
Surprise may be more for Xiao Mengshan, but it's nothing for Longnu. Years of fighting have made her forget men and women, only the lives of her comrades in arms.

Lin Fei is the object of her protection. Why not her comrades in arms?

The Dragon girl gave a simple response, her hands were already strong, and she tore Lin Fei's T-shirt in half, revealing her strong body.

Xiao Mengshan's eyes swept through Lin Fei's body muscles, and her face suddenly turned red.

And Longnu didn't seem to care about it at all. It was more like she didn't see it.

Hands again a force, hiss, the whole pants have been torn.

At the moment, there was only a pair of small white underpants whose right side was stained red with blood.

The Dragon girl looked there, with a smile on her mouth, and then hesitated.

Xiao Mengshan just looked at it, blushed immediately, and quickly removed her eyes.

Just now only she and Lin Fei could have no scruples. Now in front of Longnu and Jiang Yu, she can't say what she said just now, let alone do something to take off.

Jiang Yu saw the two women in the rearview mirror. They didn't start. They were in a hurry! "Take it off! It's important to save people! "

"Why don't you take it off?" The Dragon girl looks at Jiang Yu and asks.


The emergency brake rings. Jiang Yu has stopped. He unfastens his seat belt, opens the car door, jumps out of the car and walks towards the rear door.

Xiao Mengshan stares at the beautiful eyes and looks at the river rain coming. She says in her heart, "can't you really take off the light? Isn't that right? "

Dragon Girl's eyes flashed a smile at the moment, looking at Jiang Yu, there is no stop.

Of course she can take off, but she really wants to see how Jiang Yu cares about Lin Fei.

"Dragon Girl, you really make me look down on you. It's important to save people now. What do you care about others?" Jiang Yu's mumbling hand has been put on it.

At the moment, as long as the force, Lin Fei will be completely naked in front of the three women.

Long Nu and Xiao Mengshan don't look away. Long Nu wants to see how Jiang Yu takes off. Xiao Mengshan is really concerned and worried about the injured parts.

At the moment, the most nervous is not the three women, but Lin Fei.

He has been pretending to be in a coma. When the Dragon Girl undressed him, he was already very embarrassed and embarrassed. Now his heart has begun to feel up and down.

And Jiang Yu put his hand on the moment, let Lin Fei can't help but play a soul stirring.

"Jiang Yu, take it off quickly!" Dragon girl saw the change, heart dark joy, in one side urged way.

Jiang Yu's eyes are all concerned about Lin Fei, but he really doesn't care about Lin Fei's change. His hand strength will be enlarged, and he will take off in the next second.

Lin Fei is anxious. Is this happiness?

It's happy to be cared by three women.

But it's absolutely unfortunate to be undressed like this.


Helpless, had to issue a different cry, and then opened his eyes, hands inadvertently raised, just to seize the underwear.

"Lin Fei, where did you get hurt?" Jiang Yu sees that Lin Fei wakes up with a look of joy on his face and asks Lin Fei.

"Legs and arms hurt." Lin Fei responds quickly.

He can't continue to pretend now, otherwise the result is likely to be naked, so that he can't be a man in front of three women.


Jiang Yu took a breath.

In fact, she is also eager to save people, but also hard to take off.

"Lin Fei, what, you didn't get hurt there?" Finish saying, stare at Lin Fei man part to aim one eye.

It's just that it's OK not to look at it. It's full of anger and eyebrows standing up.

"Son of a bitch!"

"Big sex wolf!"

"You pervert!"

Jiang Yu couldn't control it any more, so he cursed it out crazily.

She is not a fool, just too concerned did not care, now see this scene, of course, know why, of course, guess what Lin Fei is thinking.

His face turned red to the root of his neck.


The Dragon girl burst out laughing.

It's OK not to laugh. This smile undoubtedly adds fuel to the fire.

"Dragon Girl, you know that for a long time, don't you?"

Longnu didn't answer, but the laughter was bigger and she had already responded.

When Longnu saw the underwear for the first time, she knew there was no wound inside.

If there is a wound, the blood flows out, it will make the underwear all have blood, wet through, and then the blood spreads downward.

And the bloodstain on Lin Fei's underwear is just in the middle of the right side, which is obviously the result of the blood soaking on it.

The Dragon Girl with rich experience has a clear mind, so she deliberately refuses to give up.

She wants to test Xiao Mengshan and Jiang Yu, but Jiang Yu is fooled.


Lin Fei cried in his heart. His eyes turned and he began to cry.

"Dead Lin Fei! Do you want to cry? "Thinking of his concern for Lin Fei, he was cheated by this guy. Jiang yuhen's teeth itched and swore.

"Pain! How painful it is Lin Fei didn't dare to say anything else, so he had to cry for pain. He believed that as long as he cried for pain, Jiang Yu's anger and Longnu's jokes would all be put down.

Sure enough!

Jiang Yu gave a cold hum, jumped out of the car, returned to the driver's seat and started the car.

"Long Nu, call Qin Feng and ask if he can take out the bullet. If he can, I won't go to the hospital." Lin Fei see river rain no longer entangled, put down heart, look to Dragon said.

Said: "after a few seconds of silence, I don't understand the meaning of the phone call to the hotel."

Jiang Yu just nodded and didn't speak.

At the moment, her mind was still the scene she had just seen, the feeling of shame.

Xiao Mengshan didn't speak. She sat beside Lin Fei, holding Lin Fei's hand. Her eyes were full of concern and tenderness.

Long Nu's eyes have been staring at Lin Fei's eyes, the corners of her mouth show a smile with deep meaning.

Half an hour later, the police car stopped at the gate of Huatian Hotel.

At the moment, Mu Xinxuan, Siyu, Ruo Xue, Qin Feng and Ma Xiaotian have already been waiting downstairs.

When Longnu called, Mu Xinxuan and others were together at that time. Qin Feng's call was hands-free, so naturally they all heard it.

Although Longnu didn't say who was injured on the phone, she just asked if she could take out the bullet, but this sentence has already let these people know who was injured, otherwise the caller must be Lin Fei.

The three women were in a hurry at that time. They ran downstairs and waited for their return.

Just as the car stopped, a group of Hula people gathered around it.

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