
Han Jing body directly fell out a few meters, Dong fell to the ground, issued a shrill cry.

Ah Kuan and ah Jie beside her didn't react.

I don't know if Han Jing has been with Mu Xinxuan for a long time and her acting skills are good.

The hands of the people did not see, people did not get up, began to cry, but also the kind of miserable incomparable cry.

"Wuwu Reporter friends, you have to prove to me that Lin Fei has beaten me violently again. "

The reporter seemed to be very cooperative with Han Jing. The camera in his hand began to click, and more people spoke directly.

"Excuse me, this security guard, why do you want to hit people?"

Han Jing, who was crying, immediately stopped crying and looked up. She almost vomited blood on the spot.

Her attacker turned out to be a security guard!

Yes, the security guard who just stopped her at the door!


"As the security guard of Huatian Hotel, we need to make sure that it is quiet and comfortable here. In front of us, this woman is a madman, barking like a mad dog, which seriously affects the public security of the hotel. As a security guard, I am performing my duty."

The security guard's justice is awe inspiring, but also full of domineering. "If she wants to call the police, I'll accompany her at any time, but if she doesn't disappear from here in ten seconds, I'm sorry, we will continue to perform our duties."

The security guard added.

Han Jing has stood up now, and her face is swollen like a pig's head, which is even higher and more miserable.

"If you dare to beat me, you are useless."

"I'll call the police and put you in jail for the rest of your life."

"Lin Fei, it must be you who bribed these security guards. It must be you who did it."

On the one hand, Han Jing is angry with the security guard and wants to pull Lin Fei into the water.


Lin Fei gave a cold hum.

As soon as the words are heard, the security guard's body suddenly flashes and comes to Han Jing again. He grabs Han Jing's collar and uses his arm to lift Han Jing up with one hand like a child and walks towards the door.

"Let go of me!"

"Ah Kuan, ah Jie, help me

"Reporters, you have to take pictures. The security here is too violent."

Han Jing kicks her feet in the air and howls.

The guard's face was more angry.

At the moment, the security guard holding Han Jing has made preparations to throw it out directly.

In his heart, but firmly remember what Lin Fei just said, to roll out like a ball.

With so many reporters on the scene, too violent, the impact is still bad, so it's a good choice to throw her out like throwing a ball.

This is what the security guard really thinks.

"Stop it Just as he lifted Han Jing up and was ready to throw her out, a big drink came from the door of the hotel.

The guard stopped with a pause in his hand.


In an instant, seven or eight policemen, armed with guns, rushed in and aimed at the security guard.

"Put people down!" Lin Fei's cry came from the hall.


The security guard agreed and was very obedient.

However, his hand suddenly loosened, and Han Jing, who was held high, fell freely from the air.

Ah, ah!

Han Jing feels closer and closer to the ground, more and more anxious.

Grab your hands and kick your feet.

But it fell out of the air.



Heavy landing sound sounded, Han Jing pig like scream also sounded.

It hurt!

In contrast, the heart is more painful under shame and depression.

All the reporters at the scene couldn't help closing their eyes sympathetically.

This is cruel!

"Ah? I'm sorry! I didn't have enough strength in my hand just now. "

"Comrade police, I'm the security guard here. This madwoman ran here and yelled, which seriously affected our normal order. I'm performing my security duty."

"You are just in time. Please take her away. You'd better take her to the fourth hospital of Jianghai city."

Security response is very fast, even Lin Fei can't help but look more.

"Comrade police, he is lying. He took the initiative to fight people."

"They are fighting for Lin Fei. They are Lin Fei's accomplices."

"Han Jing is a normal person. She is definitely not a madwoman. We are employees of xiangmeier underwear company."

Ah Jie and ah Kuan heard from the security guard that Han Jing was a madman and had to be sent to Jianghai psychiatric hospital. They cried out directly.

Just when the security guard started, they didn't want to fight, but the security guard's action was very fast, two people were injured and didn't recover, so they couldn't react.There are other security has been ready at any time, so the two did not dare.

Now, with the support of the police, they naturally want to stand up and speak for Han Jing.

Han Jing now has also climbed up, black clothes covered with dust, one hand covering his face, one hand rubbing his buttocks, eyebrows constantly wrinkled, mouth issued hissing breathing sound, it is very painful.

"Sister Han, are you ok?"

Ah Jie and ah Kuan rushed forward to offer their hospitality.

"Go away! Two losers, losers

Han Jing angrily pats off two people's hands and scolds loudly.

Two people's faces are a little embarrassed, standing in the same place.

"Police, this security guard beat people violently. These reporters at the scene all have evidence. You must punish him severely!"

Han Jing is more disgusted than Xiang. She wanted to induce Lin Fei to fight, but she didn't expect Lin Fei to fight. Instead, she let the security guard fight.

Everyone can see that the security guard is Lin Fei's man, who is fighting for Lin Fei.

But, for is to replace, others Lin Fei did not start, this let Han Jing is very depressed.

Just then, outside the hall, three people rushed in. In front of them was a man in his twenties, dressed in famous brand clothes and wearing gold rimmed glasses. He was very handsome.

It's Zhao Wengang.

"Manager Han, who beat you like this?"

When Zhao Wengang finished, he looked directly at Lin Fei with a strong anger in his eyes.

Eyes seem to be asking, is Lin Fei hit people?

Han Jing is more depressed.

This was originally a play she discussed with Zhao Wengang, that is, she came to make fun of Mu Xinxuan. If Lin Fei comes out to stop or fight, Han Jing tempts Lin Fei to fight, and he calls the police to catch him.

In Zhao Wengang's view, as long as Lin Fei can be captured, with the strength of the Zhao family, Lin Fei can definitely stay in it forever.

This was originally a well planned arrangement. After Han Jing arrived, her performance was not hard-working, even exaggerated.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that Lin Fei was very angry, but he didn't do it.

Han Jing was beaten, just by the security guard.

Zhao Wengang arrived a few minutes later than the police on purpose, which seemed real.

As a result, miss the wonderful, mistakenly thought it was Lin Fei.

His words, a vision, has let Lin Fei understand everything.

Lin Fei did not speak, but picked up the phone.

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