"Aunt, you've just arrived, too!" Siyu saw her aunt siliyuan. Although she was extremely disgusted, she still politely said hello.

"Yes! I was in charge of meeting Zhao Dong and Wenhua and coming with them, so I arrived late. However, it's a coincidence that Wenhua and his uncle just arrived. They are all family over there. Go and say hello

Siliyuan takes Siyu's hand and goes to Zhao Guolong and Zhao Wenhua. She directly ignores Lin Fei who gets off the bus.

"If I'm not wrong, one of the two people standing is Zhao Wenhua who just smashed his car and let his followers eat shit?" Lin Fei's strange tone of yin and Yang rang to one side.

As soon as the words came out, Zhao Guolong and Si Liyuan froze and thought they had heard the wrong thing.

Zhao Guolong, in particular, was very surprised -

Lin Fei seemed to have some contradictions when he met Zhao Wenhua.

Siliyuan frowned directly.

This engagement is a very delicate one. Homesick not only wants to be known by outsiders, but also wants to tie the Zhao family and homesick together, but also doesn't want to let too many ordinary people know. After all, it's a very humiliating thing to get engaged in the woman's home.

Therefore, Siyu's grandfather siqixue repeatedly asked to control the participants. Many business people in Jianghai City wanted to participate, but they failed.

How did Siyu bring a strange young man, and the other party was very aggressive as soon as they appeared. The target was Zhao Wenhua. I just laughed at you and despised your situation, which made siliyuan very confused and annoyed.

Siyu didn't expect that Linfei would take the initiative to attack. Originally, she still thought that Linfei would play a pig and eat a tiger, or deliberately shrink back and be looked down upon by others, and then fight back. She didn't expect a direct attack.


What a wonderful man!

Siyu found that she was with Lin Fei today. Since she yelled three times on the highway and scolded her, she especially liked to use rude words. It seems that only in that way can she calm down.

In fact, if it wasn't for Lin Fei, Siyu would have chosen to end his life and marry Zhao's second son?

Isn't that to marry a luster, a pervert?

She would rather die!

"Xiaoyu, who is he?" Siliyuan frowned and asked.

"Lin Fei, my friend!"

After hesitating for a moment, Siyu said "friend".

Lin Fei sighed, think of the strong rain or the surface of the strong, this, perhaps women are so!

He has seen the posture. Now it's the homesick asking the Zhao family to marry Siyu. The Zhao family is deliberately suppressing the homesick.

"Wife, is this my aunt? Auntie! How are you Think rain don't introduce, Lin Fei take the initiative to introduce!


Siliyuan listen to silly, first staring at Siyu, and then face black down, and then about to get angry.

Zhao Guolong and Zhao Wenhua listened clearly. Compared with Zhao Guolong's surprise, Zhao Wenhua was not surprised, because he had heard Lin Fei's cry just now.

The only shock he felt was that the woman he saw was his engagement object. If he had known, why did he come back so late?


How beautiful!

It's not like the warblers.

However, he is also more congested. His fiancee is called wife by others. What's more exciting is that Siyu just called Lin Fei to open a house at the intersection of the expressway.

Although according to the time, there should be no, but if this spread out, dote's shame!

The most important thing is that if he were another woman, he would turn around and walk away. In his eyes, he did not worry about women and did not lack women.

But he doesn't like Siyu. He has loved it since he first saw it on the highway, and he wants to prove his strength to his followers by conquering Siyu.

Zhao Wenhua's heart is in disorder.

Zhao Guolong just want to get angry, think Liyuan already anxious, she hurried toward Lin Fei.

"Who are you? What are you shouting about? "

"Xiaoyu, how can you bring the unruly people home?"

"Go away! Get out of here now

Siliyuan was furious.

If this engagement is successful, homesick can save themselves. If it fails, then

She knows that everything she has now is the shade of the tree of homesickness. She must not let the tree fall, otherwise she will have nothing.

Therefore, for Lin Fei, no matter who she is, she directly sentenced to death.

"Auntie! He is my husband. We are already together. I came back this time to make it clear to my grandfather. " Siyu looks at siliyuan and says without showing weakness.

She knew that if she showed weakness, her life would be ruined.

Although Lin Fei heard that there were many women around him, and even he made fun of himself, there was absolutely no obscenity of Zhao Wenhua. She trusted such a man."What?"

As soon as her face changed, she suddenly raised her voice, "do you think you're already together? Are you kidding? Do you think your aunt is a fool? Can't I see that? "

Siliyuan's forehead has been sweating. In fact, she has no bottom in her heart. Now it's normal for men and women to do casual things together, just like she is, isn't she?

But you said in front of the Zhao family, it is not aboveboard to put a green hat on the Zhao family?

She had to stop it.

"Aunt, I..."

Siyu tries to explain, trying to make her give up.

However -

Si Liyuan didn't give Si Yu any chance to explain. She pointed to Lin Fei and said, "although you are very handsome, how can you marry our family Xiaoyu, and how can you compare with Wenhua? Get out of here! Get out of here now

"Auntie! To tell you the truth, I am a fresh graduate of Jiangnan University of science and technology. Besides being handsome, I have no other abilities. "

Instead of being afraid and refuting, Lin Fei introduced himself.

Zhao Guolong's heart is a Lin, and Lin Fei is still very low-key.

On the contrary, when Zhao Wenhua heard about it, he looked at Lin Fei and was full of disdain again.

"Miss the rain! I know you are my fiancee. Today, on the highway, I am actually testing you. You passed the test. I believe you. I like you very much and I will love you well. "


As soon as Zhao Wenhua's words came out, people at the scene were confused.

Zhao Guolong looks at Zhao Wenhua and looks like she hates iron but not steel. No matter how beautiful this woman is, she openly calls others to be her husband, which is also an insult to the Zhao family.

Siliyuan is shocked, she did not think that Zhao Wenhua did not care, as for what she said the test and so on did not care.

Siyu and Linfei are stunned by his impudence. They know what happened best. Now they say that they are deliberately testing. It's estimated that they can't beat the drums every day.

With a very gentlemanly smile, Zhao Wenhua turned to look at his uncle Zhao Guolong and spoke

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