The people here, Lin Fei and Longnv, know Qin Feng best.

Qin Feng can take the initiative to invite Lin Fei to drink in the bar for money, so that others mistakenly think that he likes men.

Later, Longnu helped him catch up with Ouyang Lang.

The three of them were most familiar with him, and naturally knew his temperament.

That's right. He's just picking up Zhao Wengang. To be exact, he's venting his anger on Mu Xinxuan and Longnv.

You know, without the Dragon Girl, there would be no love from Qin Feng and no happiness today.

When I saw Longnu scalded yesterday, although the wound had recovered, I was still angry when I heard it. I was going to revenge Zhao Wengang on the spot and was finally stopped by Longnu.

Today, Lin Fei gives Zhao Wengang to him. He doesn't want Zhao Wengang to peel off his skin. At least he wants Zhao Wengang to remember what it means to be miserable.

"Lin Fei, your people are too much." Zhao Guolong's eyes were scarlet and almost roared out.

"Do you think you're a woman and make me feel sorry for you?"

"Today, I'll let you know what it's like to have no pity on others!"

"You don't need me? Don't use me. I promise you'll be fine all your life. "

Zhao Guolong's roar did not get Lin Fei's response, but Qin Feng's arrogant vent and Zhao Wengang's almost crazy cry.

When he was just scalded, Zhao Wengang's painful facial features moved and almost collapsed.

Now, every time Qin Feng's hand falls, he feels as if his flesh is about to break away from the bone, while his skin is directly ruptured, especially the blisters on it. Blood is flowing and contact with the ointment is like the pain of being corroded by concentrated sulfuric acid.

Zhao Wengang was a child of honor. When did he suffer from this kind of pain? Today's scald, coupled with Qin Feng's medication, almost made him experience the pain he had never experienced in his whole life.

If the scald just now is more physical pain, then the application of medicine at this moment is the superposition of physical and mental pain, which almost makes him collapse.

The beads of sweat are rolling down on the forehead. Because half of the body is scalded, the body can't roll. It can only lie flat, just like being fried on an oil pan. The body is twisted, struggling and twisted again!

Zhao Guolong's heart seems to be cooked with oil. He is angry with Lin Fei and roars wildly at the beginning. After Qin Feng's three arrogant words come out, he is silent immediately.

The result of the clamour can only be Zhao Wengang's double suffering.

Zhao Guodong's eyes are shrinking and he hugs Zhao Guolong tightly to calm him down.

The reporters at the scene, just the camera kept ringing, flashing lights, the camera recorded every shot, but no one dared to speak.

They are not stupid, Zhao family and Lin Fei, this is already dead enemy, in case of touch, can only be their own bad luck.

However, they deeply admire Lin Fei's courage and make a naked provocation.

Qin Feng didn't reduce his strength because of Zhao Guolong's silence. He still kept the same, which made Zhao Wengang hiss and split his lung in pain. Finally, he took a breath.

Zhao Guolong wants to rush forward several times, but is held by Zhao Guodong.

Half an hour later, Qin Feng stopped.

Zhao Wengang was lying on the mat, his whole body collapsed, as if he had been evacuated, and he was in a coma.

Zhao Guolong ran over, and his eyes fell on Zhao Wengang's scalded part. The redness and swelling on his skin gradually disappeared and gradually returned to normal.

This let his heart down a lot, although still full of hatred for Lin Fei and Qin Feng, but more attention was paid to Zhao Wengang.

On the other side.

"Sister long, I'm angry with you. Are you satisfied?" Qin Feng went to the Dragon Girl with a smile and asked.

"Good performance!" The Dragon Girl praised and turned to look at Jiang Yu. "Jiang Yu, don't you want to take it out on me?"

Jiang Yu stares at the Dragon Girl and looks at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's indifferent hand seemed to have nothing to do with him.

This makes Jiang Yu very angry. It's clear that Lin Fei owes her a favor. Now Longnu says nothing.

Indignant to the side of the police said: "come on! Take Zhao Wengang and Yang Ming back to the police station for investigation. "

This sound, like a drop of water on a calm lake, exploded instantly.

"What did you say?"

Zhao Guodong sees the police walking towards Zhao Wengang and Yang Ming respectively. He stares at Jiang Yu and asks angrily.

"Take it back to the police station for investigation." Jiang Yu straightened his back and said firmly.

Ha ha!

Zhao Guodong sneered twice. "Zhao Wengang is the victim. You should take Lin Fei away."

"Zhao Wengang, Yang Ming and fan Ze are the masterminds who plot to frame Mu Xinxuan, and Mu Xinxuan is also the victim." Jiang Yu won't give in.

"What about Lin Fei?"

"He and Zhao Wengang are wagering. Everyone who has seen the live broadcast knows this. Of course, if you don't believe it, you can ask a reporter. "

Jiang Yu continued to say.

Zhao Guodong's face is more and more ugly, he knows the bet thing, just deliberately say so, the purpose is to keep Zhao Wengang.Looking at Zhao Wengang, Zhao Wen happened to wake up.

Zhao Guodong gas of a stare, want to hit Zhao Wengang directly fainted in the past.

The next second, let Zhao Guodong almost direct spit blood.

"Dad! My wound doesn't hurt any more. "

Zhao Wengang finished, but also moved the wound parts.

Zhao Guolong completely fell into the joy of his son waking up, and did not care about the dialogue between Zhao Guodong and Jiang Yu just now.

"Good! That's good! It's all right at last. " Zhao Guolong kept feeling.

"Zhao Wengang, is my medicine effective?" Lin Fei asked with a smile.

"Lin Fei, I won't appreciate you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have suffered like this. You played me!" Zhao Wengang looks at Lin Fei and his anger is about to pour out.

"Ah! It seems that you have suffered too little. You should slow down Lin Fei sighed and said with regret.

Ha ha

"Lin Fei, I'm ok! Look! I'm fine! " When Zhao Wengang finished, he put on the clothes beside him and jumped to the ground. With a proud face, he looked at Lin Fei and even made a deliberate jump.

Zhao Guolong is happy in his eyes.

Zhao Guodong was angry in his eyes.

Lin Fei joked in his eyes.

"Enough!" Zhao Guodong roared out angrily.

"Uncle! I... "

"Ha ha, Zhao Wengang, congratulations on your recovery. Your big gift bag will come soon."

"What do you mean, Lin Fei?"

"I'm sorry! Zhao Wengang, you are suspected of conspiring with Yang Ming and fan Ze to murder Mu Xinxuan. Now that this incident has been exposed, Yang Ming and fan Ze have confessed. Now they are going to take you to the police station for investigation. "

Two policemen came up to Zhao Wengang, and with a click, they were handcuffed to Zhao Wengang's wrist.

Zhao Wengang

Zhao Guolong stood up crazily. "Lin Fei, are you kidding us?"

"Yes! I'm playing with you Lin Fei's voice was suddenly higher than Zhao Guolong's.

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