chilly breeze!

However, it's not Lin Fei, but Xiao Mengshan!

Her vest is broken, her underwear is torn, revealing the inside


What a scream!


"Which brand of clothes is this? The quality is too poor. We should complain about it."

As he spoke, Lin Fei turned his back to Xiao Mengshan.

Xiao Mengshan's soul was just set. Looking at Lin Fei, she felt very depressed.

However, fortunately, the secretary is very careful and the door is closed. Otherwise, I don't know what the consequence will be.

As for Lin Fei, although he had a worse impression, he secretly admired him. He was quick to respond and was a gentleman. He turned around quickly instead of taking advantage of others' danger.

Xiao Mengshan didn't dare to stay, so she hurried into the office suite. Fortunately, there were spare clothes in it. After the quick change, she came out.

When facing Lin Fei again, his face was cold again. It seemed that nothing had happened just now.

Don't be surprised in case of chaos!

Lin Fei praised himself.

"Xiao Dong, what can I do for you?"

"I hope you can help me, Mr. Lin?"

"What's up?"

Lin Fei looks at Xiao Mengshan with a serious face and is full of curiosity.

"You have 20% of the shares, second only to me and my father. I hope Mr. Lin will remain neutral."


"Meizishuang is the crystallization of my grandfather's life. I don't want this company to have problems."


"Thank you very much."

Xiao Mengshan didn't expect Lin Fei to be so happy. For the first time, a smile appeared on her cold face.

"I have a condition, too." Lin Fei raised his hand suddenly to signal Xiao Mengshan to calm down.

"Go ahead, please." Although Xiao Mengshan was curious, she was still a courteous guest.

"You are my Secretary!"


Xiao Mengshan, who had always been calm, stood up with a cry.

"Mr. Lin, I wonder if you are mistaken?"

Xiao Mengshan tries to calm her surprise. She looks at Lin Fei and asks suspiciously.

"No. I'll take the post of chairman of meizishuang, and you'll be the Secretary... "

"No way!"

Before Lin Fei finished speaking, Xiao Mengshan's face seemed to be frozen.

Lin Fei can even feel the sound of ice residue in his heart.


"Xiao Dong, I hope you can seriously consider my proposal."

Lin Fei finished, stood up, nodded, opened the door and left.

Xiao Mengshan sat in her seat, her face turning blue with anger.

Since taking office, Zhang Tianze and his uncle Xiao Mingzhe have been planning for the position of chairman of the board of directors. Today, an intern who just didn't stay turned into a major shareholder and even wanted to be chairman of the board of directors. The most unacceptable thing is to let his own chairman be his secretary.

It's not humiliating. What are you doing?


Three minutes later, Lin Fei returned to the conference room.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Mengshan returned to the conference room.

As soon as she entered the meeting room, she saw her uncle Xiao Mingzhe's face full of smiles and looked at her. Her small eyes had narrowed into a line because she was happy.

Other shareholders in the house are very calm sitting there, leisurely drinking tea, a look like watching a play.

As for Lin Fei, sitting in his original position, his eyes closed slightly, and he had nothing to do with himself.

"Niece Mengshan, I just learned that the shares of chairman Zhang Tianze were bought by Lin Fei. According to the stock trading regulations, the equity transfer should be purchased by the internal shareholders first, so I think it is illegal to deal with Zhang Tianze's shares."

"Xiao Dong, if you want to buy my shares, I am willing to give priority to you rather than outsiders."

As soon as Xiao Mingzhe expressed his doubt, Zhang Tianze immediately said that he was willing to sell it to the company's internal shareholders.

One song and one harmony.

Originally, Lin Fei closed his eyes and suddenly opened them. His black eyes shot two cold lights.

He finally understood why Zhang Tianze had been so polite to himself all the time, paralyzing himself and making arrogant plans.

Xiao Mengshan has a bad impression of Lin Fei. She is naturally happy to hear the doubt. "Mr. Lin, regarding the transfer of Zhang Tianze's shares, my opinion is to give priority to internal purchase. Therefore, I don't think your purchase method is suitable and suggest to cancel the transaction."

Hearing this, Zhang Tianze's face became more joyful.

In order to achieve this goal, I contacted Xiao Mingzhe last night and promised him 5% of the shares, so I got support.

Therefore, Lin Fei does not propose to hold a board meeting today, and Zhang Tianze and others will also hold it.

"Zhang Tianze, you are a bit out of the ordinary, even a little cheeky." Lin Fei said unhappily."Mr. Lin, do you feel glorious when you buy my stock at half price?" Zhang Tianze swept before the respect, eyes full of disdain asked.

"We've all been to school, and we all know that mistakes are punishable, right?" Lin Fei looked around and asked.

Nobody's paying attention. It's cold.

"The so-called son does not teach, the father's fault. Didn't you find Zhang Qi out today? Zhang Qi has been in the Public Security Bureau, and it's because of criminal cases. Maybe many of you don't know? "

As soon as Lin Fei spoke, the scene was filled with surprise.

Including Xiao Mengshan, they all look at Zhang Tianze.

Zhang Tianze's face is as gloomy as water, his eyes are shrinking, and a little cold light shoots at Lin Fei like a sword, hoping to pierce his heart.

"I'm sure you're curious about the reason. I'll talk about it all, kidnapping! Conspire with others to kidnap me! "


As soon as the words came out, the curious people at the scene couldn't help inhaling.

Serious nature!

Maybe it will be useless in this life!

"Lin Fei, even if you punish Zhang Qi and retaliate against him, now Zhang Tianze voluntarily sells his shares to shareholders first, and your business is illegal." Xiao Mingzhe already knew what had happened, thought of the promise of 5% shares, and immediately stood up to defend Zhang Tianze.

"Shareholders? Are these people shareholders? "

Lin Fei pointed to the people in the meeting room.

Xiao Mengshan was still thinking about the reasons for Lin Fei's practice. Hearing this, she couldn't help raising her hand and touching her forehead -

she didn't understand anything!

"Ha ha, Lin Fei, you are such a poor loser that you don't know anything. How to be a shareholder without shares, and how to be a member of the board of directors without shareholders. "

"Oh, so they all have a lot of shares?" Lin Fei asked.

"At least one percent."

When other shareholders heard this, they all straightened up and showed a proud smile on their faces.

"Do they all have the right to buy?"

"Of course!"

"Lin Fei, everyone here has the right to buy, but only you."

"What can I do with your insidious calculation? I'm not ready to take it out now?"

"Lin Fei, you must return it to me today."

Zhang Tianze looks at Lin Fei, straight and domineering.

"Then look at me. What's this?"

Lin Fei finished, Lin Ke'er put a file bag in front of Xiao Mengshan.

It caught everyone's eyes in an instant.

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