"Yes! Tie him up tight for me. " Ye Qiang in the dark, hands tightly into a fist said.

"Lin Fei, your proposal is good. We agree." Bangjie said and walked over with a smile.

He has an extra rope in his hand.

"Lin Fei, you can't promise! They won't let me go. "

Xiao Mengshan is very clear about the two men's dirty thoughts on her and shouts nervously.

Lin Fei smiles and doesn't answer.

"Lin Fei, you are so stupid!"

"I, I'm not sister mu."

"You, if you have a problem, I'll be upset all my life."

Xiao Mengshan became a tearful person in an instant.

However, Lin Fei has been honestly tied up by Bangjie.

After bundling, Bangjie was good at it and tried it deliberately. After feeling stronger, he released his hand with satisfaction.

Ha ha

"Lin Fei, I didn't expect that you are still a lover. For the sake of women, you can ignore personal safety."

"Reese, now that we've finished our task, you'd better hurry and leave me a door."

Banger exclaimed excitedly.

Reese licked his lips with his tongue, looked around, rubbed his hands, and walked toward Xiao Mengshan.

"Stop it!"

Ye Qiang's voice came from the earphone.

Reese angrily scolded a, see to leaf strong hide direction.

"Give Lin Fei four stabs." Ye Qiang thinks that ye Kun and other four people are in prison in the Ye family. He orders angrily.

At the same time, Rhys and Bangjie receive the order and look at Lin Fei with a chill in their eyes. Holding a sharp knife in his hand, he came to Lin Fei.

"You, what are you going to do?"

"Don't you mean that if you bind me, you can release Xiao Mengshan?"

"No, don't do it to me!"

Lin Fei's face was full of panic and cried out.

"Ha ha! What a coward

"Don't worry! We're not going to kill you. We're just going to give you some blood. "

"Relax! It'll be easier for the knife to go in. "

Bangjie said triumphantly.

Xiao Mengshan was lying on the ground, her eyes full of despair.

She couldn't speak because of her heartache.

Reese and Bangjie's sharp knives are getting closer and closer to Lin Fei, but as they say, they don't really want Lin Fei's life. They stab Lin Fei's arms at the same time.

Xiao Mengshan closed her eyes and couldn't bear to see it.

Lin Fei looks at the sharp knife that two people pierce to come over, seem to have already scared silly, stand in the same place, all can't move.

It's close!

It's on in a minute.

Just when the sharp knife was less than five centimeters away from Lin Fei, there was a sudden roar.

Then -


The sound of the broken rope came, and then there were two screams, two shrill screams.

Xiao Mengshan quickly opened her eyes and was shocked.

All the ropes tied to Lin Fei's body turned into pieces and fell off to the ground, while Reese and Bangjie's hand holding the sharp knife broke at the same time, revealing Bai Sensen's broken bone. The most terrible thing is that the sharp knives of the two people were stuck on their left shoulders.

Blood gurgling out, instant red clothes.

This -

is too exaggerated!

This -

is terrible!

This -

is too cruel!

So much so that the pride in the eyes of Reese and Bangjie was still written on their faces. They seemed to see the pain of the moment when Linfei was stabbed.

Two people's cry, more pain under the effect of instinctive call, they did not realize that all this happened.

However, facts are facts.

And it's even more tragic.

The next second, Lin Fei's right leg is like a broom, sweeping across the ground.



There were two sounds of bone fracture. Reese and Bangjie, who were more than ten centimeters higher than Lin Fei, suddenly became shorter and ten centimeters lower.

Ah, ah, ah!

At the moment, the two people's faces did not have the smile that had just solidified, there were some sad cries, deformed facial features, twisted bodies, and gurgling blood.

Two people feel that the body is a light, the reporter's pain through the heart dare to spread all over the body, and then, their blood dyed the ground red.


Lin Fei yelled angrily, then made a fist with both hands and hit them in the abdomen like lightning.

Dong Dong!


Two people's bodies, like meteors, fell heavily for more than ten meters and landed on the ground, making a violent noise.

Lin Fei's body shakes quickly and comes to Xiao Mengshan.With the help of both hands, the rope that binds Xiao Mengshan is directly broken. Xiao Mengshan is free in an instant. Then the next second, she jumps into Lin Fei's arms.


Xiao Mengshan has been crying.

This moment, moved!

At this moment, fear!

This moment, steadfast!

Countless complex feelings flow through Xiao Mengshan's heart. She just wants to hold Lin Fei tightly, for fear of losing her hand.

Lin Fei didn't expect that Xiao Mengshan's reaction would be so intense, and his strong elasticity made it difficult for him to breathe -

too fast!

But I enjoyed it.

Xiao Mengshan's release made him unable to bear to push it away, so he let it hold tightly.

Hiding in the dark, ye Qiang and others react at the moment.

At that moment, Lin Feigang's action was beyond their imagination, beyond their cognition, so that there was no prevention at all. Now


Ye Qiang's voice is not big, but it's so cold and heartless when it comes to Jim and Deco through headphones.

Lin Fei and Xiao Mengshan don't know the crisis yet.

"Lin Fei, you big fool!"

"I am a fool, and you are not far away from me?" Lin Fei laughs.

Xiao Mengshan hugged her more tightly. "I hate you! You almost made me regret all my life

In a word, Lin Fei was moved.

He looks at Xiao Mengshan, just a red dot on her.


There was a buzz in Lin Fei's mind.

The next second, Lin Fei throws Xiao Mengshan to the ground.

Xiao Mengshan is still immersed in the dialogue between Lin Fei and her just now, and she is still thinking about whether to express herself to Lin Fei.

As a result, Lin Fei's body came down from the top.

this is not

Bang bang!

Three voices came from the air.

Xiao Mengshan didn't listen very clearly, but Lin Fei did.


Lin Fei's right arm was hit by a bullet.

The arm is like a blood bag, and the blood comes out directly.


Lin Fei has already called out at the moment.

Swish two sound close to the ear and scalp slip, because he knocked down Xiao Mengshan, dodged the other two head shot.

The hot and humid blood drops fell on Xiao Mengshan's white face. She had already closed her eyes. Xiao Mengshan, who wanted to let Lin Fei gallop, woke up in a flash, opened her eyes, and then could not control her fear.


The shrill cry pierced the darkness.

Lin Fei's body didn't press down. He held back the pain and hugged Xiao Mengshan. He turned over and began to roll towards the side.

Poof, poof!

Two more shots.


It's another sound that penetrates the body.

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