"You have a chance now, otherwise don't blame me for firing you directly." Although Lin Fei's words make Xiao Mengshan unhappy, she still takes out the authority of the chairman, looks at the front desk and the security guard, and says harshly.

Although it's summer now, Xiao Mengshan's voice is like the stimulation of the cold winter in their ears. They can't help shivering, and their forehead begins to sweat.

Although Xiao Tian was nervous at the bottom of his heart, his face was still normal and he was full of confidence.

"As Xiao Dong said just now, this is your last chance. If you don't grasp it, you will miss it." Lin Fei said with a smile.


Still silence!

"Forget it! Fat security guard, you say it, for your sake, you can do things. No matter what the result is, I will guarantee that you will have no worries about your position. " Lin Fei looked at the security guard who collected his own money and performed wisely.

Xiao Mengshan turns her head and looks at Lin Fei. Her face is very cold.

It seems that the position of the chairman of the board is not the same as that of the intern.

The fat guard next to him is sweating now.

Say it and you'll lose your job.

Don't say it, Lin Fei said his money, is also a rice bowl.

It's better to fight for an opportunity than to do so.

"Chairman, Lin Fei didn't lie. I stopped Lin Fei at the door after receiving a call from director Xiao. It's all arranged by director Xiao. "


Fat security's words are like a bomb exploding on the spot. Xiao Tian's face is incredible. How dare he betray himself?

"Wang Pang, don't you want to quit?" Xiao Tian asked coldly.

The fat security guard gave a wry smile and took out the money Lin Fei just gave him from his pocket. He went to Lin Fei and said sincerely, "Mr. Lin, it's not easy for you to give this money to you. You are reluctant to buy clothes. In order to be decent, you have to bribe us."

Lin Fei was stunned.

Xiao Mengshan and others were stunned at first, then they all understood that it was the meizishuang group that Lin Fei took money into.

Xiao's teeth are itching in the weather. It's really a wonderful flower. Poor people even bribe with money and let their own people be punished. You say this face is beaten!

In addition to Zhang Tianze, no one knows how rich Lin Fei is. In their eyes, Lin Fei is a bumpkin.

Including Xiao Mengshan.

Ha ha

"Your name is Wang Pang, isn't it?" Lin Fei patted the fat security guard on the shoulder and asked.


"Yes! Although you are tactful and sophisticated, you are still kind-hearted. If you know how to collect money, I will give you a chance to continue to be your security guard. "


Lin Fei's words made everyone confused.

Xiao Mengshan subconsciously looked up at the golden characters on the hall. There was no mistake. It said meizishuang group.

How does Lin Fei make it like he is the chairman of the board?

"I, I'll go! Really thick skinned, you think you can bribe a security guard to decide the appointment of company personnel? " Xiao Tian said with disdain.

Lin Fei ignored Xiao Tian, turned to Xiao Mengshan and said, "Xiao Dong, I'd like you to call the members of the board of directors to hold the board of directors immediately."


Xiao Mengshan asked in surprise.

"Call a board of directors."

Ha ha

"You, you are not mistaken. You can decide to hold a board meeting?" Xiao Tian couldn't control it any more. He said with a wild smile.

Although Xiao Mengshan didn't speak any more, she began to shake her head and completely rejected Lin Fei.

"Zhang Tianze, do you think my proposal is right?" Lin Fei smiles and asks Zhang Tianze.

Zhang Tianze closed his eyes tightly. No matter whether the real Lin Fei entered the villa or not, it seems that the equity must be in Lin Fei, otherwise he would not make this request.

"Mr. Lin is qualified to propose, and it should be held immediately."


This time even Xiao Mengshan called out.

"Mr. Xiao, I forgot to say that I now have 20% of the shares of the company. I am a major shareholder of the company. I want to re elect the board of directors."

Lin Fei throws a heavy bomb again.


Everyone in the hall took a breath. How could it be?

Xiao Mengshan is even more so.

Lin Fei, she has seen this person's file. He came from a rural area. Where did he get the money to buy 20% shares of his own company?

However, if he said so himself, and even Zhang Tianze said so, it shows that he really has a sense of responsibility.

Completely subvert her thinking.

"Zhang Dong, do you agree with Lin Fei's suggestion?"

Facing Xiao Mengshan, Zhang Tianze nodded helplessly and agreed.

"Since Mr. Zhang is also the proposal, call a meeting of the board of directors." Xiao Mengshan returned to normal and said on the spot."Xiao Dong, how about postponing the meeting with interns and meeting again after the board meeting?"


Xiao Mengshan's original intention is to see Lin Fei. Now that she has met Lin Fei, she has given up. The meeting is of little significance. Lin Fei naturally agrees with this proposal.

"Let's go to the conference room!" Xiao Mengshan finished and walked towards the elevator.


Suddenly there was a loud noise from the front desk.

Xiao Mengshan stopped and looked back.

Two bundles of red tickets are on the counter.

Two front desk immediately two eyes shine, show greedy, want to kneel in front of Lin Fei now to kneel for him to lick.

Big shareholder of the group!

Low key rich!

"Wang Pang, here's the money." Lin Fei suddenly looked at the fat security guard and said.

The two receptionists were immediately eclipsed.

"They were close to you two, but you don't know how to cherish them."

Lin Fei said, turned to the elevator.

Leave a broken ground.

The two receptionists almost regret their death, and even hate Xiao Tian.

I didn't get the money and I was fired.

Otherwise, don't they have a chance to get rich?

"Xiao Tian, you played with me in bed, and now you lose my job. Chairman, you must fire him! "

"Xiao Tian is the company's lecheron. We don't know how many sisters are hidden by him."

"If Xiao Tian is not removed, meizishuang group will be in trouble."


Stimulated by Lin Fei's money, the two receptionists begin to expose Xiao Tian's evil deeds one after another.

Xiao Tian's face is indescribable. Xiao Mengshan's whole body is cold. Only Lin Fei is at ease.

"Lin Fei, even if you have 20% shares, you can't be the chairman or even vice chairman. What can you do with me?"

Xiao Tian was stimulated by Lin Fei's expression and yelled angrily.

"You are too short-sighted!"

"You are so conceited!"

"You, wait for me to surprise you!"

Lin Fei raised his mouth slightly and said with a bad smile.

"Lin Fei, wait for your dream to come to nothing Xiao Tian stood behind him and exclaimed unconvinced.

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