"Lin Fei, I'm ready!"


Lin Fei said, hands up hot pot, even heat insulation are free, and then a quick turn, has come to Zhao Wengang in front.

Zhao Wengang looked at the roaring hot soup, and a heat wave came to the shop. He was shocked and wanted to retreat. But it was too late, and Lin Fei made a move.

He didn't break his promise. The direction of his fall was Zhao Wengang's abdomen, where Mu Xinxuan was burned.

However, most of the hot soup sprinkled on Mu Xinxuan was blocked by the Dragon Girl, but not in front of Zhao Wengang.

With Lin Fei's hand raised, the hot soup in the pot turned into a beautiful arc and flew straight to Zhao Wengang's abdomen.

Zhao Wengang watched the hot soup coming at a gallop, and it was too late to escape.

The water line flying in the air is very urgent. Under the sunlight, the colorful color is very beautiful, but the temperature is very high, very hot!

Zhao Wengang is full of regret, but it's too late to regret.


A cry more miserable than killing a pig came from Zhao Wengang's mouth,

he felt like a hot carbon fell on him, hot.

However, it is also like concentrated sulfuric acid, wave after wave of erosion of the body, as if to penetrate into each of his cells.

Hot pain!

Zhao Wengang started tearing his clothes while jumping.

Mu Xinxuan and long Nu both couldn't help but shrink their hips when they saw this scene. After experiencing this kind of pain, they knew better than anyone how painful the scald was.

Two people are subconsciously called out, but their voice seems so soft and greasy, and Zhao Wengang's voice can only be described as miserable.

Zhao Wengang's two bodyguards have come forward to help take off his clothes.

I don't know if it's because I take off too quickly, or because the scald is too heavy. Many of the bright scald bubbles on my skin have been damaged, and the blood is flowing out, which is even more miserable.

Zhao Wengang now feels that his consciousness is a little unclear, whining frantically, jumping and grabbing at his body.

Two bodyguards pressed Zhao Wengang to death and called out his name.

It took Zhao Wengang about three minutes to get used to the pain. At the moment, his face is sweating, his facial features are deformed, his eyes are empty, and he looks like a useless man.

Just severe pain, let him have a sense of survival, but also the pain of the whole body to collapse.

At the moment, the live reporters were dumbfounded, but the live platform exploded.

"Wow! What kind of Kung Fu are you practicing? "

"Can't he have a brain problem?"

"Look, this man is a child of the richest family in Jianghai city. Is there any problem with his IQ?"


The big screen of the live broadcast is full of wonderful comments from netizens.

Zhao Wengang doesn't care.

Lin Fei is full of smile, mouth strange raised, looking at Zhao Wengang.

"Are you hurt?"


Lin Fei a word, let the pain intense Zhao Wengang directly eject a mouthful of blood.

That's right!

I really vomited blood.

But it's spitting blood.

It's painful and angry.

Until now, he did not want to understand why the same hot soup, the same burns, two more delicate women than he had nothing to do, and he was miserable?

He can be 100% sure that the hot poison is almost the same. After all, he was scalded by one of the drops yesterday.

The more you think, the more confused you are!

The more you think, the more depressed you are!

The more I think about it, the more

Ah, ah!

"Vomit blood! It seems that it's hurt, and it seems that it's not light Lin Fei took up his hand and gently touched Zhao Wengang's red and swollen scalded part.


When Lin Fei touched Zhao Wengang's hot and painful scald, he felt as if he had been stabbed by a needle. He let out a howl.


"It scared the hell out of me." Lin Fei pretended to be very angry and jumped to one side.

"Hurt? The paradigm medicine group and baxianju are still mine, and the six billion yuan is still mine! "

"Ah! It seems that your health is not good! I can't even catch up with a woman. "

"Do you want treatment?"

The regret and sympathy on Lin Fei's face is very strong, but it is very fake. Even Zhao Wengang, who has a depressed smile on his face, wants to commit suicide.

"Hiss! Lin Fei, you are cruel enough

Zhao Wengang now wants to jump over and bite Lin Fei if it's not for his pain.

"Don't say that, Zhao Wengang! What do you mean I'm tough enough? Isn't that a bet? "

"How's it going? Have you ever thought of such a day for yourself? ""I thought you Zhao people all have Vajra masks. I didn't expect that you would be scalded and painful when you meet hot soup?"

Lin Fei squats down, looks at Zhao Wengang and asks jokingly.

Zhao Wengang's teeth are tightly clenched together, holding on to each other.

However, he was very frustrated. The intense pain made him always make a slight cry unconsciously.

"Zhao Wengang, is your meat cooked? Is it ready to eat? "

"If you move now, will the scalded meat fall off?"

"By the way, do you think the smell of your meat is strong now?"

Lin Fei, like a curious baby, asked with a smile.

Zhao Wengang

Mu Xinxuan, standing next to him, quickly looked aside and tried to restrain her tears.

Lin Feigang just said three words, is not exactly Zhao Wengang to see himself, crazy clamour words?

Lin Fei remembers it and sends it back to Mu Xinxuan, which makes Mu Xinxuan very moved.

Look at Lin Fei's eyes, more affectionate and honey.

"Ah, ah! You see, I forgot that I still have skin care and scald cream. Apply it quickly. "

Lin Fei, like a juggler, took out the skin care and scald cream produced by paradigm medicine group.

Zhao Wengang, who was already half angry, heard Lin Fei talking about skin care and scald cream. It was like a knife was put on his neck. He cried out with a cry. He was going to get up in pain.

The intensity of the reaction was beyond everyone's expectation.

The sensitivity of the reaction was beyond everyone's expectation.

Suddenly violent action, the body burn parts more pain, but he is still forced to escape.

He is very clear that Meifu scald cream is the killer of this disease. Applying it on his body is not to save people, but to harm them.

However, he is fast, and Lin Fei is faster.

"I'm helping you. Don't give back. Learn from Lei Feng." Lin Fei's words fall, the hand already presses on Zhao Wengang's shoulder.


Zhao Wengang was lying on the ground, weak and unable to move.

"You two, put ointment on your master quickly!" Lin Fei throws the beauty skin scald cream to Zhao Wengang, two bodyguards order way.

The two men looked at each other with doubts in their eyes, but the Savior was eager.

Only -

Zhao Wengang uttered a shrill cry.

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