Among the dozen men and women, ten were the ones who had just accompanied him on the highway to drag racing with Lin Fei and ate their vomit at the intersection of the highway.

These young people are touched by the light of their parents. They are either loyal to the Zhao family or homesick. They are lucky to be able to enter this villa today.

Even so, they should be proud!

However -

this pride was suppressed by the arrival of Zhao Wenhua!

The ten people who had just experienced Zhao Wenhua's betrayal didn't show their hatred in their hearts. After all, when Zhao Guolong came in, the reaction of the people, including their father, was very clear.

Zhao Wenhua came, their faces showed respect, but also with a bit of envy.

See this scene, think of his fiancee is Siyu, Zhao Wenhua heart that call a sour Shuang!

Push down Siyu, conquer Siyu, and then let these people share Siyu, and get rid of the evil spirit in their heart.

"Jiang Shao, Congratulations

Before Zhao Wenhua approached, more than a dozen young people took the initiative to greet him. Xu Guo took the lead in saying hello.

Among these people, the Xu family is the weakest, so the Xu state is the most loyal and favorite to Zhao Wenhua.

Because of this, will jump out in front of Lin Fei, will be the first Lin Fei forced to eat their own vomit.

Now, seeing Zhao Wenhua, his hatred is the weakest, and he begins to say hello most warmly.

"Congratulations to Jiang Shao."

"Congratulations to Jiang Shao."

"Congratulations to Jiang Shao."


For a moment, the sound of congratulation was continuous. It was obvious that people were flattering, but it was a comfort to hear that in Zhao Wenhua's heart.

A son depends on his wealth.

Zhao Wenhua became famous by the Zhao family.

Today, we are going to let a beautiful woman like a homesick Princess be our fiancee. This honor is not something that ordinary people can have.

Therefore, he has pride and proud capital.

At this moment, Zhao Guolong and Zhao Wenhua are not the only ones who are praised by the stars!

In the study of Sijia villa.

Si Liyuan stood at the door, staring at an old man who was writing with a brush in her hand. Today, the old man was wearing a red Tang suit, looking very happy.

However, the old man's face was very dignified. There were more than ten pieces of paper written on the desk beside him, and each piece of paper was written with the words "hide one's strength and nourish one's obscurity".

This old man is Siyu's grandfather, siliyuan's father, siqixue.

Although Si Liyuan is a social flower, she is not a completely ignorant social flower. From her father's words, she feels anger and murder.

"Dad! Wipe off the sweat Seeing that siqixue had finished another one, siliyuan immediately picked up the towel on the tea tray and handed it over.

Siqixue shook his hand and said, "no, Yuanyuan, have you brought the Zhao family?"

At the engagement ceremony, the Zhao family was too cruel to think of the family.

In order to prevent the Zhao family from standing up, Sijia asked siliyuan to invite the Zhao family in person.

Now her daughter came to the study, which made siqixue very confused. If the Zhao family came, they should greet them outside.

"Dad! Here they are


Siqi nodded, feeling like a breath.

"But now there's a situation I need to report to you!"

"What's the situation?"

Siqixue's face changed immediately.

Now homesick, stormy, Zhao is the last straw, he saw very seriously.

"Siyu is back!"

"Good! I'm worried that she won't come back and object to the marriage! "

Siqixue's face was soothing and his heart was completely relieved.

"But she came back with a man."


"Yes! A man named Lin Fei is from Jiangnan City! "

"Lin Fei?"

Siqixue's face suddenly changed, and his hand directly held the edge of the table, showing the color of shock.

"Why, have you heard the name of this man?" Siliyuan is also good at observing words and colors, which can be seen at a glance.

When siqixue heard the name of Lin Fei, he was shocked and surprised, but more complicated.

After a series of expression changes, although siqixue controlled himself, anyone could see that his face was more pale, obviously shocked, more afraid than happy.

"Have you never heard of Lin Fei?" Siqixue asked siliyuan.

Siliyuan shook her head.

Siqixue sighed. "What's the relationship between Xiaoyu and him?"

"Xiaoyu calls Lin Fei his boyfriend, and they call him husband and wife. Besides, they also..."

"What else?" Siqixue's face was even worse."And he said he had just been together."


Siqixue suddenly shook his body and screamed out.

"Dad! Don't be angry Si Liyuan quickly helped her father and advised her.

After learning for a long time, Siqi stood up and was silent.

Siliyuan did not dare to ask, just looking at her father.

After a long time, siqixue's eyes suddenly brightened and he called out "OK! Good! Very good

Then he opened the door and walked out.

At the same time, Lin Fei came in with Siyu in his arms.

"Siyu, it's so beautiful here. I want to prepare a villa like this for my wife in the future. Living in it every day will be beautiful, and it will be Think about it

Stepping into the villa yard, Lin Fei looks at the pleasant scenery inside and speaks his mind while praising.

"If you like it, live here."

Lin Fei's words although listen to think rain is very stimulated, what his future wife, but still like a little woman did not get angry.

At this moment, although Lin Fei's performance is very naughty and shameless, in her opinion, she is the only one she can rely on.

Lin Fei's hand is stronger.

He just said that just to make Siyu relax, but she seems to be very difficult.

However, if you think about it, who can relax?

In this case, I will --

"look, Siyu is coming!"

"Eh, who is the man beside Siyu?"

"How can Siyu be held in his arms by other men?"

"Ah? Why are they


As soon as Lin Fei and Siyu appear, the people at the scene are in a mess, and Xu Guo and others are even more muddled.

Zhao Wenhua, who has just integrated into them and relaxed, is angry to see that Siyu is leaning against Lin Fei's arms like a bird. His eyes are full of love.

At the door, Si Liyuan's warning and uncle Zhao Guolong's warning, in his opinion, Si yu should make a choice. As for Lin Fei, he wanted to let him see the pain of being unable to protect Si Yu. Unexpectedly, he came in like this.

It's understandable that Lin Fei is provoking. Does he really want to be disillusioned?

At the moment, Lin Fei has seen the people inside, especially Xu Guo and others.

His mouth opened slowly with a mocking smile.

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