"All right! If you don't, I'll spank you. "

Siyu's face turned red to the root of his neck. Thinking of Lin Fei's slap, he was extremely shy, but full of a kind of inexplicable joy.

She quickly pressed down her complicated mood, looked at Lin Fei and said, "I'm going to get engaged this time."

"What? Want to run away? " Thinking of her calling to open a room with herself, Lin Fei laughs and jokes.

"Do you know who they are?"

Lin Fei shook his head.

"It's Zhao Wenhua, the second youngest of the Zhao family."


Lin Fei took a breath and looked at the rain in front of him. Didn't he push into the fire pit?

Think of rain bitter smile.

How she hoped that it was not true, but she could not refuse to think that it was fate and the plight of the family.

Think of rain to see Lin Fei, red lips light open. "It's the family's decision, and now the family has problems. It really needs the help of the Zhao family. It's a last resort."

"Say it! Do you want me to help you escape and pretend to be your boyfriend? " Lin Fei laughs.

Think rain face a red, but still a variety of cross Lin Fei one eye, how can say is to pretend?

Just now I said that I wanted to open a house. I want to give you my first time.


It seems that Lin Fei's two coughs just now are not appropriate.

"Are you really going to help me?"

"Of course!"

"Then you should be my man and come home with me to see my grandfather." Think rain finish saying, facial expression nervous of see to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's experience in Jiangnan City is clear to Siyu. She knows that if there is one person who can help herself, it is Lin Fei.

What's more, what Lin Fei has done in Jiangnan City proves that he is absolutely a good man. Therefore, Siyu is full of hope for Lin Fei.

"Let's go! To see my wife's family

Lin Fei touched the face of a miss rain, and wiped her tears by the way.


Think of rain, break tears to smile!

In a five-star hotel in Jianghai City, Longnu, Xu Jialong and others rushed into suite 444. The room was empty, leaving only broken coffee cups and cigarette ends in the ashtray. Everything shows that the people here have just left.

Although the Dragon girl left the dragon group, she could still mobilize the three men of the dragon group because of the task of protecting Lin Fei.

Just on the highway, she received a call from Xu Jialong and learned that there was a sniper in front of her, so she drove away alone to attract the enemy away.

After the sniper exposed his identity, he was caught by Xu Jialong and others, but he was not a Chinese. Under their questioning, the other side said that the messenger was a person named "strongman".

Through the monitoring department, they finally locked in the 444 suite of Jianghai hotel in Jianghai city.

As a result, when they arrived, they were still a step slower.

"Elder sister, this matter is obviously aimed at Lin Fei. I think we should first investigate the identity of the other party through other departments." Guan Teng, with a fat stomach, suggested to the Dragon Girl.

The Dragon girl turns around in the house, but the other side is very cautious, leaving nothing, even footprints.

"The three of you will contact the customs immediately to see who came in with the snipers?"

"Remember! Be quick! You don't have to ask for instructions when it's time to do it decisively. "

"Lin Fei's life is very important!"

The Dragon girl gave orders directly to the three men.

"Yes Xu Jialong replied immediately.

"It seems that the elder sister is really concerned about our future brother-in-law. She is really attentive." Guan Teng joked with a smile.

"Fat man! It's a fight, isn't it? " With that, the Dragon Girl waved her fist and hit Guan Teng.

Guan Teng turns around and runs away!

Four people left the private room.

When the Dragon girl left, a smile full of deep meaning appeared at the corner of her mouth.

At the same time, in a nearby residence, ye Qiang takes down the eavesdropper he wears in his ear and crushes it directly. His eyes are full of murderous.

"Since you want to help Lin Fei, let you die together!"

However, it was very painful to think that he had lost six of his subordinates at once, which he cultivated with great difficulty.

Ye Qiang transfers his hatred to Lin Fei. He takes out his mobile phone and starts a new arrangement

At the intersection of the expressway, Zhao Wenhua's face was very blue. Ten attendants were gargling. Just now, they just took a bite and began to vomit.

Fortunately, Lin Fei didn't stare at them to eat, otherwise he would have vomited, vomited and ate, and he would not have eaten all his life.

At the moment, they do not speak, but everyone is full of anger at Zhao Wenhua, which is a kind of anger from the bottom of his heart.Just because of the influence of the Zhao family, I dare not speak up.

"Today's matter, I am forced, you wronged, I Zhao Wenhua will give you back the place."

Zhao Wenhua's success in Jianghai city is not only his reputation, but also his ability to win people's hearts.

However, Lin Fei's move today is really cruel. It's not only humiliating, but also demoralizing.

Of course, he was not reconciled. He was even more afraid of breaking up, so he made a hasty statement.

"Thank you, Zhao Shao!"

"Thank you, Zhao Shao!"

"Thank you, Zhao Shao!"


Several people began to express their gratitude one after another. They still kept the compliment of the past on their faces, but the feeling in their hearts was quite different.

It's just eating shit. What if it kills me?

They have no doubt that Zhao Wenhua will abandon them without hesitation.

Although there is no change on the surface, but the heart began to change.


Just then, Zhao Wenhua's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Seeing the phone number shown above, Zhao Wenhua pressed to connect.

Inside, there was a beautiful woman's voice: "Wenhua, where are you? Come on

"Good aunt! I'm on my way Zhao Wenhua thought that the purpose of returning to Jianghai city this time was to have a blind date, to be exact, to get engaged. He was very reluctant, but now he wants to.

If the other party is a beautiful woman, it will immediately click. If it is an ugly woman, it will find someone to click.

For her, he will meet Lin Fei on the highway, will let himself suffer such a big humiliation, absolutely unforgivable.

He has shifted part of his anger to the woman he has not yet met.

Zhao Wenhua hung up, chose a car and drove to his destination.

At the other end of the line, the woman who just hung up was a woman in her forties, but because she was cruel enough to herself, after a bit of knife, she looked like a woman in her twenties.

Looking at the slowly darkened picture of the mobile phone, holding the hand of the bright red nail, yelling, quickly picked up the bag and walked out.

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