"Zhao Wenhua, you are really a selfish person."

"You see, this is your boss, this is the object you worship, betrayed you at the critical moment, abandoned you."

"Zhao family, this is your loyal leader. Remember, the Zhao family is zainiu. That's the Zhao family. You're just followers. In their eyes, you're just mole ants, just objects that can be abandoned at any time. "

Lin Fei looked at the attendants kneeling on the ground to eat vomit, mercilessly slapping face, slapping their face, slapping Zhao Wenhua's face.

At the moment, Zhao Wenhua's heart is bleeding, Lin Fei's move is too cruel!

It is absolutely a blow to the hearts of Zhao family followers.

In fact, that's what Lin Fei is aiming for.

Lin Fei saw the role of allies in the collapse of the Lin family and the Ye family.

If the Zhao family can become the richest man and a big family in Jianghai City, he must also have countless allies.

To defeat the Zhao family, the best way is to let their internal rupture, so that their allies began to betray.

He would like to thank Zhao Wenhua for giving him such a wonderful opportunity.

It's just that Zhao Wenhua doesn't know.

At the moment, Zhao Wenhua dare not say anything, for fear that a word, Lin Fei will let him eat.

Lin Fei turns to look at Siyu.

"Honey! You are so handsome, I love you so much

Think rain didn't wait for Lin Fei to talk, directly opened a mouth.

Facing Lin Fei's eyes, there was no previous arrogance, some appreciation, some joy, some affection.

Lin Fei light smile, "let's go!"

"Mm-hmm! Husband, we're going to open a house now! " Siyu's eyes on Zhao Wenhua's face, full of deep meaning, said after a look.

Looking at this pair of men and women in front of their love, Zhao Wenhua's heart seems to be dripping blood, he found that he had never hated a person so much!

His hands clenched into fists, teeth clenched together, although extremely angry, but did not dare to speak.

"Zhao Wenhua, remember my name - Lin Fei!"

Lin Fei looked at Zhao Wenhua, who was so angry that he said with profound meaning.

Zhao Wenhua did not speak, but his face was full of hatred.

Lin Fei takes the initiative to sit on the co driver of the car, thinking of the rain, finally sitting in the driver's seat, two people drive away.

"Lin Fei, you robbed the first woman I like so much and smashed my car. I will tear you to pieces and make you pay a price you will never think of! "

"Lin Fei, I will redouble your humiliation on me today."

"Lin Fei, I will find dignity for my companion."

After Lin Fei's car went away, Zhao Wenhua's hatred spread to his bone marrow, his face was gloomy and he roared

"Lin Fei, why don't you drive?"

Siyu was in a good mood and asked with a smile.

"I don't have a driver's license!" Lin Fei said solemnly.


Siyu stepped on the brake and turned to look at Linfei. She couldn't believe it.

Driving like that without a license, driving like crazy?

You're not looking for death, you're looking for death!

Don't you want to die with yourself?

"Really not!"

Lin Fei seems to think that she doesn't believe it, spread out his hand to make the truth.

Miss rain's heart is a shiver, the whole back is in the cold wind, even a kind of dead once feeling.

For a long time, she slowly came over, staring at Lin Fei and said, "you're lying to me!"

She didn't believe that Lin Fei didn't have a driver's license. Lin Fei's skillful operation is still a perfect performance in her eyes.

Siyu stares at Lin Fei's eyes and wants to listen to the truth. As a result

"Are you lying to me when you say you want to open a room with me?" Lin Fei stares at Si Yu's eyes and asks.

"No! What I said is true

Siyu teeth clenched his lips, hesitated for a few seconds, said very firmly.


Lin Fei was surprised.

Although it's the second contact with Siyu, her cold face is more ruthless and arrogant than Xiao Mengshan. This kind of woman actually wants to open a room with herself, which makes him absolutely shocked!

No less than the general shock of winning the lottery.

When Siyu left just now, he said he was going to open a house. Lin Fei thought it was a deliberate attack on Zhao Wenhua, but unexpectedly it was -


On the contrary, he was a bit messy.

"Ha ha, it's true that I don't have a driver's license."

Thinking of rain

"But don't worry, I have experience driving in bed!" Lin Fei said with a bad smile.


Siyu's heart is extremely complex, even a kind of grievance, she has no experience, she has always wanted to find a perfect man, butHowever, thinking of what she was going to face when she came back home, she had decided -

"Lin Fei, this is my first time! Go and open a room now! "

Siyu finish, will start the car to leave.

Lin Fei is not a fool. He has seen the problem.

"Just for the 10 billion yuan you want to open a house with me?"

Siyu blushed, "whatever you think, I love to open a room with you."

Siyu now hates Linfei. Can't you give people a little face? What do you have to ask so clearly?

"Say it! What difficulties have you encountered! " Lin Fei leans his head on the seat and turns his face to Si Yu.

Siyu's eyes turned red in an instant.

The next second, she directly lay on the steering wheel and sobbed.

Cry before you speak!

The voice is full of endless sorrow, endless happiness and endless grievance.

"Come on! tell me! As long as money can solve the problem, it is not a problem! " Thinking of Siyu's choice in front of 10 billion yuan, Lin Fei patted her fragrant shoulder and said.

"Lin Fei..."

Siyu raises her head and pours directly into Linfei's arms, crying again.

Lin Fei didn't say anything. He just hugged her and let her cry heartily.

After crying for five minutes, Siyu raised his head.

Delicate face, are tears.

Long eyelashes with crystal clear tears, shining in the sun, a pair of red eyes, but more than a touch of comfort, a touch of joy.

"Say it! What's the matter? "

"Lin Fei, take me!" Siyu looks at Linfei and says again.


Lin Fei is helpless. Is he really charming?

"Lin Fei, the first time a woman gives it to anyone, anyway? If I can, I hope I can give you my first time, so that I can have a good memory all my life, all my life... "

Think rain didn't finish saying, the mouth had already been blocked by Lin Fei with finger lightly.

"Siyu, no matter what you think of me, from today on, you are my friend. Your business is my business. You can tell me the difficulties."


When Siyu heard these two words, he burst into tears again.

The family is short of friends now. Their friends have chosen to defecte.

Lin Fei makes her feel warm and happy.

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