There are many people who add to the cake, but few who share the same boat.

In the face of the Sifang group, the homesick group and the remaining final allies, they all chose to withdraw.

No one does not like money, and no one is not selfish.

Today, Sijia has completely offended the Zhao family. With the status of the Zhao family in Jianghai City, for nothing else, even for the sake of a face, Sijia will retaliate fiercely. As a result, Sijia will be in extreme danger.

As for Lin Fei, although he seems to have a lot of money, no one thinks highly of him.

Now, Lin Fei is willing to buy the shares in their hands, which naturally leads to their success.

Soon, all their shares were sold to Lin Fei, who spent more than 20 billion yuan and got 20% of the shares of leisijia.

When the deal was finished, Lin Fei looked at the crowd and said with a smile, "everyone, please go. In the future, you will have nothing to do with Sifang group."

"In any case, we would like to thank you for purchasing our shares, so that we can not be bankrupt." The square faced man looked at Lin Fei and said.

Lin Fei doesn't care, but he has already sentenced them to death. This kind of ally who betrays at the critical moment must be driven away as long as he is in Jianghai city.

These people don't know that their little timidity, their distrust of Lin Fei, and their loss are the opportunities for the enterprise to go to glory.

When they almost kneel down to ask Lin Fei to cooperate one day, what they are waiting for is Lin Fei's refusal.

It's not that he's cruel, it's that he's breaking his bottom line.

After more than 20 people left, Sijia villa was completely quiet, leaving siqixue, siliyuan, Siyu and Linfei.

"Aunt Siyu, right? Do you want to sell your shares? If I sell it, I'll buy it, too. " Lin Fei looks at Si Liyuan, his eyes full of disdain and ridicule.

Just now, siliyuan has been fawning on the Zhao family, so she was sent to kneel down for the Zhao family, which made him look down on her.

And siliyuan to his insult, also very angry.

"Well! Lin Fei, you've done harm to our homesickness, and you've done harm to our Sifang group. You are all you

Siliyuan thought of Zhao Guolong's anger when she left, and she was even more angry with Linfei.

"No nonsense! Do you sell it or not? " Lin Fei asked in a cold voice.

"Me! I don't sell it! " Si Liyuan wanted to sell her words, but she swallowed them.

Sixty percent of Sijia's shares are in his own hands, including 30 percent in siqixue's hands, and 15 percent in Siyu's father and siliyuan's hands. This is to make Sijia hold absolute shares.

If Si Liyuan's 15% is sold, Lin Fei's hands will reach 35%. At that time, although it does not pose a threat to Si Jia's 45% shares, Lin Fei, with such a situation of spending money without blinking an eye, wants to completely control Sifang group, which is just like Pediatrics.

"Cut! I don't dare to sell those shares. What's the name of it here? " Lin Fei is very ruthless scorn way.

"Lin Fei, you, you get out of here!"

"Yuanyuan, you go first! It's none of your business here. " Siqi Xue suddenly opened her mouth, but she gave an order to siliyuan.

"Dad! Lin Fei makes us homesick... "

"All right! Go away

Siqixue waved his hand and drove away again.

"Hum!" Siliyuan felt greatly insulted, wriggled her waist and left in a huff.

She really hates Lin Fei to the bone.

"Lin Fei and Siyu, you two and I will come." After thinking about Qi's theory, he took the lead to move forward.

Siyu is now like a child who has made a mistake, following behind, his eyes are full of complexity.

Lin Fei put his hand around her waist again and gave her comfort and encouragement.

Siyu turned his head and laughed bitterly.

Lin Fei winked at her, showing a deep smile.

Three people into the study, siqixue sitting in a chair, eyes slightly closed, as if asleep.

Think rain more nervous don't understand, eyes keep looking to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei opened his chair, sat down, patted his legs, said to Siyu: "wife, come on, I'll give you a thigh!"

Thinking of rain

White Lin Fei one eye, this time still have mood to joke.

Siqixue suddenly opened his eyes, and two cold lights shot out of his eyes.


Then he slapped his hand heavily on the table. "Lin Fei, we are homesick. We are harmed by you, completely!"


Lin Fei didn't speak and just laughed.

"How are you laughing? Thank you for laughing Siqixue's face is like a storm coming. It's cloudy and dark. It's dripping. Even Siyu feels terrible.

From childhood, she had never seen her grandfather lose such a big temper.

Siyu just wants to speak, but Lin Fei raises his hand to stop him."No acting! Let's just say something! " Lin Fei's task is to conquer homesickness with money. Now he is rich. What are he afraid of?

Think strange learning is a Leng, was Lin Fei see through?

Face is a red, but soon adjusted across the sea.

"What should we do about Sijia Sifang group?"

"I gave Siyu 50 billion, not enough?"

"It's for Siyu, not for our homesickness."

"I'll give you another 50 billion."

"It can only solve this compensation crisis."

"I'll give you another 50 billion."

"It can only guarantee that the Quartet will not be accused in court."

"Then I'm giving 50 billion."

"It can only guarantee that Sifang group will not be closed down by Zhao family."

"I'll give you another 50 billion."



The conversation between Lin Fei and siqixue stunned Siyu.

At first, she thought that 10 billion was a lot. When Lin Fei gave her 50 billion, she felt very happy. Now she wants to give her 200 billion. She can't believe her ears.

Staring at Lin Fei, he seemed to ask if it was true.

Ha ha

Siqixue burst out laughing.

Ha ha

Lin Fei also laughed.

"The richest man in Jiangnan is really rich."

"Ginger is still old and spicy. It's true!"

Siqixue and Lin Fei finished, laughing again at the same time.

When siqixue heard the name of Linfei from siliyuan, she pinned her hope on Linfei.

He is very clear about what happened in Jiangnan City. He even sent someone to investigate Lin Fei and found a little secret.

As for his performance at the scene, he was acting. For him, if possible, he would rather let Siyu marry Lin Fei than Zhao Wenhua.

When Lin Fei saw that siqixue was furious and silent, he knew that he was testing himself, and he knew that he would come out for Siyu, which made him admire siqixue's sophistication.

Now, siqixue calls out the price, which makes him more certain.

However, Siyu did not see through these, but more muddled!

When Siqi's words changed, he began to speak again.

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