"Guolong, what's your opinion on this?"

After a long silence, Zhao Guodong looks up at Zhao Guolong, the person who participated in the engagement process and clashed with Lin Fei.

"Brother, I don't think it's easy to do this."


"Lin Fei's money makes me feel bottomless."

This is the first time that Zhao Guolong is afraid of other people's money. In the past, in his eyes, there were no rich people except the Zhao family.

Today, Lin Fei's first kiss is $10 billion, his first proposal is $10 billion, and his first offer to buy a Wanheng real estate is $100 billion. It's estimated that there is no one with this heroic spirit, even the Zhao family can't do it.

Otherwise, they won't be beaten in the face by others for 10 billion yuan!

Zhao Guodong fell silent again. Zhao Guolong's words have made him realize the potential danger of Lin Fei.

Compared with his brother, he is much more low-key, can let the high-profile Zhao Guolong bow, can see how tough the other party is?

"Dad! The last time Ye's family was pushed down, it's not settled yet. Let me see, I'll just hack him off. " Zhao Wenbin stood up and said.

Zhao Wenhua did not speak, but for Zhao Wenbin's words full of disdain and disdain, in his view is no brain.

Zhao Guodong glared at Zhao Wenbin, "when can I be calm? When can I use my brain? "

Zhao Wenbin depressed lowered his head, very unwilling to clench his fist.

Zhao Guodong's eyes swept over his two sons' faces. He was a little depressed. Zhao Wenbin had good courage, but he lacked intelligence and stability.

Zhao Wenhua is cunning and cunning. He is suitable for planning and management, but he is lustful and less courageous than Zhao Wenbin.

"In this matter, let's not move, let the chess pieces within Sifang group start to start. I'd like to see how Sifang group escaped the crisis, and whether Lin Fei helped Sifang group or not?"

"Elder brother, I agree with you. It's a good time to find out Lin Fei's background, and to see if he is really an enemy of our Zhao family, or if today is purely accidental."

Zhao Guolong immediately supported Zhao Guodong's opinions.

Zhao Guodong nodded, looked at Zhao Wenbin and Zhao Wenhua and said, "don't provoke Lin Fei recently, let alone say cruel words. Take revenge. Remember?"

Zhao Wenbin and Zhao Wenhua almost agreed.

However, how can two people really agree?

In Jianghai City, many families are waiting to see Lin Fei's play. How can Lin Fei bear it when he sees Zhao's hand?

Today, the birth of Lin Fei makes many people in Jianghai city realize that Jianghai city is going to set off a bloodbath.

Some well-informed people already know that Lin Fei knocked down Ye's family, the richest man in Jiangnan City, and became the richest man in Jiangnan City. When he came to Jianghai City, he immediately clashed with Zhao's family, the richest man in Jianghai city.

You know, Lin Fei is now doing this, is completely provocative Zhao's majesty.

If the Zhao family does not fight back, what prestige will the Zhao family have in Jianghai city in the future?

However, they did not expect that the Zhao family would choose to remain silent, and there was really no movement.

In the 999 suite of Huatian Hotel in Jianghai City, when Lin Fei came in, Longnu had just finished checking the suite, and even installed a jammer in the room.

This hotel is specially selected by her, and it has been carefully checked. Today, Lin Fei is attacked, which has made her full of vigilance.

"How did you get to Jianghai city?" Thinking of throwing Lin Fei on the highway, Longnu felt sorry.

Lin Fei did not speak, but went straight to the Dragon Girl.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Seeing that Lin Fei's eyes were not right, the Dragon Girl asked in surprise.

"What for?" Lin Fei said, raised his hand, hissed, and directly zipped Longnv's sportswear.


The Dragon Girl wants to stop in a hurry. However, the next second Lin Fei pushes the Dragon girl down on the sofa, hands together, and only underwear is left.

"Asshole! You want to die, don't you? " I'm not the only one who can't help it.

Lin Fei doesn't speak. He goes directly into the divine consciousness. He exchanges points for a bottle of scar removing cream from the system again. He turns off the cap of the bottle, pours it on the palm of his hand, and begins to apply it on the wound behind the Dragon Girl.

The Dragon girl was still fighting. She felt the coolness of the ointment and the smooth skin on Lin Fei's hand. The whole body of the Dragon girl was tense.

She quickly raised her hand, covered her mouth, and did not cry out.

Lin Fei had no response from Guan Longnv.

Today, he is not angry when dragon girl throws him on the highway. What is angry is that dragon girl is in danger alone. If there is an accident, he will not be able to rest assured all his life.

The more I thought about it, the more angry I was, so on the way back, I was thinking about how to punish the Dragon Girl. Finally, I thought about the scar behind the Dragon Girl.When Lin Fei's hand was smeared on the Dragon Girl's waist, he didn't feel hot.

He pressed the palm of his hand gently on it. "How did you leave this wound?"

Different from other wounds, most of the other wounds are gunshot wounds, but here is a knife wound. If the person who stabbed the knife at this position intentionally, it's really hateful. It's very likely that the Dragon girl will not be able to die or live well.

When Lin Fei's hand fell to that position, the Dragon girl was almost in tears. A little further down was

When he heard Lin Fei's question, he suddenly woke up. "It was an island ninja."

The Dragon girl said it in a low voice.

"Son of a bitch! Pervert The angry Lin Fei came out.

The Dragon Girl's heart melts in an instant -

Lin Fei cares about herself from the bottom of his heart.

However, the next second -


Lin Fei finished applying the ointment and patted it on her ass.


Dragon Girl a low long cry, almost let Lin Fei's soul fly out.

How tempting!

Longnu seemed to feel humiliated, so she immediately buried her head on the sofa and refused to lift it up.

"Longnu, remember later that when it's really dangerous, I Longfei will protect you, not you. Do you remember?"

Lin Fei pretended to be angry and asked again.

"Remember, remember!" The Dragon Girl responds low.

At this moment, Longnu suddenly has an impulse to cry. For many years, she has always felt cold-blooded and like a man. But today, facing Lin Fei's concern, she suddenly feels that she wants to cry.

Lin Fei picked up the Dragon Girl, put her directly on the bed and turned back to the living room.

Dragon girl lying on the bed, tears of happiness.

Lin Fei was calm for a long time. Longnu said she was her own bodyguard, but she was not a confidant. How could he really make Longnu dangerous?

After Lin Fei calmed down, he took out his cell phone and began to make a call.

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