Lin Fei calls Xiao Mengshan for the first time to inquire about the preparations for the underwear exhibition. At the same time, he asks her to investigate the Zhaojia stock holders in Jianghai city. After today's engagement ceremony, he knows that he has started a war with the Zhaojia family. In this case, he has to cut off his wings.

Xiao Mengshan is most suitable for such an arduous task.

After that, they called Zhao Ren, Feng Ke and others to ask if they had any difficulties.

Finally, I called Li Qingfeng and Yun ting and praised them for their recent work. After that, I directly transferred 50 billion yuan to each of them to further accelerate their development.

Li Qingfeng and Yunting admire Lin Fei's heroism and are completely conquered by him.

A thousand mile horse is common, but Bole is not.

Lin Fei's open-minded attitude was beyond their dreams.

A scholar dies for a bosom friend!

They are willing to be loyal subordinates of Lin Fei.

Lin Fei arranged everything and fell asleep in the living room of the suite.

The next day, when Lin Fei saw the Dragon Girl, she returned to her former cold appearance, but her wheat colored face seemed to be more complicated, and her eyes were a little evasive.

Lin Fei knew the reason, so he didn't make fun of it. Instead, he said, "today I'm going to work in Sifang group, so you don't have to go."

"Yo! Yesterday, it seems that I was in love with a girl? "

The Dragon Girl curled her lips and said sarcastically.


Lin Fei pretended to cough twice and tried to be calm.

This dragon girl can't hide any secrets.

It is estimated that she knows what happened at home.

"In seven days, the goddess of your dream is coming, and now you can go crazy." The Dragon girl didn't know if she was angry with Lin Fei last night, and her tone was especially explosive.

Lin Fei laughs awkwardly, "I'm not trying to beat the Zhao family, just to..."

"It's no use explaining to me!" With that, the Dragon girl put out her hand with a smile.

Lin Fei

The atmosphere of Sifang group is particularly depressing today. Yesterday, the story about the failure of Zhao's engagement to Sijia has long spread. Many employees of Sifang group have begun to feel uneasy, and even began to send out application letters in private, ready to change jobs.

Jianghai City, offending the Zhao family, that is to seek death!

Sifang group has been in turmoil, but now it can only be said to accelerate the death.

Because of this, there is a depressing atmosphere in the company.

The management of Sifang group is even more alarmed.

This morning, as soon as they arrived, they received the news that Siyu was the chairman of the board. Siliyuan slammed the door and left on the spot.

Originally, her brother was in prison, and she had been dreaming that she could take over the chairmanship. Unexpectedly, Siyu suddenly took over the chairmanship.

Although she knew that all this was related to Lin Fei, and that it was because Lin Fei had come up with money to help homesick through the difficulties, she still felt very shameless.

In the office of the general manager of Sifang group, Yu mingce, who is in his forties and thin, cuts his face with a knife, looks out of the window and has a panoramic view of the mountains and rivers in the distance. The vehicles are like ants, and people have become small black spots.

His face was serious, and there was a faint sneer in his eyes, which made him give people a deep meaning.

Sifang group, at last, has come to the stage he most hopes for. For this day, he has been waiting for 20 years.

How many twenty years of life? How many youths are there?

Looking back, he had mixed feelings.

At the moment, Lin Fei is taking a taxi to Sifang group. He doesn't know what happened inside Sifang group.

Ten minutes later, Lin Fei came to the gate of Sifang group.

Sifang group is located in the business center of Jianghai City, with more than 40 stories high. The exterior wall is composed of glass walls, which looks very fashionable.

In front of the Sifang group building, many uniformed security guards patrol orderly. They hold batons in their hands and look solemn. They look like strangers are not allowed to enter.

Many passers-by see this scene, eyes are full of yearning color, as if to enter the Sifang group work, is a matter worthy of celebration.

"I didn't expect that under such a crisis, Sifang group should be guarded so strictly. It's really unexpected." Lin Fei can't help saying to himself.

Considering that Siyu had just become the chairman of the board of directors, Lin Fei was sure that there were many things to do, so he went straight over.

"Ah! boy! What do you do? "

At this time, a fat security guard with a face full of meat came up with two security guards.

"Find someone!"

"Who are you looking for? I'll contact you!" Said the fat guard.

"I'll ask your chairman Siyu to come down and meet me!"

With that, Lin Fei swaggered to one side of the sofa and sat down.

"Wokuo, is there a fool in the morning? But it's really arrogant. Let our new chairman come to meet him in person. Is there something wrong with his brain? "A security guard behind the fat man looks up and down at Lin Fei.

"Anyway, let's ask first!"

Fat man didn't rush to make a conclusion. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and called the security team leader.

At the moment, the security team leader just finished breakfast and was reading a magazine. Whenever he saw the wonderful pictures of the women inside, he could not help saying "lying trough!" It seemed that the woman was as excited as a real person standing in front of him.

He was annoyed when the security guard called. "What's the matter?"

"Team Diao, there's a man coming from outside. He opens his mouth and asks the chairman to pick him up in person." Fat security immediately said with a smile.

Diao Shun immediately sat up straight. "What's his name?"

"Good!" Fat security promised, turned to Lin Fei and asked, "what's your name, please? What is the relationship with our chairman? "

The fat security guard kept an eye on himself and asked one more question.

"My name is Lin Fei. I'm the husband of your chairman Siyu."

Lin Fei's voice is not loud, but it is very natural.

The fat security guard almost scared his cell phone to the ground. "Diao team, his name is Lin Fei, and he is the husband of the chairman."

Fat security finished, ready to open the door to let Lin fly in.

Today, the new chairman of the board of directors takes office. If she keeps her husband out, she will lose her job.

"Lie down, lie down!" Diao Shun called out directly on the other side.

Diao Shun's roar startled the fat security guard, and took back the hand that stretched out to open the door. "Team Diao, can you let him in?"

"No! Call someone for me and beat out the liar! " Diao Shun's voice suddenly changed and he yelled at the other end of the phone.

The fat security guard is stupid.

Is this guy the fake husband of the chairman?

Suddenly, he got angry, took out his walkie talkie and yelled. Other security guards rushed ove

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