"Let baxianju deliver 10 hot seafood soups, fast! It's hot This is a text message Lin Fei sent to Siyu:

after sending it, Lin Fei puts down his mobile phone and looks at Zhao Wengang.

This is the first time that two people meet, but they are not strange, because they have known each other.

Last night, Lin Fei already got all the information about Zhao Wengang from Yunting. If Jiang Yu hadn't stopped him, Zhao Wengang would never have stood here intact.

However, today, he took the initiative to send it to Lin Fei's door and let him smile in his heart -

he must pay for his blood debt!

"Mr. Zhao, I, I..."

Han Jing is embarrassed to speak.

You know, she asked the Zhao family for 10 million yuan to help discredit Mu Xinxuan. She was given a deposit of 2 million yuan. Now she hasn't done this little thing well. Isn't it a shame?

"Who hit you?"

Zhao Wengang eyebrows pick pick, give Han Jing signal, want her to tell the truth.

This makes Han Jing even more difficult.

"Manager Han, don't be afraid. Tell me who it is."

"No matter who that person is, as long as he dares to beat the staff of xiangmeier underwear company, I will let him put on the bottom of the prison."

"Is he threatening you not to say it?"

Zhao Wengang had to say that the performance was in place. Inside and outside, he was guiding Han Jing to point out that it was Lin Fei who hit people.

However, what depressed him was -

"I beat Han Jing!"

The security guard stepped forward, raised his chest and said aloud.

Zhao Wengang

There are countless grass mud horses in my heart. It's a bit silly! This is a bit depressing!

However, he turned his eyes, looked at the security guard and said with a smile, "did you receive someone's instruction before you started beating someone?"

"Instructions? What instructions? I'm a human, not a machine, not a computer program. Do I need instructions? Are you an idiot? "

Looking at Zhao Wengang with a smile on his face, the security guard was very tired and despised.


Zhao Wengang was a little depressed and speechless.

"I want to be told, right?"

The security guard looked at Zhao Wengang and asked aloud.

Although Zhao Wengang was depressed, he nodded and said, "yes! Tell me who ordered it, and I won't treat you badly! "


"Of course!"

"Comrade police, Zhao Wengang asked me to hit people!"

The security guard suddenly turned to look at the police and yelled.


The scene was a mess.

The security guards knew about the scalding of Mu Xinxuan and Longnu yesterday. They also knew that it was related to xiangmeier underwear company. They even knew it was Zhao Wengang.

Now, Zhao Wengang appeared here, but also let himself frame up the master Lin Fei, this is not self humiliation, what is it?

"You, you're talking nonsense. I don't even know you!" Zhao Wengang was infuriated.

"Ha ha! I don't know you, either

"You said I told you to hit people?"

"I'm just kidding you!"


Zhao Wengang almost vomited blood.

"However, your manager has no manners. Fortunately, I didn't believe you, otherwise I would have been cheated."

Depressed Zhao Wengang hasn't adjusted yet, and the security guard comes again to mend the sword.

Zhao Wengang

"Police comrades, this madwoman, please take it away. We need to be quiet here." The security guard ignored Zhao Wengang's reaction and said to the police.

"You are the madman! Your whole family is crazy

Han Jing endured the pain and scolded angrily.

The police are sitting on a bit of wax at the moment.

They were arranged. Zhao Wengang even said that someone should be arrested here, but it is obvious that the person Zhao Wengang wants to arrest is not the Han Jing in front of him, nor the security guard.

Zhao Wengang is also a little depressed. How can people catch him?

Lin Fei thought of his arrangement, the police must leave immediately, eyes turned, eyes fell on the ground of the contract.

"Comrade police, I'm Mu Xinxuan's agent. I report that Han Jing, while acting as Mu Xinxuan's agent, tricked Mu Xinxuan into signing an unfair contract, which seriously damaged Mu Xinxuan's interests. I request an investigation into this matter."

Everyone at the scene was stunned.

Hearing this, Han Jing's face changed greatly, and she suddenly became anxious. "No! Absolutely not! Lin Fei, you are spouting blood. "

Police look at Han Jing, look at Zhao Wengang, the heart is more depressed, how now more and more complex?

Zhao Wengang is also in a bit of a hurry.

When the contract was signed, because Mu Xinxuan was away from home, the contract was sent in photos, and she saw it. However, when the contract was signed later, Han Jing got Zhao Wengang's benefit and decided to make some changes quietly in order to show her performance.Mu Xinxuan did not know, and even directly authorized Han Jing to sign the contract.

If you compare them carefully, they will not be the same. What if they spread out?

"Han Jing, go to the police station and cooperate with the police to make things clear."

Zhao Wengang doesn't want to make a big deal in front of the police and reporters.

"Mr. Zhao, I didn't! Really not! "

When Han Jing heard about going to the police station, her heart was broken and she was even more afraid.

"No, what are you afraid of? Go

In Zhao Wengang's view, as long as Han Jing, he and Mu Xinxuan are not present, the contract will be easy to handle, so Han Jing must be taken away.

Han Jing is already depressed and wants to hit the wall.

Although I didn't want to, I had to go and nodded.

Lin Fei sees Han Jing nodding and sneers.

"A fool who signs a fool's contract will pay for his own fool."

"Han Jing, just now I said you are a fool, you still don't admit it, now it turns out that you are a fool?"

"You didn't get out, but you got into the police station. It's estimated that you will have a good life."

What Lin Fei said was sharp, even with the pride of villain.

However, he did not have the slightest shame, on the contrary is very happy!

The woman who dares to count herself is absolutely unforgivable.

At this moment, Mu Xinxuan and other five women in the dining room on the top floor could hear clearly what happened in the downstairs hall.

Mu Xinxuan, who had just been annoyed by Han Jing, suddenly felt inexplicably relaxed and even happy.

Looking at Lin Fei's happy smiling face, I felt a sweet feeling in my heart, and unconsciously showed a touch of happiness on my face.

"Sister mu, this Lin Fei will be so touching. On that day, we were homesick and met with difficulties, and the Zhao family forced us to marry. He was so bad and domineering that he cleaned up Zhao Wenhua, so that I fell in love with her completely."

Siyu said with a touch of complexity in his eyes.

"Lin Fei is a good man!" Xiao Mengshan thinks of the past when her uncle and cousin bullied her that day, and she can't help feeling.

Ruo Xue didn't speak, but Pang Huan's story is still fresh in memory, with the same emotion.

Only the Dragon girl didn't think so, but she didn't care.

Lin Fei did not know that his words won the hearts of all women.

Han Jing downstairs went crazy again.

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