Lin Fei agreed not to eat Zhao Wenhua, which made Zhao Wenhua feel relieved.

However, the "but" in his mouth made the whole atmosphere become abnormal and attracted everyone's attention.

Zhao Wenhua's heart tightly grasped again, the eye stares at Lin Fei, don't know he still has what request.

Lin Fei looks at Zhao Wenhua's followers. There are ten people, six men and four women.

Men are very fashionable, and everyone has the arrogance of the second generation ancestor.

Women are very exposed, everyone's face is painted with smoke makeup.

These people are stunned to see Lin Fei's eyes, but everyone is not nervous. In their opinion, Lin Fei agrees not to eat Zhao Wenhua's vomit, so the matter is over.

Zhao family, in Jianghai City, that is the existence of Big Mac.

Zhao two Shao, in Jianghai City, that is the existence that everyone respects.

Today, forcing them to smash their vehicles has greatly challenged the bottom line. They can no longer go too far, otherwise they will completely offend the Zhao family.

A family that can sneeze can make the whole province take medicine. Only those who really understand how powerful and detached its strength is.

"Zhao Wenhua, you can stop eating, but your companions need to eat for you." Lin Fei eyes back, finally fell on Zhao Wenhua's face, light said.

Lin Fei's voice is not high.

But his power is no less than that of a magnitude 10 earthquake.

Just now, he also talked about Lin Fei's fear of the Zhao family. In an instant, he stared at Lin Fei and stopped talking.

Even Siyu was stunned. Which play did Lin Fei sing?

After offending the Zhao family, it's not wise to offend the other ten.

Zhao Wenhua is more like being struck by lightning. Doesn't Lin Fei really know whether he is alive or dead? Don't know enough? Do you have to offend yourself to death?

As for the ten people, they were stunned at first and then sneered.

That's right!

They just sneered at Lin Fei.

Joke, who are they?

It's true that they are Zhao Wenhua's followers, but it's not common people's qualification to be Zhao Wenhua's followers. Among them, each family has at least tens of billions of assets. They are all Zhao's iron allies and loyal fans.

It can even be said that if they have any problems, the Zhao family will help to solve them. This is a relationship of honor and disgrace.

Don't let Zhao Wenhua eat, let them eat, this is not funny, what is it?

"What? You don't want to? Zhao Wenhua, do you choose to eat by yourself or let them eat? "

Zhao Wenhua is in a bit of a dilemma.

Eyes in Lin Fei and ten shift back and forth between.

Who do you think you are

The valet in the fancy shirt was the first to jump out again.

"Yes! We certainly don't eat it. "

"If you want to eat shit, eat it yourself."

"I've pissed off my aunt. I've got someone to turn you around."


One took the lead, and the others called out.

These second generation ancestors are people who have been living in the second generation circle all the year round. What they are good at is depressing others. When have they ever been depressed by others? When have you ever been threatened like this?

They would never agree.

They also absolutely do not believe that Zhao Wenhua continues to agree.

In their opinion, Zhao Wenhua would not have agreed to smash the car if Lin Fei hadn't pulled off a door.


Lin Fei sneered.

"Zhao Wenhua, I don't want to waste time and saliva. I'll count three and you can choose for yourself. One... "


There was a breath in the scene. They thought Lin Fei was just saying it casually, but now it seems that Lin Fei is coming.

Zhao Wenhua's face muscles began to beat, and his forehead was sweating.

Smashing a car is nothing, that is, millions of things.

But if you really want to eat vomit, it's similar to eating excrement. It's not about money. It's not only disgusting, but also humiliating.


The smile on Lin Fei's face is less, his voice is higher, and his anger is released.

"Count! Let alone three, thirty or three hundred are useless. "

"The Zhao family is not something you can cause. Our second young man smashed the car just to let off the fire. Do you really think he was afraid of you?"

"Eat shit? I think you're a pile of shit


Zhao Wenhua's followers scold Lin Fei and roar.

In their opinion, this is absolutely impossible. If they really eat, how can the Zhao family explain to their parents?

How to explain to Zhao's followers and allies?It's a matter of people's heart!

"Three Lin Fei ignored their words, but called out "three".

Ha ha

"Look! That's it. It's no use! " The valet was the first to laugh.

However, as soon as his words were finished, Zhao Wenhua spoke. "Xu Guo, you must get down quickly and give it to me!"

"What?" Xu Guo's smile instantly solidified on his face. His eyes widened and his mouth grew as if he had been struck by lightning.

It took him a long time to wake up. He looked at Zhao Wenhua and asked, "Zhao, Zhao Shao, is that true?"

Xu Guo can't believe that they have been around Zhao Wenhua for at least five years. They are the most valued followers among Zhao Wenhua's numerous followers.

Their parents are an important pillar of the Zhao family's industry. They are even shareholders of the Zhao family's industry, and they are also firm supporters of the Zhao family.

How can Zhao Wenhua really let them eat?

The rest of the attendants are confused! Leng Leng looked at Zhao Wenhua, face incredible.

"What are you looking at me for! Eat! Give it to me at once. " Zhao Wenhua's heart is also extremely depressed, but in front of eating himself or others, he finally chose others to eat.

Lin Fei's eyes are terrible!

Xu Guo and others still want to speak, but they are scared when they see Zhao Wenhua's eyes.

Zhao Wenhua's name of evil youth is not meant to be a joke. How many of his followers have given up or even disappeared because they couldn't listen to him at the critical moment.

Zhao Wenhua is a narrow-minded person. If he really offends him, he can guarantee that he will not have a good life.

Ten people looked at each other. They were both unwilling and angry.

However, they are very helpless.

Xu just came to his country and threw up the first thing.

Because they are all digested semi-finished products, which are mixed with gastric juice, the feeling of wetness and stickiness when holding them, and the liquid flowing from the fingers, Xu guocha spits out all the viscera.

The onlookers, seeing this scene, couldn't bear it any more. Some vomited on the spot, others turned around and ran away.

The other nine didn't wait to eat, they just vomited.

Even Zhao Wenhua began to retch.

Actually came to their vomit.

Xu Guo's heart of countless grass mud horse ran, but still toward the mouth, finally -



It's absolutely shocking!

Ha ha

Lin Fei looks up at the sky and laughs.

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