Today's protagonist is the Zhao family, and the protagonist of the Zhao family is Zhao Wenhua.

No matter what the relationship between Siyu and Linfei is, in Zhao Wenhua's eyes, Siyu is his own woman. Even if she is abandoned, he will play her and then abandon her. As for the relationship between her and Linfei, he cares, but his psychology of revenge and playfulness is more intense.

When he saw the eyes sweeping and felt the envy and jealousy, he was very happy and proud.

This is the pride of the Zhao family.

This is Zhao Wenhua's pride.

Zhao Wenhua deliberately straightened his back and held his head high. His eyes would like to go up to the sky!

"Congratulations to Dong Zhao!"

"Congratulations to Sidong!"

"Congratulations to Zhao Shao!"

Soon, the crowd dispersed, and a middle-aged man with glasses came out of the crowd and welcomed him.

Just now, he was the focus, and a lot of people were talking around him.

If Zhao family is the richest man in Jianghai City, and Sijia family is the first in the second rate family, Zhou Shengchang is definitely the boss of jewelry and catering industry in Jianghai city. He is called "Zhou Sanbao"!

Zhou's jewelry is a leader in China's jewelry industry.

Jiupinzhai is the representative of Chinese catering industry.

Zhou Ruoshui is one of the four beauties in Jianghai city.

If you want to customize the jewelry of the Zhou family, it's very difficult not to do it a year and a half in advance.

It's hard to book a private room for the Zhou family's jiupinzhai without a month or two in advance.

People who want to pursue Zhou family and Zhou Ruoshui are even more difficult to have qualifications.

Jianghai city has a doggerel: "Zhao family's money, Zhou family's treasure."

It is for this reason that the Zhou family has a transcendent position in Jianghai city. Even if it is not as good as Zhao Jiafu, there is no lack of flatterers and flatterers.

"Brother Zhou, I haven't seen you for a long time."

When Zhao Guolong saw Zhou Shengchang with steady steps, smiling face and full of confidence, he also took back some of his momentum, welcomed him with a smile and shook hands with Zhou Shengchang. Although his humility was fake, he was at least humble on the surface, unlike looking at other people without humility.

"Dong Zhao, today is a happy day for the Zhao family. I'd like to congratulate them on finding Ruyi's daughter-in-law."

What Zhou Shengchang said is very true.

Zhou Ruoshui and Siyu are good friends. They often go to Zhou's house. Zhou Shengchang knows Siyu well. She is a cold girl on the surface, but she is kind-hearted in heart, just like beautiful in appearance. She is also very capable. It can be said that whoever marries home is a woman who can get into the bridal chamber, the kitchen and the hall.

In the past, he once lamented that there was no man in the Zhou family, otherwise he would come to think of his family.

The reason for the marriage between the Zhao family and the Sijia family is very clear. Although he knows that Siyu is a flower on the cow dung, he knows that there is no choice. If it is their Zhou family, it can only be so.

The collapse of a large family is not simply a matter of one's own family, it is a matter of countless families, but also involves many people's lives. He can understand and think of his family.

Today, he came here for the homesick platform, hoping to make the Zhao family keep face for homesick as much as possible.

Zhou Shengchang didn't show any dissatisfaction with Zhao Guolong's sharp breath.

"Thanks for brother Zhou's blessing. If your family's Ruoshui is married, you can consider our Zhao family!" Zhao Guolong said with a laugh.

Zhou Shengchang opened his hand with a smile, "little girl marriage, free love, I'm old, can't join."

Zhou Shengchang's proposal is not popular.

In his heart, he despised the Zhao family.

Zhao Guolong obviously didn't think much about this sentence. He enjoyed the flattering eyes of people at the moment.

"Si Dong, congratulations on the marriage of Si Jia and Zhao Jia. In the future, Si Jia will go further."

"Thank you for your blessing. We will always focus on the Zhao family." Si Liyuan holds Zhou Shengchang's hand, but looks at Zhao Guolong and compliments him.

"Ha ha! It's not a family. It's just engaged. It's so close. OK! Very good! I wish both the Zhao family and the Sijia family a bright future Zhou Shengchang said with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhou!" Siliyuan is very happy. "You talk. I'll go first."


Zhao Guolong and Zhou Shengchang share the same voice.

After thanking the other guests, Si Liyuan hurried to the inner house. She was anxious to report to her father that Si Yu had brought Lin Fei.

If it is not handled properly, it will not only miscarry the engagement, but also completely offend the Zhao family, which will accelerate the demise of homesickness.

"Wenhua, would you like to say hello to Uncle Zhou? If you want jewelry and dinner in the future, you can't do without your uncle Zhou. "

When siliyuan leaves, Zhao Guolong turns to Zhao Wenhua and says.

"Hello, uncle Zhou."

Hearing the speech, Zhao Wenhua hurried forward, bowed slightly and said hello to Zhou Shengchang.

"Wenhua! Today is your big day. Congratulations! If you find a good wife like Siyu, you will be happy in the future. " Zhou Shengchang did not know what happened at the gate, let alone what happened on the highway, and said with a smile."Thank you, uncle Zhou!" Zhao Wenhua felt a twitch in his heart and said.

Since he came in, his eyes have never left the door, for fear that Siyu and Linfei come in intimately.

Even if he is tolerant, there is a bottom line.

Most importantly, he can't push Siyu down now!

"We can't understand the things about young people." Zhao Guolong saw Zhao Wenhua's tension and said with a smile.

"Ha ha..."

Zhou Shengchang grinned and said nothing more.

"Brother, I'll take Wenhua to say hello to you." Zhao Guolong said.


Zhou Shengchang nodded slightly. In fact, Zhao Guolong's Zhao family should be the protagonist. There are many guests here for him.

As the protagonist, we must say hello to everyone.

The people who come here are looking forward to Zhao Guolong's greeting.

Zhao Guolong takes Zhao Wenhua into the crowd. According to the identity of the guests, he greets them one by one. After listening to the compliments, he introduces Zhao Wenhua.

And Zhao Wenhua naturally became the protagonist, with congratulations and compliments rising one after another.

As for some people, they took the initiative to greet Zhao Guolong, especially some of his family partners. Zhao Guolong just nodded with a smile.

Obviously, as far as Zhao Guolong is concerned, those people have no need to talk with each other, and they have no value in his eyes. Naturally, there is no need to introduce Zhao Wenhua!

"Wenhua, make your own arrangements first!" Zhao Guolong finished, a meaningful look at Zhao Wenhua.

Zhao Wenhua nodded. He understood what his uncle meant and had to wait for a homesick attitude.

"I'll go over there!" Zhao Wenhua has been gathering in the corner of the men and women said.


Zhao Guodong nodded, and Zhao Wenhua went to the dozen men and women.

When these men and women saw Zhao Wenhua, their eyes flashed for a moment, and they immediately showed flattering smiles.

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