"Lin Fei, long Nu hung up before I finished. What should I do now?" Xiao Mengshan thought that Lin Fei's words had not finished. She looked at Lin Fei and asked anxiously.

"Nothing! According to what I said, they killed each other because I dished out 200 billion yuan and divided the spoils unevenly. " Lin Fei raised his lips slightly and said to Xiao Mengshan.

"Mm-hmm!" Xiao Mengshan nodded.

At the moment, she is as proud as ever. It's a complete loss of her baby.

In fact, she's not to blame for all this. After all, she killed people.

In China, if someone kills someone, he has to be investigated by law. Lin Fei doesn't know what he's going to get into and how long he'll be entangled. Thinking of Zhao's revenge, Xiao Mengshan naturally listens to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei stood up and threw Jim's body, which had no head on the ground, directly into the sea with his legs in his arms.

Then deco, along with the injured banger and Reese.

Finally, the whole island, in addition to blood, is Lin Fei and Xiao Mengshan two people.

Looking at Lin Fei dealing with all this, Xiao Mengshan's eyes are full of complexity and tension, but they all hold back.

Lin Feigang just because of exerting too much force, the wound bleeding again, sitting on the ground breathing, want to control the bleeding.

Xiao Mengshan looked around and didn't have a proper hemostatic tool.

He looked down at his skirt, stood up and put his hand into it.

Lin Fei, who is hemostatic, is shocked to see this scene.

"Mengshan, you..."

Xiao Mengshan didn't speak, but her face was full of blush, her hands had been forced down quickly, and then the upper part of the black silk stockings had been exposed from the skirt.

More and more down.

The black stockings receded, revealing the white and smooth slender legs inside.

Rao Shi Lin Fei is psychologically prepared, and even has seen it before. At this moment, watching her stoop to take off her stockings, she can't help but feel her heart beat faster, and even almost had a nosebleed!

Xiao Mengshan ignores Lin Fei's reaction directly. At last, she takes off her silk stockings directly and tears them apart from the middle to help Lin Fei bandage and stop bleeding.

Lin Fei looks at Xiao Mengshan, who is calm and attentive. His eyes are full of admiration.

A woman who saw a man kill several people with her own eyes was so calm that her heart was strong enough.

"Meng Shan, this is my first time to kill people!"

Lin Fei's eyes are clear, full of tenderness, and his tone is full of emotion, which makes Xiao Mengshan flustered.

She finally pressed down for chaos, as calm as possible, said: "I believe you!"

However, her face instantly more red, and then looked up to Lin Fei. "Thank you!"

"Why are you and I always so polite?" Lin Fei pretended to be relaxed.

"Because you gave it to me for the first time!"

Lin Fei


Seeing Lin Fei's face full of bitter smile and speechless, Xiao Mengshan couldn't help laughing and said playfully, "how about giving you my first time?"

Lin Fei's face became bitter melon in a moment!

"Why do you think it's bloody the first time?"

Xiaomengshan see Linfei eat shriveled, continue to tease.

Lin Fei is about to cry.

I'm being teased!

Once upon a time, he was the only one to tease Xiao Mengshan, but now he turns around!

This girl's full of love!

This is Lin Fei's final definition of Xiao Mengshan.

In fact, Xiao Mengshan does. This time, she wants Lin Fei to give her a response. Even if it's a false comfort, she can at least have a dream.

And for Lin Fei, this is the most difficult thing, because he can't really promise anything.

If he betrays Mu Xinxuan, what's the difference between Wang Mengyao's betrayal of him and Xiao Mengshan's betrayal.

"Lin Fei!" Xiao Mengshan suddenly smiles and shouts to Lin Fei.

"What's the matter?"

"Didn't you say that your dream was to find a female president like me? That's why you're so nice to me, right? " Xiao Mengshan said with a smile on her cold face.

This smile, almost let Lin Fei fall, too charming, too amorous feelings, simply the perfect woman to show.

Although Lin Fei admits 80% of Xiao Mengshan's words in his heart, he can't really admit it!

"Ha ha, I don't feel good for you!"

"Lin Fei, you..."

Xiao Mengshan felt that her clothes almost blew up.

This stinking man, how can he just refuse to admit it?

Are you so unattractive?

"You don't think I'm amorous, do you?" Xiao Mengshan clenched her lips and looked at Lin Fei with tears in her eyes.At this moment, she has an impulsive decision. If Lin Fei admits that she is amorous, she will

He looked at the sea without hesitation.

"There it is

"Lin Fei!"

Jiang Yu's voice just came, and so did Longnv's.

Lin Fei, who was worried, saw the Dragon Girl and Jiang Yu, turned his eyes, covered his wound and cried out: "Ouch! It's killing me

After shouting, she leans to Xiao Mengshan, even her head is in the most comfortable position.

Xiao Mengshan was so angry that she even decided to witness her love with her death. Unexpectedly, Longnu and Jiang Yu happened to arrive. Thinking of Lin Fei's previous arrangement, she could only suppress her anger.

"Lin Fei! Wake up! Wu Wu... "

Who can't act?

Xiao Mengshan's performance is also realistic.

Jiang Yu and long Nu, who were already in a state of great anxiety, saw this scene and rushed over in two steps instead of three.

"How's the wound?" See Lin Fei's arms and legs wrapped in black stockings, blood has been dyed red stockings, concern asked.

"A lot of blood, I don't know what's going on?"

"Search around now!" Jiang Yu turned to look behind him, the police ordered.

As soon as the Dragon Girl bent down, she picked up Lin Fei. "Xiao Mengshan, can you walk by yourself?"

Xiao Mengshan nodded.

"Jiang Yu, I'll take Lin Fei away first, and I'll leave it to you."

Then he turned and left.

Jiang Yu is also in a hurry.

She is also concerned about Lin Fei's safety. "You are in charge of the search. I'll take Lin Fei to the hospital in a police car."

Jiang Yu turned to look at the other police and ordered.

"Yes Other policemen have seen Lin Fei and Jiang Yu in the canteen of the police station for a long time, and they know that Lin Fei donated 50 million yuan to repair the circuit in their branch, which is naturally transparent.

In this way, three women and Lin Fei went down the mountain together.

Inside the police car!

"Just these two wounds?" Seeing that Lin Fei is covered with blood, the Dragon girl looks at Xiao Mengshan and asks.

"I think so." She really didn't know this problem. Lin Fei directed her to dress these two places.

At the moment, Lin Fei is in a coma, and she doesn't know.

"Take it off and check it out!" Jiang Yu, the driver, said with concern.

A strip test?

Longnu and Xiao Mengshan were both surprised.

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