"Be quiet!" Xiao Mengshan cheered angrily.

It's not quiet in the elevator, it's still quarreling, it's really irritating.

Zhang Tianze has been quiet, even Lin Fei can't guess what medicine is sold in his gourd?

Xiao Tian is quiet.

Lin Fei doesn't speak any more, but he looks at Xiao Mengshan and this woman. She has a lot of temperament and President style. If she works as a Secretary for herself, she can sleep at ease every day.

Xiao Mengshan's mind is all about the upcoming board meeting. Where did Lin Fei's 20% share come from?

Zhang Tianze's state today is obviously not right. In the past, he has been very strong and even ambitious to replace himself as the chairman of the board of directors, but today there is a great contrast.

Twenty minutes later, in the meeting room of meizishuang group, shareholders have entered one after another.

The shareholders of the board of directors are very familiar with each other and greet each other warmly after they come in.

Lin Fei, who is sitting on Xiao Mengshan's left hand side, is just a little surprised, especially his dress, which looks like a beggar.

However, behind him stood a very beautiful woman, about 1.7 meters tall, wearing a white shirt, black skirt, flesh colored stockings. Even compared with Xiao Mengshan beside Lin Fei, she was not bad.

It can even be said to be chunlanqiuju.

Especially the kind of purity of women, let the man see can not help but love.

She is -

Lin Ke'er.

When Lin Fei arrives at meizishuang, he calls her to come to meizishuang with shares.

Xiao Mengshan has seen Lin Fei's shares and knows it's Zhang Tianze's shares, which makes her very strange.

However, he did not ask.

Of course, she was also surprised that Lin Fei had such a beautiful woman beside her. For the first time, she felt that her brilliance had been robbed, and even had a kind of unconventionality in her heart.

Half an hour later, the meeting room was packed with people. In addition to Xiao Mengshan, Lin Fei and Zhang Tianze, there were more than 20 shareholders sitting here.

"Niece Meng Shan, Mr. Li hasn't come yet, so I'll take the time to talk with our shareholders. Is that ok?"

The speaker is a middle-aged man in his fifties who looks very gentle with his back combed and glasses on.

He is Xiao Mingzhe, Xiao Tian's father.

"Second uncle, people will be here soon. Don't worry so much?" Xiao Mengshan guessed what she wanted to do, and said with some dissatisfaction.

"After Mengshan's niece came to power, she made a bold move to remove all the people who were arranged by our directors in the company, which has made us blind. Is it too much for Lin Fei to be a director today?"

"My niece Meng Shan is a new official. She's a bully, OK! We won't talk about that. "

"But now even such a poor man can hold shares in the company. Is it too much to change the board of directors?" Xiao Mingzhe has received a call for help from his son, and has made a statement to support his son.

Although Xiao Mengshan didn't make a statement, in his opinion, they are all family members, so they want to seize the opportunity.

For a moment, Xiao Mengshan also had a headache. She didn't like to hold a board meeting, just wanted to avoid being accused. Today, the board meeting convened by Lin Fei has not started and has already bombarded her.

Xiao Mengshan is a little depressed.

As a returnee, she has always been very dissatisfied with meizishuang's family management mode, so after taking over as the chairman of the board, she carried out a drastic reform and moved other people's cheese. Many people are dissatisfied with her.

I didn't expect that at this time today, we didn't agree to study Lin Fei's affairs externally, but we were still leading to internal friction, which made her very unhappy.

Zhang Tianze, who has been silent, is secretly happy. He takes out his mobile phone and sends a message to Xiao Mingzhe.

When Xiao Mengshan was in a dilemma, Lin Fei spoke.

"This director, if you have anything to say, you'd better tell us all the problems left over by the history of your company."


Xiao Mengshan turns her head and stares at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei ignored it.

"It would be nice if she and her father had absolute control of the Mercosur group." Xiao Mengshan thought with a frown.

In fact, the Xiao family originally held the absolute control of meizishuang group, but due to an accident happened to his grandfather, his uncle Xiao Mingzhe took 15% of the shares, which made Xiao Mengshan and his father only 21% of the shares, barely becoming the largest shareholder.

As a result, their father and daughter own the most shares in meizishuang group, but they do not have absolute control. It is precisely because of this that they have been adopting a more accommodating policy towards other shareholders, in order to prevent them from uniting. In this way, meizishuang group is not the same as her father.

Now, her biggest worry is that her uncle Xiao Mingzhe will unite with others.

This is why Xiao Tian dares to be so presumptuous in meizishuang group.Now, another Lin Fei comes out. If she really cooperates with anyone, she is the chairman of the board

She doesn't miss this position, but it's the hard work of her grandfather all her life, especially when she thinks about his present situation.

All of a sudden, an idea came to Xiao Mengshan's mind -

if she combined with Lin Fei, wouldn't it?

"Uncle, in that case, you can talk with us and I'll go out." Xiao Mengshan finished and stood up with a smile.

When she passed by Lin Fei, she patted him on the back. The action was very hidden, no one saw it, but Lin Fei felt it.

After Xiao Mengshan closed the door, Lin Fei stood up and walked out naturally.

If Xiao Mengshan leaves, there are still people to pay attention to, on the one hand, the identity, on the other hand, in order to see more of her amazing appearance.

As for Lin Fei's going out, many people don't even bother to see it.

As soon as Lin Fei got outside, Xiao Mengshan's female secretary met her.

"Mr. Lin, Xiao Dong is waiting for you in the office."

Lin Fei nodded and walked behind the office.

As Lin Fei walked, he was thinking about what Xiao Mengshan told him to do?

Because his attention is on the thinking of this matter, he doesn't pay attention to the way ahead.

Secretary Xiao Mengshan has opened the door and is standing at the door, asking Lin Fei to go in.

Lin Fei walked in naturally.

Xiao Mengshan sees the door open and knows that Lin Fei is coming. In order to cooperate, she takes the initiative to meet her.

Results -

Lin Fei bumped into Xiao Mengshan.

As he lowered his head, his forehead just touched Xiao Mengshan's mouth.

Xiao Mengshan was just about to speak.


It turned into a crisp kiss.


Xiao Mengshan, ashamed and afraid, fell back.

Lin Fei saw that he came forward in a hurry. In a hurry, he went to the waist with his left hand and pulled with his right hand.


A clear sound, followed by a burst of

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