"Team Wang, what happened?"

"Who is he? Are they criminals? "

"To knock him down, or to trap him and call the police?"


All of a sudden, the surrounding security guards began to shout and ask.

Everyone held the rubber stick tightly in their hands and looked serious. The eyes looking at Lin Fei were full of seriousness, even with a strong sense of warning.

At first, Lin Fei admired the seriousness of the security guard here. He was quite satisfied with the attitude, tone of questioning and handling of the fat security guard. As a result, he turned 180 degrees in an instant, which made him not only frown, but also angry.

"I'm Lin Fei, the husband of your new chairman Siyu!"

The system once reminded itself that the problems of Sifang group are more internal than money problems. The purpose of getting yourself into the post is to solve the internal problems of Sifang group.

Now, I have just arrived at the company, and I have taken the initiative to report my identity. I am very polite, but the security guard of the other party has put on the play, which is obviously intentional.

"Dong, the chairman's husband?"

Someone in the security called out in surprise. Holding the rubber stick, his hand could not help shaking, and subconsciously stepped back.

Looking up at Lin Fei, he was wearing a white shirt, black trousers and black leather shoes. The proportion of facial features was very appropriate. The delicate look made men excited, especially the skin, which was whiter than the women who had made up.

See some security heart is a move, this guy is the legendary little white face?

Great potential!

For a moment, the idea occupied all of them.

"Boy, I don't know where you got the name of our new chairman, but you are disrespectful to our chairman by calling yourself the husband of the chairman."

"Do you know that our new chairman is just a goddess? Is that an insult to our chairman

"Chairman goddess, is it a poor loser like you who is qualified to blaspheme?"

Wang Bocheng, vice captain of the security team, straightens up his fat stomach and looks at Lin Fei with a serious face, warning.

His words undoubtedly answered the questions of other security guards at the scene -

Lin Fei was lying.

The hesitant security guard clenched the rubber stick in his hand again, and his eyes were more fierce and angry than before.

This is a blasphemy to the new chairman, the goddess in their heart.

Lin Fei looks at the security guard in front of him, as if he saw many security images described in the novel.

Of course, he thought of the words of the system, and even smelled a strange smell from the security guards. "Ladies and gentlemen, if you don't believe it, you can call your chairman Siyu and say that Lin Fei is here. You can verify it."

"Go! Go right now! If you don't go, I'll help you go - get out Wang Bocheng waved his rubber stick and pointed in the direction of the road.

Diao Shunfei asked the security guard not to call in this morning.

Over the years, there have been many job seekers like Lin Fei at the gate of Sifang group, and even some childe brothers who want to run into the company for various reasons.

It's just that Lin Fei's reason is too low. He even says that the new chairman is his wife and directly desecrates the goddess in these people's hearts. Isn't this looking for hatred and being driven away?

Lin Fei sneers in his heart and takes out his cell phone. He suddenly finds that he doesn't have the cell phone number of Siyu.

There was a bitter smile on his face.

"What? Do you want to call the chairman? You're fighting Seeing that Lin Fei is helpless to put his mobile phone back in his pocket, Wang Bocheng is more sure that Lin Fei is lying.

Lin Fei had an idea. He looked at Wang Bocheng and said, "well, I'll buy you two cigarettes. You let me in."

He thought of the scene when he was stopped in meizishuang group that day, and wanted to test whether Wang Bocheng and others had the same reason.

Ha, ha

"You see, he's going to show up now, and he's starting to bribe us!"

Wang Bo became convinced that Lin Fei's words had changed, and immediately said with a sneer.

"Boy! You can get out of here in time! "

"We see a lot of people like you. It's ridiculous to bribe us with two cigarettes."

"Our Wang team is a very upright person. How can you buy it?"


As soon as Wang Bocheng's voice fell, other security guards came forward to flatter him.

Wang Bocheng feels very useful. He straightens his stomach higher, narrows his eyes into a line, and turns his mouth high. It's full of satisfaction.

The words of the security guard almost made Lin Fei laugh."Team Wang, right! I don't have any cash with me. I'll send you a red envelope. " Lin Fei stepped forward and said with respect.

"Red envelope? Have you made a mistake? Do you think Wang Bocheng is the one who is short of money? " Think of a letter red envelope can only send 200 yuan red envelope, immediately refused without hesitation.

Two hundred yuan compared with the integrity of other security guards, Mao is not.

Other security guards even shake their heads and despise Lin Fei even more. If they want to send a red envelope, they will buy it off. They look down on them too much.

The corner of Lin Fei's mouth raised slightly, and he understood their meaning. "You give me your bank card, and I'll transfer 100000 yuan to you. It's your money for cigarettes."

The voice was not loud, but it was very bright. When I heard these people, I was shocked.

"How much?" Wang Bocheng couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He looked at Lin Fei and asked in surprise.

"Too little? Then I'll give you a million. "

Lin Fei's smile grew stronger.


Wang Bocheng felt as if his head had been struck by lightning, a blank, buzzing, extremely shocked.

The other security guards look at Lin Fei, but they don't speak any more. They just stare at him, with waves in their hearts. "Where does this guy come from, rich second generation? Is there water in his head? Is it crazy to pursue the chairman? "

However, thinking of that one million, everyone is excited. This is their salary for at least three years!

"Yes! boy! If you can afford a million, I'll let you in Wang Bocheng finished, took out the bank card directly, patted in Lin Fei's hand.

The words were very hard, but he was obviously nervous. He seemed to be afraid that Lin Fei would go back.

Lin Fei did not speak, just a smile, picked up the bank card and mobile phone to start operation.

Wang Bocheng and others craned their necks and looked at Lin Fei. They didn't dare blink their eyes for fear of inputting a zero less.

Of course, they are more skeptical about whether they really give a million.

In half a minute.

Lin Fei smiles and puts the bank card back into Wang Bocheng's hands. "Done! Wait for the message

The voice just dropped.

Wang Bocheng's mobile phone rings didi SMS. When he turns on his mobile phone and sees a bank's SMS, Wang Bocheng's heart beats violently and quickly opens the SMS.

"One zero, two zeros, three zeros..."

Other security guards have gathered around to help count. When the count reaches six zeros, everyone's eyes are wide open, and their mouths are open enough to insert an egg.

"Honest King team, may I go in?" Lin Fei looks at Wang Bocheng and others who are already silly, and asks with a smile.

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