"Lin Fei, you son of a bitch, you have to die!"

"Lin Fei, you made me fall in the trap and got me arrested. I hate you to death."

"Lin Fei, you will be punished."

Zhao Wengang's reaction is almost crazy. He wants to break away from the police and rush to Lin Fei.

"Zhao Wengang, since you appeared here, I have been planning this step."

"It can be said that this is the fate of being here. It's only because you shouldn't be here."

"I want to tell you that in this world, it's not terrible for you to offend me, Lin Fei, because I can tolerate him. But you offend me. The woman Lin Fei is terrible. There's only one result waiting for you - a tooth for a tooth. "

Lin Fei's cold and deep eyes swept Zhao Wengang's face, which made him feel cold and afraid from inside to outside.

Other people at the scene are full of shock and complexity. Lin Fei's words are very domineering, but very touching.

Especially for the women like Mu Xinxuan.

It's not terrible to offend me, because I can tolerate Lin Fei. But the woman you offended Lin Fei is terrible. There is only one result waiting for you - a tooth for a tooth.

For the first time in a bar, he was splashed with wine. Lin Fei was angry.

The second time at the airport, fan Linhan and Han Jing and others join hands to bully themselves, Lin Fei becomes angry.

After being scalded for the third time, Lin Fei angrily retaliated the paradigm medicine group and baxianju yesterday. Today, he annexed the xiangmeier underwear company of the Zhao family.

Wealth is the second, the important thing is that these people are very miserable by Lin Fei's revenge. Yang Ming and Zhao Wengang are scalded by hot soup. They feel the pain from the bottom of their souls.

Mu Xinxuan suddenly felt her eyes wet again.

Think of nine touched, quickly raised his head, control tears.

However, the heart is closer to Lin Fei.

On the other end of the network.

"Men! Lin Fei is a man. "

"Such a man is the real flower protector."

"Praise for Lin Fei! Keep up with Lin Fei! I really want to hold Lin Fei's thigh. "

"Wuwu! My goddess! She's got a name for herself. "


Netizens' wonderful comments are boiling on the Internet.

"Lin Fei, the result of your doing so can only be more tragic revenge."

"Our Zhao family will not give up."

"I want you to stay on the line."

Zhao Guodong's face was so gloomy that it was like a heavy rain was going to fall on his head.

He has been angry, Lin Fei let the younger generation of the Zhao family eat shriveled, more and more serious, Zhao's patience is limited after all.

"Officer Jiang, I heard from fan Linhan that Zhao Wenhua was also involved in this matter. Please invite him to investigate together."

"Lin Fei, you are killing yourself!"

Zhao Guodong's threat didn't work. Lin Fei even said that he would investigate Zhao Wenhua together, which made Zhao Guodong as anxious as a cat with its tail trampled on.

A nephew is so angry, let alone his own son?

"Lin Fei, it seems that you are going to have a hard fight with our Zhao family, aren't you?" Zhao Guolong raised his head abruptly and asked with a cold light flashing through his eyes.

"Good! You are right. Today I will declare war on the Zhao family in front of all the reporters on the scene. "


As soon as Lin Fei's words came out, there was an inspirational sound on the scene. All the reporters raised their heads and looked at Lin Fei stupidly. They were stunned and stupefied.

Lin Fei is so domineering!

Lin Fei is so terrible!

Lin Fei, good man!

To declare war on a big Mac like the Zhao family is no doubt the same as a cat fighting face to face with a tiger.

He is also the richest man in Jiangnan City, but he can't be the richest man in Jianghai city. Where does he get his confidence?

Zhao Guolong almost cocked his nose. He wanted to intimidate Lin Fei, but Lin Fei was more arrogant.

He rolled a white eye, for this Lin Fei, he has a little bit no way.


Zhao Guodong gave a cold hum. "Lin Fei, it's hard to shake the mountain, even harder to shake our Zhao family. You wait. "

Then he turned and looked at Zhao Wengang. "You cooperate with the police investigation first, and we'll hire the best lawyer right away. Guolong, let's go. "

Zhao Guodong said, without looking at Lin Fei, he took the lead to walk out.

But anyone can see that Zhao Guodong is completely angry at the moment, and there will be a real fight between Lin Fei and Zhao Guodong.

"Slow down! No! I, Lin Fei, are waiting for your revenge at any time. " Lin Fei looks at Zhao Guodong's back and says jokingly.

Zhao Guodong is so angry that his body stagnates. He is really enraged by Lin Fei's arrogance and is mad by Lin Fei's anger.

Although Zhao Guolong is extremely worried about Zhao Wengang, Zhao Guodong calls him to leave and follows him obediently.Zhao Wengang stood in the same place, some silly eyes on the spot.

It's hard to escape being taken away by the police.

"Take it away!" Jiang Yu's order has been issued, and the police take Zhao Wengang out.

At the moment, Zhao Wengang's heart sank, but his anger and hatred towards Lin Fei grew stronger.

"Lin Fei, you have to die."

"You will come in with me sooner or later."

"You wait for the Revenge of our Zhao family! I'm sure you'll be doomed. "

Ha ha

Zhao Wengang said at the end, desolate laugh.

Zhao Wengang now very much hope that Lin Fei angrily rushed up to beat himself, let him also can't escape the punishment of the law.

However -

"Zhao Wengang, enjoy your life in prison!"

Lin Fei's provocative and sarcastic words came from behind.

Zhao Wengang faltered and almost vomited blood.

Lin Fei is definitely the scariest and most insidious man he has ever seen!

There is a big shadow in my heart.

People go. It's quiet.

The reporter looked at Xiang Lin Fei and thought that he came in to interview Mu Xinxuan and discredit Mu Xinxuan. As a result

They feel lucky that they can still stand here.

"Let's share the money!"

"Everyone here has a share!"

"Security captain, you are responsible for the distribution. Remember to leave a double for the brother who took it away."

Lin Fei looked at the crowd and said with a smile.

Have you divided it?

The reporter looked at the wall of money made up of hundreds of millions and thought that he had heard the wrong thing.

At first, it was a reward. Now it's a point. It's too proud.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin!"




In the face of money, these reporters have forgotten their concerns just now. They have more excitement in their eyes and more joy in their eyes.

"Remember to interview me later. I'm waiting for you to discredit me!"

Ha ha

Lin Fei's joke made the reporters laugh.

After today's event, these reporters have secretly vowed that they will never be enemies with Lin Fei again, that is the terrible existence.

Think of today's things, secretly glad not with Lin Fei for the enemy.

Lin Fei saw the change of reporter's eyes and showed a satisfied smile in his eyes.

Zhao family, our duel begins.

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