"Ten billion?"

"It's really special to blow!"

"You can still have 10 billion yuan in your dress? I suspect you didn't get two or three billion dollars into the sewers. "


Zhao Wenhua's followers were also infuriated by Lin Fei's words. They stood aside and began to despise each other.

"If there's 10 billion, I'll eat shit." Zhao Wenhua finally added.


At this time, Siyu's SMS rang.

She took out her cell phone, opened the message and was shocked.

This is a reminder of changes in the bank accounts, suggesting her income

After counting for a minute and three times, we were sure that it was 10 billion.

Siyu raised his hand, covered his mouth and looked at Linfei. There was surprise and excitement in his eyes.

"Wife, show them the message." Lin Fei winked at Siyu and patted her hips.

Siyu's heart trembled again, and his whole body seemed to have been shocked.

She tried to calm her mind, looked at Zhao Wenhua and said, "open your eyes." With that, he put the mobile phone screen directly in front of Zhao Wenhua.

A faint fragrance came with Siyu's hand, and immediately let Zhao Wenhua smell it.

It's delicious!

Enjoy it!

He likes it even more!

However, when his eyes fell on the notification message, his eyes immediately straightened. This, this -

can't be true.

Several other attendants immediately gathered around. When they counted, they were all silent. They couldn't believe it. They looked at Zhao Wenhua secretly.

Zhao Wenhua's face was as gloomy as water. He gave Lin Fei a hard look. It seemed that he could kill people.

Lin Fei looks at Zhao Wenhua's eyes. "Boy, it's up to you to eat the shit first."

When Zhao Wenhua heard Lin Fei's words, his lips twitched. He was throwing a stone at his feet. Stealing a chicken doesn't eat rice.

Beauty not only did not win, but lost two bets in succession.

He didn't know who Lin Fei was, but he was surprised to think that he could give 10 billion yuan to Siyu.

He knows very well that it's nothing to take out a million at random, but it's not ordinary people to take out 10 billion directly like Lin Fei.

Zhao Wenhua's eyes turned and his face remained unchanged. "Did I say that?"

He questioned Lin Fei in front of him.

Lin Fei was stunned when he heard Zhao Wenhua's words. He laughed. The boy was pretending to be a fool. He would not admit it at first!

If this is an ordinary person, just shame it, but he is a member of the Zhao family. How can they let him go if he is offended by the Zhao family?

"Why do you still want to be a rascal?"

"Ha ha, who's playing a rascal with you? My car costs millions of yuan. Do you think it's a toy car? Do you want to smash it? You still don't understand the meaning of the words? " Zhao Wenhua sneered and decided to be shameless.

"You are so shameless One side of the rain skimmed the corners of his mouth, his face with a thick disdain said.

She despises the man who pretends to be forced, and she despises the man who can't afford to lose.

"Please pay attention to your words. When did I gamble with you?" Zhao Wenhua's face sank and said, pretending to be angry.

"Yes! How can we two young people bet with people like you? "

"As a witness, I didn't gamble."

"I testify, too. I didn't gamble.

get in the car and leave us

A group of followers have now reacted. Although they despise Zhao Wenhua's practice, they still stand up for it.

Zhao Wenhua put his hands on his back and looked at Lin Fei.

"Boy! What you said just now is an insult to me. If you apologize now, I can forgive you, otherwise... " Zhao Wenhua did not finish, eyes have looked to his followers, its meaning is very obvious.

"If this guy can't afford to lose, forget it!" Think rain eye ground flash a silk cunning, once again disdain of say.

"No way!" Lin Fei shook his head.

"Ouch! Boy, it seems that you really eat raw rice. You don't know how to write dead words, do you? " The valet behind him began to roll his arms and sleeves.

"Honey, they want to beat you! Either, or you teach them a lesson! " Siyu hugs Lin Fei's arm and presses half of his body on him.

It's soft!

Very elastic!

What's more, it's very disturbing!

It seems that Siyu doesn't feel enough. He holds Lin Fei tightly and shakes his arm twice.

The feeling -

can't be described.

But Lin Fei is a burst of surprise, what does the rain mean?

However, the other party is from the Zhao family. Lin Fei doesn't mind giving a good lesson!

All of Siyu's performance falls into Zhao Wenhua's eyes. Seeing his deformed body, Zhao Wenhua's heart shudders.Anger began to burn in the heart, looking at Lin Fei's eyes is full of deep hatred.

However, Lin Fei has spoken before him. "Boy, you put forward the bet, and you promised it. Now you have to shout that you are a sex wolf, smash the car, and then eat the stool you vomited on the ground, or I will make you regret being a man." Lin Fei said coldly.

"Did I say that? Who will prove it?" Zhao Wenhua looked around at his companions and pretended to be stupid again.

His valet shook his head again and again, obviously afraid of Zhao Wenhua's identity.

"See, you're framing me. I have no time to talk with you

"Remember, I'm Zhao Er Shao. Don't irritate me!"

With that, Zhao Wenhua would like to go back to the car and leave the place where he is extremely embarrassed and uncomfortable today.

However, in the end, he still did not forget to intimidate Lin Fei.

As soon as Zhao Wenhua got into the car, Lin Fei came to him. He looked at Zhao Wenhua and looked at him playfully. His eyes were full of irony and indifference.

"What are you doing?" Zhao Wenhua a clever, cold asked.

"Ha ha, what are you doing, boy? If you don't smash this car, you won't be able to leave today!" Lin Fei tone light, but it is with a strong momentum.

"Well, what do you mean? If you go on making such a fuss, I'll call the police! " Zhao Wenhua Road.

"Call the police?" Hear these two words, Lin Fei Leng for a while.

"Boy, you want to call the police?" Lin Fei looks at Zhao Wenhua calmly and says slowly that he can't see happiness and sadness in his expression.

"Why, I'm afraid. If I'm afraid, get out of the way. I'm leaving!" Zhao Wenhua snorted coldly and said.

Zhao family is deeply rooted in Jianghai City, which department does not give face, if he really calls the police, he is sure that someone will come and take Lin Fei away immediately.

This makes Zhao Wenhua full of confidence.

"You want to call the police, don't you?"




As soon as Lin Fei's words came to an end, he smashed his fist on Maserati's door,


The car gave a shrill alarm.

Zhao Wenhua was stunned in the car.

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