"Lin Fei, don't be rampant. You have offended a lot of people in Jianghai City, and you will be punished."

Although Han Jing is worried, she still shouts at Lin Fei.

She hates it!

She's angry!

She won't!

I don't want to lose to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei clapped his hands.

"You might as well say that I have offended the Zhao family!"

"You can ask Zhao Wengang that his father Zhao Guolong was beaten in the face by me at home and robbed Zhao Wenhua's fiancee. His uncle Zhao Guodong was beaten in the face by me at the gate of Zhao group, and Zhao Wenbin was even pulled in his pants. What can they do for me? "

"You are just a mole ant. You want to participate in this kind of competition. You are just trying to kill yourself."

Lin Fei's voice was like thunder, which shocked everyone in the crowd.

Han Jingzhen will be more dizzy, eyes an incredible.

Her time in Jianghai city is still too short, and she has been injured recently, so she seldom touches people. She has no idea about these things.

If you know, you will never fool to trouble Lin Fei, and you will not want to make Zhao's money.

Now, it's too late.

Han Jing's intestines are almost green, and her teeth are itching -

however, she hates herself more!

How can you offend Lin Fei?

Police stay here, is very embarrassed, thought that he was brought by Zhao Wengang police, more embarrassed.

Looking at Han Jing, he said in a loud voice, "go! Go to the police station to cooperate with the investigation! "

Han Jing at the moment is like a frost eggplant, completely wilted.

"These two men are former bodyguards of Mu Xinxuan. I suspect they are in collusion." Ah Jie and ah Kuan want to step back, but Lin Fei doesn't give them a chance.

The two men looked up at Lin Fei. They were angry, but they didn't dare to say a cruel word.

Han Jing because of anger and hatred, forced to beat her security also took away.

However, the security guard was calm. He turned to other security guards and said, "brothers! You have to remember, long eyes are to see things, long brain is to think things. Only when you can see things and think about things, can you develop. "

With that, he looked at Lin Fei with a smile.

Lin Fei smiles and nods. He has picked up his mobile phone and sent out a short message.

Lin Fei is very optimistic about this security guard. He will be released on bail at any cost.

The hall is quiet again.

Lin Fei's eyes have been locked in Zhao Wengang's body, Zhao Wengang's eyes also fall on Lin Fei's body.

Before Lin Fei appeared, Zhao Wengang always claimed to be the son of heaven. Even in his opinion, he was many times better than Zhao Wenbin and Zhao Wenhua. In his eyes, those two are the rice bucket.

As a matter of fact, what he did to scald Mu Xinxuan yesterday was absolutely seamless, and he showed his wisdom and ability at a glance.

Even Zhao Guodong was full of praise before Lin Fei's reversal.

However, everything changed because of Lin Fei's reversal.

It not only made him a sinner of the Zhao family, but also deeply damaged his self-confidence.

What makes him most intolerable is Lin Fei's arrogance. Especially just now, when Han Jing said that he despised the Zhao family, his arrogance and words deeply stimulated him and even hit his pride as a Zhao family.

"Lin Fei, right?"

"It's me!"

"I've heard about it."

"The same!"

"As the general manager of Jianghai xiangmeier underwear company, I now ask Mu Xinxuan to come out immediately, fulfill the contract and shoot underwear advertising videos."

Zhao Wengang voice without any feelings, very cold said.

Lin Fei smiles and doesn't speak.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Wenhua asked.

"What do you mean?" Lin Fei asked the same question.

"What's wrong with me?"

Zhao Wenhua said coldly.


Lin Fei slapped the armrest of the chair and said angrily, "Zhao Wengang, what did you do in baxianju yesterday? Don't you know? "

"Lin Fei, you don't have to be so loud. Is mu Xinxuan shameless now?"

"Oh, no, I can't see anyone, can I?"

"Ha ha I don't believe that a woman, no matter how beautiful she is, with rotten meat, how can she meet people? Which man is not disgusted? "

"Of course, there may be a man, and that's you, the country bumpkin! "Upstart!"

His face has been torn. Zhao Wengang doesn't need to be polite. He is angry.

The scene immediately began to draw.


Lin Fei was very angry and laughed.

New and old hatred stirred in my heart.

Yesterday's event, after it happened, the Zhao family had no reaction, which made Lin Fei extremely angry.Now, what Zhao Wengang said is so heartless and reasonable, and what Yang Ming and others admit is not a lie. The Zhao family intends to do it.

"Ladies and gentlemen, do you know about Mu Xinxuan's scald in baxianju yesterday?"

Before Lin Fei spoke, Zhao Wengang spoke.


"Is it serious?"

"Where's the burn?"


This is absolutely explosive news for the reporters on the scene. They immediately turned their microphones and recording equipment on Zhao Wengang.

Zhao Wengang, with a strong smile, took a provocative look at Lin Fei and said to the reporter, "Mr. Lin knows exactly what part of his body has been scalded and how the scald is."


All eyes look at Lin Fei, did not dare to speak directly, but the eyes are questioning.

Lin Fei's clear eyes suddenly shrunk, and his anger began to release.

Reporters to the mouth of the words have stopped, this gold Lord, they dare not random interview, dare not ask.

"Don't you know, Zhao Wengang?"

"Why don't you say that at the reception of your xiangmeier underwear company, you personally upset the hot soup and scalded Mu Xinxuan?"

"Why, don't you dare to admit it?"

Lin Fei asked in a cold voice.


The reporters at the scene took a breath, shocked and afraid of the hot soup in Lin Fei's mouth, and also scared of the extreme anger and conflict between the two people.

This is a conflict between the richest man in Jiangnan City and the richest man in Jianghai City, and the richest man in Jianghai province. If it is not handled properly, the man in the middle will be destroyed.

Therefore, many journalists choose to be cautious and silent.

"Lin Fei, it was just an accident. Although the result was very bad, the accident was an accident."

"Baxianju has made compensation for his scald, and has compensated Mu Xinxuan for it."

"Now, I'm just fulfilling the contract, fulfilling her endorsement contract, do you understand?"

Zhao Wengang said that he was indifferent, and even said that the eight immortals house Lin Fei got from Yang Ming was an active compensation.

All this, Lin Fei clear, but the reporter is not clear.

Although they dare not speak easily, but the camera and recorder are clear record of all this.

Compensation for baxianju?

It's definitely a big compensation. It can be seen that the degree of scald is definitely not light.

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