefully, although you feel very dangerous every time on this section of the road, the speed is also fast to the extreme, but there is no crash at all!

It seems very dangerous, but there is no real danger at all!

Siyu's eyes fall on Lin Fei who is operating the car.

Just a glance, you can't leave again.

It's too smooth.

The operation is too skillful.

No, it can't be called fluency and proficiency.

But should say is freehand brushwork!

That's right!

It's freehand brushwork!

That is a kind of nature from the heart, that is a kind of free and unrestrained from emotion.

Siyu's beautiful eyes are more colorful. For the first time, she is interested in and curious about driving.

She even felt like holding Lin Fei's hand. With his hand, she felt the pleasure of his manipulation.


Suddenly turn around, see the car to hit the corner fence, can't help shouting out again.

"I didn't expect that you like to be taught so coldly!"

"When we get to bed, I'll be very satisfied with your training."

"Call! Let's go! My little beauty. "

This is Lin Fei's first time driving. He is really excited, forgetful and uncontrollable. He really teases Siyu as his girlfriend.

Siyu tried to cover her mouth, and she didn't dare to cry. She couldn't afford to lose this person.

She really saw what is racing, what is driving skills, what is -

not fatal.

Lin Fei's driving is like a flash of lightning, galloping and jumping on the highway.

Just ten kilometers away from the exit of Jianghai expressway, Lin Fei gradually slowed down.

Siyu felt like he was on a high-speed plane. His heart was hanging in the air. At the moment, he finally landed safely.

I was also relieved.

At the moment, her face was crimson, her breath was short and undulating, and she had a tendency to break her clothes.

However, her eyes were so complicated, and there was even a kind of abnormality. There was no pride and coldness when she first met Lin Fei. On the contrary, her face made people seem to have experienced an extremely happy climax.He looked at Lin Fei.

Handsome face, elegant temperament, even better than women's skin, but the body is permeated with an invisible man deep.

Siyu found that he really fell in love with Linfei.

If Lin Fei knew that a drag racing had conquered a woman's heart, he would be unbelievable.

Of course, he will be even more depressed. Mu Xinxuan has been knocked down and has not been conquered.

The car slowly stopped at the intersection of the highway.

"Why don't you go?"

Siyu takes back his mind and asks Lin Fei.

"Aren't we racing? Now that we have won, of course we have to wait for the other side to admit defeat. " Lin Fei finished, looking at the intersection of the highway.

At the moment, seven cars such as young men finally appeared in sight.

Lin Fei has slowed down and stopped for five minutes.

Although it doesn't sound like a long time, for the same sports car, this is a big data.

Squeak, squeak!

With the sound of a sudden brake, seven young men's cars stopped around Lin Fei and miss rain's Maserati and just surrounded them.

As soon as the car stopped, the people on board jumped up.

"Damn Poof

As soon as the young man began to scold, he vomited a lot.

I was driving too fast just now, and I got out of control.

"Ha You're really full of shit! " Lin Fei said with a smile.


The young men's vomiting, bad smell and disgusting objects caused a chain reaction to the uncomfortable stomachs of several other people in the car nearby, and they began to vomit instantly.

Siyu frowned and covered her nose and mouth. She almost spat out.

Only Lin Fei opened the door and jumped out of the car.

At the moment, the young man had already vomited and didn't care to gargle. He looked at Lin Fei and said angrily, "boy, get down on your knees and kowtow to me immediately, or I will kill you."

The expression is arrogant.

The tone was haughty.

At first glance, it is a perverse and violent character developed for many years.

"You seem to be mistaken? According to the bet, it's you who have lost Lin Fei says coldly.

"Boy! Do you know who you're talking to? " Without waiting for the young man to speak, behind him a young man with long hair, dark jeans and a flowery shirt just driving a Ferrari came out.

"That's not good! I don't know who he is Lin Fei smiles and says to the young man.

"He's Zhao Er Shao from Jianghai city. Do you know this time?"

Hearing that someone came out to introduce his identity, Zhao Er Shao immediately straightened up and sent out a strong pride.

The men and women behind him were also full of pride.

Sitting in the co pilot's seat, Siyu heard this sentence, his eyes showed anger and more determination.

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