"Xiangmeier underwear company signed an unequal contract with my former agent Han Jing. I reserve the right to sue. I will sue in the right way at the right time."

Mu Xinxuan's face sank in an instant, adding a touch of anger and powerful momentum, and solemnly preached.

Zhao Wengang was even more depressed. He almost burst out with a mouthful of old blood.

For a long time, he sneered twice. "Good! Suit yourself. This matter has nothing to do with our xiangmeier underwear company anyway! Who would like to take a look at our home, Zhao Jianghai? "

Zhao Wengang, who has lost his face, wants to find it.

"Zhao Wengang, don't make a fat face."

"I know best whether I have silly eyes or not."

"Now let's get down to business. What about yesterday's scalding of Mu Xinxuan and Longnu?"

Lin Fei took the words.

"What to do?"

"Any burns?"

"Look, are there any burns here?"

Than shameless, he Zhao Wengang but not lose to anyone, while excited passion performance, at the same time began to arrogant clamor.

In his opinion, no scar, no scald, what can you do?

Mu Xinxuan's five women were also a little anxious. Although Zhao Wengang said it shamelessly, it's true now!

He looked at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei smiles. "Siyu, where is the hot soup?"

Miss rain beautiful eyes a bright, see to Lin Fei, full of surprise. "I ask!"

Finish saying, just want to make a phone call, outside spreads to shout. "Let's go! The hot soup is very hot

Hua La, the crowd dispersed, and then saw a group of people, pushing a cart, with boiling hot soup on it came in.


"If you really talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive!" Lin Fei said.

"Hello, Mr. Lin!"

The cook pushed the hot soup to the hall, looked at Lin Fei and said with a bow.

"Thank you so much!"

"No hard work! We have been in the heating state according to your requirements. " With that, he lifted a lid, and the hot soup was boiling, and the prawns, crabs and other seafood were rolling up and down, which made people have a good appetite.

However, when I heard that hot soup scalded Mu Xinxuan and others yesterday, many people began to breathe cold on their backs.

Looking at Lin Fei, I don't know what his intention is?

Lin Fei's eyes fall on Zhao Wengang. Thinking of the sufferings of Mu Xinxuan and Longnu and the tasks of the system, Lin Fei has an idea in his heart.

"Zhao Wengang, you said that if a person is scalded, it will be fine for one day. Will this kind of magical thing happen?"

"Cut! Certainly not

Zhao Wengang doesn't understand Lin Fei's meaning, but he doesn't want to be weak in momentum and says haughtily.

"Journalists, do you believe in this miracle?"

"I don't believe it!"

"How could it be?"

"Is it immortal medicine?"


The reporter, who had been depressed for a long time and didn't dare to say anything, finally had a chance to talk about it one after another.

Mu Xinxuan and the other five women didn't speak, but their hearts were full of ups and downs. Especially when they looked at Xiang Lin Fei, where did this guy get the medicine? Is it really so smart?

"In fact, don't say it's you, but I don't believe it myself." Lin Fei said lightly.

"Lin Fei, in the name of Mu Xinxuan's scald, it was greedy of you to ask paradigm Pharmaceutical Group and baxianju to compensate you yesterday?"

Thinking of the loss of his two partners, Zhao Wengang was indignant and attacked.

The cold light in Lin Fei's eyes turned into two sharp swords, greedy?

What is the compensation for the sufferings of two women?

"Zhao Wengang, how about this? I pour a pot of hot soup on you. If there is no scald, I will give you paradigm medicine group and baxianju? "

Lin Fei's anger gradually increased and asked with a cold face.

Zhao Wengang

He hesitated.

"Not only that, I'll give you six billion yuan!"


All the people at the scene took a breath and looked at Lin Fei. They were all surprised. It was really a big deal.

Looking at Mu Xinxuan and Longnu again, there was no scar or scald mark on them.

Zhao Wengang's eyes also swept over Mu Xinxuan and Longnu. Thinking of the skin he had just seen, his first reaction was that he was cheated by the hospital, and then his heart beat.

Of course, what makes him excited is that if this matter is handled well, the bad impression he just left in front of Zhao Guodong can be reversed. This is what makes him most interested and concerned about.

"Lin Fei, do you believe what you said?"

"Of course! These journalists can testify. "

"Where are you going to fall?""Yesterday, you scalded Mu Xinxuan and Longnu. I fell on whatever part of their body."

Zhao Wengang was silent again.

"And don't worry, I'll just pour it down and never break my promise." Lin Fei's face was very serious.

"Wait a minute!" Zhao Wengang's mind has been echoing these two words, the last bite. "Good! Lin Fei, I agree! "

As soon as Zhao Wengang's words came out, all the reporters at the scene were boiling.

"Do you think Zhao Wengang is crazy?"

"He's a young master of the Zhao family. How could he agree?"

"What's the fuss? Paradigm Pharmaceutical Group, baxianju and 6 billion yuan in cash add up to 30 billion yuan. If it's me, I agree. "


The reporter's comments came one after another. It was very complicated to hear from Zhao Wengang, but he insisted on his agreement.

He has to rely on his own strength to reverse this incident, so that Zhao Guodong can change his view and become a man in the Zhao family.

The more he thought about it, the more determined he was. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he should gamble.

He may waver sometimes, but he is calm when he thinks that neither Mu Xinxuan nor Longnu have any burns.

"Lin Fei, come on!" Zhao Wengang said with awe inspiring righteousness.

"Good! If the reporters want to live, they can live

"Give me a certificate. If there is a scald, Zhao Wengang will bear it voluntarily. If there is no scald, I will compensate him paradigm medicine group, baxianju and 6 billion cash."

"Just for a moment, just for a moment, everyone should watch it!"

Lin Fei is very aboveboard and does not take advantage of Zhao Wengang. This not only makes reporters praise him, but also makes Zhao Wengang unable to find fault himself. Even in his opinion, Lin Fei is very man.

Three minutes later, the reporter's live broadcast was all ready. In order to be safe, Zhao Wengang wanted to wear two bodyguards' jackets.

Although it's hot in summer, Mu Xinxuan is full of confidence at the thought of having three layers of clothes to protect them.

Lin Fei is now in front of the hot soup. He stares at the boiling seafood in it. His hatred is burning in his eyes. He says in his heart: "Zhao Wengang, you will regret it all your life!"

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