
Lin Fei uttered a very loud and miserable cry.

It was late afternoon, and there was no one around nameless island.

Otherwise, I don't know how many people will be frightened by this noise.

Rao is so scared that Xiao Mengshan hugs Lin Fei and shakes all over.

After this sound, the nameless island was quiet, only the sound of the sea beating on the reef under the island was still loud, one after another, as if trying to break and overturn the reef, as if trying to show the vastness of the sea and the insignificance of Lin Fei to the nameless island.

Lin Fei and Xiao Mengshan are exposed to the sniper guns of Jim and others, just like the nameless island in front of the sea. It seems that a huge wave may overturn it and completely disappear.

Xiao Mengshan is in a hurry. She wants to get up to see Lin Fei's wound, but Lin Fei presses her under her body.

"Don't move!"

Xiao Mengshan has tears on her face and looks anxiously at Lin Fei. She doesn't know why.

Lin Fei's forehead was covered with sweat and seemed to be in great pain.

Lin Fei nodded to her and blinked.

Xiao Mengshan is more confused.

"Ouch! My arm and leg are hurt and I can't move

Lin Fei suddenly cried out in his voice.

This sound completely confused Xiao Mengshan.

This sound made Ye Qiang and others happy.


Xiao Mengshan hugs Lin Fei and cries out. She is very sad.

Hiding in the dark, ye Qiang and Jim take a long breath, and their eyes are full of irony.

No matter how powerful you are, what can you do? Isn't it worse than a gun?

Lin Fei's attack on Bangjie and Reese just now deeply shocked them -



Even cruel!

"Keep sniping!"

Ye Qiang clenched his hands into fists, gritted his teeth in front of the earphone, and yelled hard.

The Revenge of the Ye family must be avenged.

However, Jim and Deco yelled in the middle of the Mike, "no!"

"Ye, we are mercenaries for the purpose of killing people. However, what we want more today is to blow up Lin Fei, avenge Bangjie and Reese, and let the woman see what kind of man is the real man."

Jim went on very haughtily.

"No! That's too dangerous. It's better to kill Lin Fei... "

Ye Qiang's words have not finished, Jim and Deco and other three people have jumped down from the tree.

The tall body, just as the setting sun shines on the body, seems to be dyed with a layer of red light, so that Jim and Deco are like three gods from the sky.

Extraordinary momentum!


And the heavy landing sound surprised Lin Fei and Xiao Mengshan.

"Who are you?"

Lin Fei covered his injured arm, dragged his legs, sat up a little straight, and asked harshly.

Xiao Mengshan has been pulled behind by Lin Fei and blocked by her body.

Jim and Deco and other three people, three guns, the muzzle of the black hole aimed at Lin Fei.

Jim shook his body, and a bloodthirsty sneer came out of the corner of his mouth and said, "boy! You're good, but you're dead. "

Jim finished, a pair of fierce eyes staring at Lin Fei, seems to pull the trigger at any time possible.

Lin Fei did not speak this time, but looked at three people. "Tell me who is behind the scenes and let me die. I'll give you 200 billion."


Jim, Deco and others were stunned.

Just now, Lin Fei seduced Bangjie and Reese to tie them up. Isn't it because of 200 billion yuan?

Now, Lin Fei put it forward again.

"No way!" Ye Qiang was relatively cautious and didn't come out, shouting in the dark.

However, obviously in front of money, he Ye Qiang is nothing.

"It's Ye Qiang and the Zhao family who let us do it to you. You can close your eyes." Jim said, the gun has been aimed at Lin Fei. "Give me the money!"

"Wait! Who is Ye Qiang? "

"Don't say it!" Ye Qiang's voice rang out in Jim's ear.

Jim sneered and turned his head to see ye Qiang's hidden direction. "Ye, do you want to be a coward? Come out, he's hurt, and we have three guns at him. What are you afraid of? "

Hiding in the dark, ye Qiang smashed the ground with his fist, scolded angrily, stood up and came out.

Lin Fei looked up and saw that he was about 1.75 meters tall. His body didn't look strong, but he could see that his whole body was full of strength from his actions.

His face was painted with camouflage, and he could not see his true colors clearly, but his eyes were as sharp as eagles, full of hatred and murderous spirit.

"Who are you from the Ye family?"


Ye Qiang asked.His heart was full of desolation.

Ye Qiang is the child of Ye Guangyi's father, ye Fengdong. To be exact, in the eyes of others in the Ye family, he is ye Fengdong's illegitimate son, ye Guangyi's and ye Guangshen's younger brother and ye Chen's uncle.

However, when he was sorting out his mother's belongings, he found a diary, which actually recorded the relationship between her and ye Guangyi.

This pair of Ye Qiang has been hit hard. However, later, he received a paternity test, which turned out to be from ye Kun. His genetic similarity with Ye Kun has reached 99%. It turns out that he is Ye Kun's son.

So, at the moment, Lin Fei asked this sentence, which made him feel particularly difficult to answer, and even more hot.

"Lin Fei, cut the crap! Ye Guangyi is my elder brother. Today is the day of your death! " Ye Qiang can only use the most high sounding words to explain.

"I didn't expect that ye's family still had a fish like you Lin Fei's face was calm.

"Lin Fei, you, you want to die!" Ye Qiang was obviously infuriated by Lin Fei's words, and his face was as angry as pig liver.

In his eyes, Lin Fei is a dying man.

A dying man, what right do you have to shout here?

In addition, in the face of death, you don't think about death, and you still ridicule yourself for missing the net. It's just intensifying the contradiction, it's just looking for death, and you want to die quickly.

Since I want to die, I'll help you.

Ye Qiang has a sharp knife in his hand.

Compared with Jim and others who like to use guns, he now wants to stab Lin Fei to death with a knife. He wants to stab Lin Fei into a bloody man and a cave man.

"Ye Qiang, in order to deal with me, you kidnapped Xiao Mengshan. It's really hard work!"

Wen Yan.

All four laughed wildly.

After half a minute, ye Qiang's voice suddenly rang out, "Lin Fei, you overestimate yourself. It's just that we've done it together

"Your goal has been achieved. What benefits does the Zhao family give you? Now I can release Xiao Mengshan. I will meet all your requirements. " Lin Fei squinted around. "

" meet all our requirements, right? " Deco came out.

He is a blonde, nearly two meters tall, strong man like a cow.

The corners of his mouth are wearing a wretched smile. What he is staring at is not Xiao Mengshan, but Lin Fei. To be exact, it is Lin Fei's body.

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