The door opened and Longnu and Xiao Mengshan jumped down from both sides.

A group of people's eyes fell on Lin Fei, who was almost naked. In addition to his bloody underwear, he had hemostatic black stockings on his arms and legs.

This one mu, very embarrassed indeed.

But it does hurt.


Siyu cried directly.

Although Mu Xinxuan and Ruo Xue did not cry directly, their eyes were red,

"ah! You say I'm handsome, women like it. This mosquito also likes to drink my blood. It's really irritating

Lin Fei, with a relaxed face, sat up and was about to get off.

"Boss! Don't move Ma Xiaotian pressed Lin Fei's leg and said.

Qin Feng also ran over. "Boss, we'll take you upstairs."

Lin Fei glared at two people and said: "I was bitten by a mosquito. Why are you so neurotic?"

Siyu has already cried. If she is not a little more relaxed, Mu Xinxuan and Ruo Xue will have to cry too?

That's why he was relaxed, but he didn't expect that these two guys had no vision.

"Boss, you hurt your leg. It's a big injury. In case your leg can't be used in the future, don't you hate us both?" Ma Xiaotian winks at Lin Fei, with a bad smile on his face. He deliberately accents his leg words, and his eyes sweep over his only underwear.

At first, people didn't understand.

The legs don't work?

The curiosity of the women present has just risen, and they have already tasted it.

Shua! My face is red to the root of my neck!

Ladies and sisters?

The woman's heart is sweet, and Lin Fei's heart is burning with anger.

Is this still a man?

Don't you see you're in deep water?

If Lin Fei is not injured, he really wants to abuse Ma Xiaotian.

"Boss, it's good for me to take out the bullet with peace of mind, smooth blood flow and relaxed muscles." Qin Feng also advised with a smile on his face.

It's just a smile with deep meaning.

Lin Fei was almost furious by the two people.

"There's not so much nonsense. Hurry to lift people up!" The Dragon girl spoke to one side.

"Yes Qin Feng and Ma Xiaotian agree and lift Lin Fei into the hotel.

Qin Feng and Ma Xiaotian take Lin Fei to a temporary operating room room that has been prepared for a long time. There are all kinds of Western medicine surgical drugs and instruments, and some traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture instruments beside them.

When Lin Fei was put away, Qin Feng looked at Mu Xinxuan and others and said with a smile, "ladies and sisters, wait a moment. I'll let the boss come out with you later."

Mu Xinxuan's face was only slightly red, but no one scolded him, so he took the initiative to withdraw.

Only Qin Feng and Ma Xiaotian stayed, and Ma Xiaotian acted as a temporary assistant.

Qin Feng untied the stockings. The wound was red and swollen. It was already very high. A small round hole was exposed outside. The surrounding muscles had begun to turn black, and the meat was turning outward, like a big mouth opening.

"M40 sniper rifle, left shooting direction, should not be shooting you at that time."

Qin Feng looked at Lin Fei's left arm and said.

Lin Fei is not only surprised by Qin Feng's analysis, but also surprised that Qin Feng is not only familiar with sniper guns, but can analyze the current situation through wounds.

In fact, the shot was not directed at him, but at Xiao Mengshan's heart.

If you shoot at Lin Fei, there will be no serious injury in this direction. Sniping is of little significance.

"The eldest brother is really a lover. He has sacrificed his life to save others. It is estimated that Xiao Dong's heart is completely tied to you."

Qin Feng said with a smile, his eyes fell on Lin Fei's legs.

However, this time, Qin Feng's eyes were round and did not speak.

"Qin Feng, what are you doing?" Ma Xiaotian took a look at the wound. It was almost the same as the wound above. He couldn't help saying.

"Boss! You got this shot on purpose Qin Feng looks at Lin Fei and says.

Lin Fei looks at Qin Feng and his eyes are round again.

The wind of Qin shocked him again.

In fact, this shot was deliberately shot by Lin Fei.

At that time, he wanted to use this method to lead out the sniper and others. If not, Xiao Mengshan would be in danger at any time.

Otherwise, with his skill, he will not be hurt.

"How do you see that?"

Lin Fei asked curiously.

"The muscle of your arm is red and swollen, and it turns out to be bigger, but the wound of your leg is obviously smaller, which indicates that the muscle of this part of you contracted at that time, and you have made preparations, even deliberately preventing bullets from entering."

Lin Fei gives Qin Feng a thumbs up. He is worthy of being a traditional Chinese medicine. He hopes that he has reached the peak.

"Qin Feng, you are so awesome! However, don't blow it. I'd better get the bullet for the boss as soon as possible! " Ma Xiaotian is also shocked by Qin Feng's medical skills, but he still urges Lin Fei to think of his pain.Qin Feng nodded, no more nonsense, picked up the scalpel, instantly became a western medicine expert, has begun surgery to get bullets.


"Meng Shan, how did you get kidnapped?" Mu Xinxuan asked, looking at Xiao Mengshan, who was disheveled, covered with mud, messy hair, and full of tears.

Xiao Mengshan is ashamed to think of Lin Fei's injury. "Sister mu, I'm sorry. I'm the one who implicated Lin Fei."

"Meng Shan, what are you talking about? Don't say it's you, it's any of us. Facing danger, Lin Fei will come forward to save us. " Mu Xinxuan said with a smile.

"Yes! His temper, you don't know, is a natural love. But it's very manly! " Siyu chimed in.

"Don't think about it. If he doesn't save you, he won't be Lin Fei." The Dragon Girl patted Xiao Mengshan on the shoulder and comforted her.

Xiao Mengshan nodded, and a smile of shame appeared on her delicate face. "Here's the thing..."

Xiao Mengshan talked about why she wanted to go out and the whole process of the accident.

"Yes! How is Rongrong now? " When Xiao Mengshan talked about the accident, she thought of Li Rongrong and asked.

"It has been rescued in the hospital. Fortunately, your car is in good condition, and all the airbags pop out. There is no danger to life, but it needs to be treated for several months." Jiang Yu is familiar with the situation and says.


Xiao Mengshan took a long breath.

In the heart of Lin Fei killed Ye Qiang and others more hate, otherwise will feel more sorry for Li Rongrong.

Next, a few women you a I said, the central meaning is why to kidnap Xiao Mengshan, who wants to kidnap Xiao Mengshan.

Xiao Mengshan is very clever. She answers according to Lin Fei's explanation in advance. What's uncertain is that she doesn't know. Although Jiang Yu is worried, she has no way.

Half an hour later, Qin Feng and Ma Xiaotian came out.

"How's it going?" The women surrounded Qin Feng and asked.


Ma Xiaotian took the lead in sighing, with a dignified expression.

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