Inside Maserati's car.

The atmosphere is a little depressing. Siyu doesn't speak any more. It's not that she doesn't want to say it, but that she feels really shy, especially when she thinks of her initiative to open a room with Lin Fei.

"Look at Zhao Dehua, he doesn't want to pee in the mirror

Lin Fei feels the abnormal emotion of thinking about rain and laughs.

Siyu sighed and said: "in terms of family background, the Zhao family in Jianghai city is definitely the first in Jianghai province. No one can catch up with them. Moreover, there are many people who want to marry into the Zhao family. That's definitely a good choice to enjoy the cool under the big tree!"

"Ha ha, in that case, you'd better get married!" Lin Fei laughs.

Siyu returns to Linfei with a big white eye.

"By the way, how many children are there in the Zhao family?"

"Two sons, Zhao Wenhua and a brother, Zhao Wenbin."

"What a pity!"

"What's the matter?"

"If there is a beautiful daughter like you, I will tempt her and turn the property of the Zhao family into my own, isn't that good?"

Thinking of rain

Staring at Lin Fei for a long time, it seems that he is not lying, but what he says is really shameless.

"Lin Fei, I won't give you your 10 billion yuan. I really need it. But what I said is absolutely true. Come to me whenever you want to! "

After thinking of rain, he was too ashamed to get into the ground.

But when she thought that her family was in urgent need of money and that she might not have to marry to the Zhao family because of the 10 billion yuan, she chose Lin Fei without hesitation.

"If I give it to you, I'll take it as pocket money."

Thinking of rain

There was a twitch in the corner of the mouth.

You are the richest man in Jiangnan City. Don't pretend like this, do you?

"In terms of ability and talent, Zhao Wenhua doesn't even deserve to give you shoes - who gave him the courage to propose to you?"

Lin Fei looks at Siyu and asks again.

Siyu's eyes are full of bitterness, no answer, looking forward, Xiumei slightly wrinkled.

Meanwhile, in a red flag car, Zhao Guolong and Si Liyuan sat in the back of the car, and neither of them spoke.

However, there was always a smile on her face. If she observed carefully, the smile was flattering and flattering.

Si Liyuan is the vice chairman of Sijia Sifang group. The former chairman was his brother Si Jiejiang. However, she was arrested recently because of problems with Sifang group. At present, the case is under trial.

As the vice chairman of the board, he is now fully responsible for the affairs of Sifang group.

This is her dream for many years. At the moment, her heart is both happy and full of pressure.

I'm glad that I have finally become the most authoritative person in the company. The pressure is that the company faces tens of billions of debts outside and is in a lot of crisis.

Zhao Guolong is the vice chairman of the Zhao group, the younger brother of Zhao Guodong, the owner of the Zhao family, and the actual second leader of the Zhao family. He is the second leader of the business community in Jianghai city. Countless people are eager to meet him.

Today, siliyuan and sitting in the same car, naturally eyes more flattering.

The crisis of homesickness can not be solved without the help of the Zhao family. In the final analysis, the Zhao family needs to help them solve the financial crisis.

As compensation, Sijia not only gives up most of the shares of Sifang group to Zhao family, but also marries Siyu to Zhao family as Zhao Wenhua's fiancee.

This is no choice for the Zhao family.

Zhao Wenhua, sitting in the co pilot's seat, has been sitting there since he joined them. Without saying a word, he has a good baby image. If someone familiar with him looks at it, he will be shocked. Is this the arrogant and domineering Zhao Er Shao?

"By the way, Yuanyuan, how many shares do you want to give us by Sifang group this time Zhao Guolong broke the silence.

"Brother long, the old man didn't say anything about it. I asked him several times, but he didn't give a positive answer."

"How much debt do you Sifang group have to repay this time?" Zhao Guolong continued.

"About 50 billion!"


Zhao Guolong didn't say anything, but he sighed and looked very embarrassed.

"Brother long, the Zhao family and our homesick family have been friends for many years, especially for many years. I hope you will help us tide over the difficulties this time."

There was a look of anxiety on siliyuan's face.


Zhao Guolong did not go on, but looked at Si Liyuan.

It's a very strange look, and of course it's also a look that many people can understand -

men appreciate women's eyes.

"If it's settled, let's get in touch."

"It's hard to do!"

Siliyuan did not immediately make a statement, let zhaoguolong some dissatisfaction, closed his eyes.As the second leader of the Zhao family in Jianghai City, I don't know how many women are begging to get into his bed. I don't know how many female employees of the company deliberately want to lure him to Linxing.

As a social flower in Jianghai City, Si Liyuan is known by everyone, and even more unknown to how many people have tasted it. When she comes to him, it's actually this kind of saying, that is -

it's shameless to give a face!

Si Liyuan's face changed, and finally said with a smile: "this is going to meet soon. Let's fix Wenhua and Siyu's marriage first."

Si Liyuan finished, threw a wink at Zhao Guolong, and touched Zhao Guolong's leg with her hand.

Zhao Guolong enjoyed sitting upright, "OK! Get down to business first. "

Zhao Wenhua, who has been sitting in front of the car and doesn't speak, has been obsessed with siliyuan for many times. Ever since he got on the bus, he has been attracted by her coquettish dress.

Now, see uncle just a few words on the Tuo agreed, but also to its incomparable contempt, is full of flesh.

Of course, I also admire my uncle's ability to tease women.

At the moment, he is already thinking about how to push down the woman he didn't meet before giving homesickness to

When Zhao Guolong's red flag car arrived at Sijia villa, the huge parking lot was full of cars.

Among those cars, there are millions or even tens of millions of luxury cars, as well as more than 100000 or 200000 cars.

When the car stopped steadily, Si Liyuan saw that the parking lot was full of cars. She looked at Zhao Guolong and said, "this time we are very serious about homesickness."

Obviously, as a homesick family member, she is very clear about the importance of this matter and the key to the future of homesick.

Therefore, the engagement ceremony, which should have been organized by the Zhao family, has now become a homesick one, which makes the Zhao family very satisfied.

Because it's obvious that they are homesick and asking the Zhao family to marry their daughter.

Si Liyuan also worried that Zhao Jiahui would temporarily disagree, so she quickly expressed her position, hoping to make the other party feel sincere.

Zhao Guolong just nodded, did not speak, and even had a deep look.

With a tight heart, Si Liyuan finally reaches out to Zhao Guolong

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