"When will you get married with Siyu?"

Siqixue suddenly turns his voice and looks at Lin Fei. His expression is serious again.


Siyu's face turns red. Lin Fei is with her. Acting is more than real. How can she not know?

Lin Fei was also asked.

"Today, you've hugged my granddaughter, hugged her, and kissed her. If you don't give me an explanation about this, how will you let Siyu marry in the future?"

Siyu's head was so low that it was almost indented into his clothes.

Once upon a time, she was also arrogant as a proud woman, and she despised men at all. In her eyes, men are animals thinking by their lower body, and their brains are rubbish. Men who want to pursue her are all for desire.

However, Lin Fei refused in jiupinzhai for the first time. What happened in the car today made her have a special feeling about Lin Fei. Especially just now, Lin Fei gave her money in public. It doesn't matter how much. The important thing is to maintain her dignity in front of the Zhao family.

It can be imagined that if it were not for Lin Fei today, he or she would be completely humiliated by the Zhao family.

Siyu looked at Lin Fei's eyes, more feelings, more gratitude, more heart.

"Ding! Congratulations, master! The task is done. "

"Two hundred billion dollars."

"Reward a mind reading card."

"The reward for merit is worth ten million."

"No! I just agreed to give 200 billion yuan to Sijia Sifang group. Why is there no reward? " Lin Fei knows that the 200 billion yuan reward is a reward for the acquisition of Sifang group, not a reward for helping Sifang group solve the crisis.

"Master, the problem of Sifang group is not money, but people, so it can be solved without spending money."


"Ding! Master! When a new task comes, I will join Sifang group and thoroughly solve the personnel crisis of Sifang group. "

Lin Fei

"Lin Fei, isn't my granddaughter worthy of you?" Seeing that Lin Fei didn't speak, siqixue asked with displeasure.


Lin Fei stepped back from his divine consciousness and looked at his angry Siqi Xue.

"I ask you, isn't my granddaughter worthy of you?" Siqixue asked aloud again.

"Ha! Besides, we should solve the problem of the Sifang group first. " Lin Fei hit ha ha and moved to one side.

He really wanted to say that he was acting!


Do you know?

However, seeing Siyu's affectionate eyes, he couldn't bear to refuse.

But one of the purposes of coming to Jianghai this time is to meet Mu Xinxuan. Now I'm talking about marriage with Siyu. Isn't that bullshit?

Even if you don't marry Mu Xinxuan, I'm afraid there are many women who want to marry Lin Fei. Siyu has to wait in line at the back!

It's just that these words can't be said.

"Grandfather! Lin Fei is helping me to think of our family today, or we should study how to save my father, so that Sifang group can get out of the crisis! "

Siyu blushes, and her heart beats suddenly. She really wants Lin Fei to agree.

If you start to propose to open a house with Lin Fei, or to revenge the Zhao family and the injustice of fate to her, now if Lin Fei proposes to open a house, she will agree immediately, because she has been really conquered by Lin Fei's charm.

Regret flashed on siqixue's face. He wanted to strike while the iron was hot to settle the matter between Linfei and Siyu, but he didn't expect to succeed.

As a man, he knows what it means to be an excellent man, especially Lin Fei. If his granddaughter can establish a relationship with Lin Fei early, it will be good for her and their homesickness.

Of course, there is a deeper secret in his heart, which is also a more painful secret.

"All right! I'm not an old man involved in the affairs of your young people. "

"Thank you, grandpa!" Siyu said with a smile.

Siqixue shakes his head and sighs to himself.

"Who will manage Sifang group now?" Lin Fei thought of his task and asked with concern.

"With Yuanyuan in charge, I don't have so much energy."

"I can help solve the crisis of Sifang group, and I have no problem with money, but I have one condition."

"What conditions?"

Even if Sifang feien group is full of knowledge, he can't stand it.

"Let Siyu be the chairman of the board, and I will be an employee of Sifang group."


Siqixue and Siyu take a long breath at the same time and look at Lin Fei. They don't understand why he made such a decision.

"Lin Fei, I'm afraid it won't work, and you too..."

"Can it be settled?" Lin Fei interrupts Siyu and asks siqixue.After thinking a little, Siqi nodded and said, "no problem!"

Without Lin Fei, Sijia would not survive. Comprehensive assessment shows that Siyu is better than siliyuan. With Lin Fei's help, we can rest assured.

"Good! It's a deal. I'll go to work tomorrow. " With that, Lin Fei stood up and left.

"You can live in our house." Siqixue hastened to open his mouth to keep the road.

"I have something else to do!" Lin Fei nodded with a smile and went out.

"Think of rain, you see Lin Fei off." Siqixue saw the regret in Siyu's eyes and said on one side.

Siyu nodded and followed him out.

Siqixue looked at the back of the two people, his heart down, but for the granddaughter's marriage more trouble.

Siyu follows Lin Fei without saying a word.

Lin Fei saw Siyu's expression from the corner of his eyes and laughed in his heart. How could he be arrogant and arrogant when he first met on the highway!

"I'll go first. You don't have to send me!" Lin Fei stops, looks at Siyu and says with a smile.

"Where do you live? I, I can go with you. " Siyu finished and lowered his head.


Lin Fei laughed directly.

Siyu raised his red face and gave him a fierce look.

"Keke, Siyu beauty, the original result of training you is to adjust the ice woman into a little slave!"


"Dead forest flies!" Think rain instant rage, to Lin Fei is a slap.

As soon as Lin Fei dodged, he had already dodged to one side, and then ran out a few meters away. "See you tomorrow!"

"You bastard!" Thinking of the rain, he stamped his feet in anger.

However, she found that she really can't hate it. When she thought of the word "training", she felt a little shy, but there was a touch of joy.


Siyu covers her face, turns around and runs to her villa -

it's dead!

Lin Fei left his homesick home and immediately called Longnu to inquire about the location. Then he took a taxi to get there.

Zhao villa, Zhao Guodong, Zhao Guolong, Zhao Wenbin and Zhao Wenhua four people sitting in the living room, everyone's face is gloomy, the atmosphere is abnormal depression.

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