"Uncle, let's go in. I'm sure homesick will take care of this."

"I am very satisfied with Siyu's fiancee. I will marry her and love her very much!"

"As for her coquetry, her temper, in my eyes, that is lovely."

Zhao Wenhua said, although his heart are disgusting want to vomit, but think of the beauty of Siyu, think of the joy of conquering Siyu, he endured.

At the moment, he wants to attack Lin Fei strategically. As for tactical matters, he doesn't worry about homesick.

Zhao Guolong's heart began to be dissatisfied, but thinking of the deep-seated purpose behind the marriage, he also suppressed his anger.

"Xiaoyu, what's going on in our family today and what's the status of homesickness? You know very well that Lin Fei can't go in today. Otherwise, your father, homesickness, will give up completely."


Siyu's eyes were moist and his face was even colder, but he was also full of helplessness.

"The people who come here today are all important people in Jianghai city. As for people in Jiangnan City Forget it

Voice down, think Liyuan's eyes fell on Lin Fei, eyes full of disgust.

"Aunt, Lin Fei, he is..."

"Well, Siyu, you don't have to explain. It's settled. You go in with Wenhua. It's estimated that many people will be amazed by you." Siliyuan again interrupted Siyu's words, the tone is no doubt.

"Yuanyuan, don't get angry. It's normal for Siyu to fall in love. As long as it's intact, we Zhao family won't care about the past." Zhao Guolong came forward with a smile and spoke for Siyu.


Lin Fei was stunned.

Will the Zhao family endure this?

He turned his eyes. "Honey, let me take you in. I didn't know it was your first time in the car just now."

Lin Fei said as he stepped forward and put his arms around Siyu's waist.

I'm so ashamed that I'm about to drop water!

The key is that it's fake. If it's true, I'll admit it.

Think rain some Leng, Lin Fei has gone over, gently embrace her waist, is a slap, how similar?

Siyu was confused at that time.

Lin Fei's words are full of evil and ambiguity.

Zhao Guolong, Zhao Wenhua and Si Liyuan were all in a daze -

"in the car?" Two words come to mind in an instant.

Zhao Wenhua just tried to adjust his good mood. Once again, he seemed to be pressed on his chest by a huge stone, which was extremely uncomfortable and painful.

They didn't go to open a house, but they were in the car

Nowadays, Siyu's coquetry calls are even more messy.

Zhao Wenhua really wanted to scold Lin Fei and Siyu, but he finally held back.

Lin Fei's purpose is to infuriate Zhao Wenhua, but he failed and made him despise Zhao Wenhua more -

ninja turtle!

"Aunt, let Lin Fei in! I want him to die. " Zhao Wenhua thinks that his uncle is here today, and he is sure to clean up Lin Fei. He wants Lin Fei to be beaten in the face and get revenge.

Si Liyuan looks at Zhao Guolong, who snorts coldly.

"Brother long, shall we go first?" Si Liyuan suggested.


Zhao Guolong nodded, and then said to Siyu, "Siyu, we went first."

Although this sentence is insipid, the meaning of warning is very strong, and the implication is to look at your choice.

"See you inside!" Lin Fei answered for Siyu.

Think rain cold face, no response.

Si Liyuan, Zhao Guolong and Zhao Wenhua go in with their breath in.

"Alas! Lin Fei, my aunt has always been like this. "

Think rain lightly sighed a tone, then looked at Lin Fei one eye, can't help secretly way.

"Don't worry! Whatever it is, I'll take it for you today. " Lin Fei gently put it in his arms.

"Lin Fei! You, why are you so nice to me! "

Siyu was moved again.

"Why don't I go to another woman?" Said Lin, blinking his eyes.

"No! You are mine Siyu finished, buried his head in Linfei's arms, by coquetry, to cover up the inner tension and panic.

Lin Fei didn't say anything, but he was more determined in his choice -

in order to think of rain and family feud, he had to face the Zhao family.

Although Sijia is not as good as Zhao's in Jianghai City, it is definitely a big family. Even at the beginning, it was the same family as Zhao's, but Zhao's sudden rise made Sijia a second rate family.

Even so, homesick is the best in the second rate family.

Homesick villa, in Jianghai City, is absolutely the best villa. It not only has a history, but also has exquisite design. It covers an area of nearly 10000 square meters. The whole villa is surrounded by a pool of green water, with rugged rocks and winding corridors. The leaky windows in the corridors integrate the mountains and waters inside and outside the villa.As Lin Fei walks into the villa with Siyu in his arms, he has a dreamy feeling of being in the Suzhou garden. The stone path is circling, the ancient trees are verdant, the Indocalamus is covered, the vines are hanging, the wild flowers are thick, simple and natural, and the scenery is as verdant as the real mountains and forests.

It is no exaggeration to say that if it is opened, it will be no less than a 5A scenic spot.

Compared with Lin Fei's shock, Zhao Guolong and others, who entered earlier, are the same.

"Although I've been here many times, every time I come here, I feel like I'm in Wonderland."

Accompanied by Si Liyuan and Zhao Wenhua, Zhao Guolong stepped into the villa courtyard, looked at the beautiful scenery in the courtyard, and praised it. However, he also sighed in his heart that homesick can have such a villa, which is also a symbol of wealth.

This time, if not

Zhao Guolong felt deeply.

But this is business competition. Shopping malls are like battlefields. If you die or I die, the pity just rising will disappear.

But in his mind, Jianghai city only Zhao should be equipped with such a luxury villa.

"If brother long likes it, he can come often in his spare time, and the old man will be very happy." Thinking of the Zhao family, she said with a smile.

"Ha ha, I think it's not suitable to come here too much."

"After that, it will be a family. What else can we do for each other. What's more, the old man appreciates the Zhao family very much. " Siliyuan said with a smile.

Hearing the speech, Zhao Guolong knew that siliyuan was flattering herself. He laughed and didn't answer again.

Soon, the three came to the main garden.

In the main garden, there are two rows of tables, which are filled with all kinds of famous snacks and snacks in Jianghai City, as well as fruits, drinks and juice.

In addition to Zhao Guolong, other guests have already arrived. They are scattered in groups in every corner of the main garden, chatting and laughing.

Among them, some dignified guests also brought their children - in a corner, more than a dozen young men and women gathered to talk.


With the arrival of Zhao Guolong, the guests stopped talking and focused on Zhao Guolong, Si Liyuan and Zhao Wenhua.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Guolong seems calm, but he is very happy and comfortable.

No one does not like to be regarded as the focus and protagonist, Zhao Guolong is no exception, but he did not show it.

In contrast, Zhao Wenhua's self-cultivation is much worse. His face is full of pride and self-confidence. It seems that he has forgotten what happened at the door just now.

Because, he believes, Siyu dare not really bring Lin Fei in!

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