Lin Fei's sudden move stunned Zhao Wenhua.

Looking at the door again, it's completely concave, leaving a big fist hole.

Looking at Lin Fei's fist, he held it tightly without any change.

Lin Fei's eyes looked at him and seemed to fall down at any time.

Zhao Wenhua's eyes in the door and Lin Fei fist back and forth changed twice, suddenly legs soft.

He's not as strong as a car door.

Zhao Wenhua's followers are silent now.

Zhao Wenhua tried to swallow two mouthfuls of saliva and was shocked. "I advise you not to provoke me, otherwise you can't afford the consequences!"

"Oh, aren't you the second son of the Zhao family, the richest man in Jianghai city? I see Lin Fei said with a funny smile.

"Yes! If you don't get angry, I'll let you go again. "

Lin Fei shakes his head and despises him even more!

"Boy, I tell you, I won't let you go!" Zhao Wenhua's eyes are full of threats.

"Idiot!" Lin Fei raised his hand and yanked, bang! Just deformed door was pulled down by him.

It's like a toy car with the door removed, but it's full of violence and awe.

Zhao Wenhua was so scared that he could put an egg in his mouth when he grew up.

All the people in the audience saw this scene, they were all staring at each other, and then a burst of sound absorption came out!

The man in front of you is crazy. How dare you clean up the Zhao family?

Just now, these sports cars stopped at the intersection. A group of people were already watching. They listened to the dialogue between Lin Fei and Zhao Wenhua clearly.

"Darling, is there anyone else who dares to fight against the Zhao family? Tut Tut, some have seen it. "

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

"I'd like to see if it's the Dragon crossing the river or if it doesn't press the local snake?"


Many people who like to watch the scene are chatting with each other, and their faces show the expression of watching the play.

It's normal for rich second generation dandies to fight for something or beauty.

But Zhao Wenhua is different. At least in Jianghai City, no one dares to beat him. Everyone will only let him.

What is his identity?

The second son of the Zhao family, the richest man in Jianghai City, was born with a golden key. Who dares to touch him? Who dares to hit him?

Usually, the second generation of the rich in Jianghai city are too late to please Zhao Wenhua, let alone beat the second prince of Jianghai city!

"You, you..."

Zhao Wenhua said a few words, or swallow the back of the cruel words back, he now some regret did not take the bodyguard.

At present, in terms of his level, as well as the level of these followers, if you start, it will be in vain.

"Ha ha, over the years, you are still the first one who dares to fight against me! Boy, do you dare to reveal your name! " Zhao Wenhua tries his best to keep his demeanor and looks at Lin Fei with an angry smile. He wants to take revenge on Lin Fei in the most terrible way!

"Oh? Hehe, do you want to investigate me? " Lin Fei laughs. He really doesn't pay attention to Zhao Wenhua. Moreover, the purpose of his coming to Jianghai city is revenge. The target is the Zhao family, so he won't be afraid.

"Listen, boy, my name is Lin Fei. Well, when you see me later, you can hear me, Grandpa Lin?"

"Boy, you are tough! Today, I'm sorry. " With that, Zhao Wenhua will start the car again and leave.

"Do you want me to do it for you a second time?"


Zhao Wenhua wants to retort, but seeing Lin Fei's almost murderous eyes, he finally holds back.

Zhao Wenhua jumps to the ground, picks up a brick and smashes it against her Maserati.

It's the ruthless one!

It's the fierce one!

Seems to want to put the whole body's strength, all the hate out.

People at the scene dare not speak, and his followers are silent.

In less than five minutes, Zhao Wenhua smashed it. Looking at the more than five million Maserati in front of him, his face was beyond recognition and his heart was very painful, but he pretended to be proud. "All right!"

"No way!" Lin Fei's answer is painful and concise.

"You, what do you mean? I warn you not to go too far

"You didn't say 'I'm a sex wolf', so you have to smash it again."

"I, I'll go..."

Zhao Wenhua scolds to half, sees Lin Fei nearly to kill the vision, finally stiffly swallows back.

In Zhao Wenhua's eyes, there is a kind of fear and fear from the bottom of his heart. He seems to feel that he really angers Lin Fei and will kill him with one punch, so he is afraid.

Zhao Wenhua picked up the stone again and banged it on the car. "I'm a sex wolf!"Hiss!

All the onlookers at the scene took a breath. Many people who had been sending videos to their circle of friends just now put down their mobile phones. They were shocked by Lin Fei's arrogance.

You know, this is Zhao's second son, not an ordinary man. Lin Fei actually forced him to fulfill his promise.

Zhao Wenhua's heart is bleeding, and he hates Lin Fei to death. He has engraved Lin Fei's appearance in his mind and vowed to revenge Lin Fei.

"I'm a sex wolf!" The cry, accompanied by the harsh sound of the car alarm, shrill spread into everyone's ears.

Five minutes later, Zhao Wenhua stopped.

The stone fell on the ground and sat down with a plop.

The roar just now seemed to empty his body. At the moment, there were countless anger burning in his heart, but he didn't have the courage to attack Lin Fei.

His followers bowed their heads, neither daring to go forward nor to leave.

"All right?" Zhao Wenhua panted for half a day and asked Lin Fei.

"No way!" Lin Fei's face is as bright as a rotten flower, and he says no again.

Zhao Wenhua

I'm so confused!

"You said that if I put out 10 billion yuan, you would eat shit. Nuo, eat your own excrement

Lin Fei pointed to the vomit on the ground and said with a smile.


Zhao Wenhua directly retched, almost spit out again.

It's disgusting!

"Lin Fei, keep a line in life, or you will be careful that there is no place to die." Zhao Wenhua has lost his face today, but he can't eat his own vomit.

"Do you want to be a man?"


Facing Lin Fei's question, Zhao Wenhua coldly responded.

"Good! I can't let you eat. "

"You're smart!"

Zhao Wenhua took a breath.


The crowd nearby sighed and was disappointed with Lin Fei.

"I'm afraid! I'm still afraid! "

"No wonder I'm afraid! That's the son of the richest man in Jianghai city. It's enough to make a face. If you eat shit again, you can't live. "

"The richest man in Jianghai City, who is not afraid?"


Disappointment flashed through the eyes of Siyu.

At this time, Lin Fei spoke again. "I'm going to teach you a lesson for the Zhao family today, so you can not eat it, but..."

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